Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/1574

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1538 INDEX. Page. _ _ Page. Gorgas. Albert C'., Grand Jlarais. Murn., _ payment of judgment of Court of Claimf to 594 Gqappéoprianiosn gr improvement of harbor . 40. ,G0rin, James H'.. an ap: , ac I, payment to administrator of 1320 made a port of delivery Z . I .. 166 Gorman, Frank B., immechate transportauon pr1v1l_eges to. . . 166 deficiency a propriation for services . 928 surveyor of customs to be appomted . 167 Garsuch, Iwlgam P., ° Grand River, Mich.. payment to . 1060 appropriation for survey of . 428 Goss, Joel J., Grand iver, M0., interest of United States in lands in appropriation for survey of .. . . . . 429 Georgia released .. 1033 Grand onde Agency, _ Goss, Hiram M, 090 appropriation for pay of Inchan agengu 9% usion . . . . 1 at ... ‘ , L Gm, James E., for S'l1 I"5, etc., Indians at ,. 232, 997 pension increased ... 1129 Grant, A t, _ _ _ Gott. Russell, _ deiiciency appropriation for interest on _ payment to admimstrator of 1228 gidgment of Court of Claims .. 590 Gould, Esther, 1285 Grcmt,_ cwmuh H. (mother), 1091 nsion .. . . pension Gofld, Strong and Company, Grant and Company, paglment of judgment of Court of Claims to 61 Gypayénieng (Ag judgment of Court of Claims to 26 Goru y, 0 n A., an cm on, _ paymerp to . 1322 G paymcent of juplgcnnent of Court of Claims to 26 G mix, ucien, mnt ounty, n ., glayment to. ... . ... . . . . 1195 appropriation for establishing new branch Government Hospital for the Insane, Volunteer So1diers’ Home in .. 341 appropriation for support, etc., of Grant Pass, Ala., f patients ... . 327 , 961 bridge across, to Dauphiné Island author- 867 or repairs, etc., toings an ized .. grounds . . . . .527, 961 Grass River. N. K, for special improvements .. 961 appropriation for improvement of ... 409 for indigent insane, District of Colum- Graves, Adam, bia . . 326, 806 payment to administrator of 1227 deficiency appropriation for current ex-77 921 Grcwes, Margaret E. (mother),1053 pauses .. 1 , nsion . .. _ . Government Printing Ojfice (see Public Print- Gfaeves, W H , · ing). payment to widow of ... 1236 Gowanus Bay, Brooklyn, NZ K, Gray, James WZ, appropriation for improvement of chan- payment to . . .. 1228 Exe] . . .· 402 Gray, Margaret (mother), 214 Grace, ames. l pension 1 payment to administrator of 1239 1 Gray. Marthet (u··id0u·), Grace, William P., pension 1064 released from liabilities ou bond of James Gray, Mary (mother), W. Demby ... 1305 = pension 1293 Gragg, Samuel. I Gray, Mary (u~*idou·), payment of judgment of Court of Claims payment to . 1324 ` to executrix of . . . . 595 Gray, Nancy O. (widow), Graham, George W., pension . . . . . . . 1052 pay and allowances to; proviso .. 1252 Gray. II’iZla'am, ‘ Graham, Jonathan R., honorable discharge to .. 1164 payment to administrator of .. 203,1227 i Grayham (or Graham), Thomas, sr., Grmzd Calumet River, Ill., { payment to .. . ...,. 1227 appropriation for survey of .. 427 » Grayson. U’alter(0r U’att), Grand Lulumet River, Ind., payment to 53 appropriation for survey of .. 426 i Grrzziani, Mattie, Grand orks, Dak.. ! pension 1097 may bridge Red River of the North .. 153 Great Britain, construction of bridges across Red River 5 appropriation for minister .. 247, 697 modified . 756 i for secretary of legatiou .. 248. 697 Gram! Haven, Jlich., - I for second secretarv . . . . .248, 697 appropriation for improvement of harbor. 4Q6 Great C'c¢c·apan River. TV. Va.. ° Grand sie. Vt., appropriation for survev of .. 432 authorized to build a. bridge from NorthGreat Chazy River, I Yi. Hero to South Hero Islands, Lake i appropriation for survev of .. 432 Champlain .. . 552 Great Duck Island, Me., ' Grand Junction, COI0.. Indian School, appropriation for 1ight—h0us-2 and fognsigappropriation for support of . . ... 235,999 = nal .. 941 Grand urnrs. D. C'., Great Falls of the Potomac. term of service . 749 ? deficiencv appropriation for fislmvays at 8 Grand Lo]re._ La., _ _ Q Great Kmzrnvha River. IV. Va., appropriation for lighting channel ... 946 I appropriation for improvement of .. 410 Gp-and Jlqrcrzs, Mzcfr., 2 for lighting ..,... 512, 946 appropriation for improvement of harbor Great Nemaha Agency, of refuge . 406 L appropriation for Indian agent at 981