Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/1632

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1596 INDEX. rage. P==¤z·>· Poteau River, Indian Ter., Prescott, _ _ _ construction of bridge across, near Fort appropriation for consul at . . .202,702 Smith, Ark,. authorized .. 184 Prescott. Frances H L. (daughter), litigation aifecgng bridge across, to be in 884 Prpencsijorg t . 1330 . we tern 'strict o A kansas .. esi n o e em: e, Potomac River, C., r appropriation forcompensation,additional 262 approwation for improvement of, at 410 Pcergticptmtpf egectpmgyoge to be sent to. 613 as rington .. residen o ze ni e a es, for keeping open, during winter ... 662 appropriation for compensation . 262, 712 Potomac River, Va.', for Private Secretary, assistant clerks, approlmationv for improvement of, at 410 f etc . ,.. 7 4 ount 'ernon or contingen expenses .,..., ‘ ,7 for sprvey of lchannel, Alexandria to 439 for prpoiiecting interests of United States 695 1 ary an s ore ... 2 a anama ... Pottawatomie an? Great Jléemagla Agency, authorgged tg hpve new cruisers and gun- 4 2 appropriation or pay o n 'an gent ats ui t 7 at ..l.. . . 218, 981 certificate of electoral vote for. to be for- .P0ttazcatomie Indians. _ _ warded to President of the Senate. . 613 ppproiizriagiop fpxplfulgiolhgrg treatips wrth.224, 987 may appoint certain cadet €I1§lI§§€l'S to be A1 ee to . o n is e pai rom ap- assistant engineers, U. . avy 2 Pot propriafign for . . 79 Willipm English second lieutenant in tawa omie n icms o uron, t 18 Army 767 apgrdprgation ger fulfilling treaty with. .225, on retireclklist of the Army, Averell,Wil1- is ri tion o iam .. 1039 Pottawagpmie Indekms, Prairie Band, Alfred Pleasonton 564 ans., William S. Rosecrans . 748 appropariagonffor negotiating for sale of 1009 ml. Smiths . . . .. 638 n o .. . ... ... ‘ iam F. mit . ... 67 Pottauutomte Mxtion. _ to accept imitation for United States to approggratidn for treagy with; become a party to International istri ution in an PIBJHI 'e Geodetic Association .. 1019 Bands .. . . 989 to allot lands in severalty to Indians on Potter, Henry L., Great Sioux Reservation .. 97, 890 pension increased . .. 1087 to appoint commission to negotiate for Potter, Hubert11i, lands' of Cherokee, etc., Indians Plignsgnbtzncireased ... 1029 C west of 96tl; rlncpridian . 1005 0 8, 0 T , ommission ro be 182 payment of judgment of Court of Claims to 594 commissioneers to tread: with Chippewa Poughkeepsie, N. K, Indians for relinquishing lands in deficiency appropriation for public build- 48 Minnesota 642 in .. . delegates to internat' l arin - Pound, John IZ'., _ ference . .. 243 Ppaygngpi, of Judgment of Co1u·t of Clmms to 23 refereni to ard just compensation for lands owe . ama. ‘ then y Fort S `th d Chocta Ppayipient ofljudgment of Court of Claims to 930 Bridge Co., Ind.H'l3er· . 184 owe , L ear es A., sewers e 00` , D. C ... 799 Ppayipiept of gidgnient of Court of Claims to 59 zgnrpcprpry commissions _ 503 ozre , owe , n ee est ti nal f - paymept to administrator of . 1242 encegeh Arnengaiirllilgtidns. . Fr. 156 Powell, btarkey R., I to be Commander-in-Chief, militia of the pension 1201 _ District of Columbia .. 773 Powell, Thomas J, to invite international conference of payment to . 1240 _ American Republics, etc .. 155 Powers, H. A., to issue proclamation announcing admispayment to .. . .. 1232 sion of North and South Dakota, Powers, John, _ Montana and WaslnngtonasStates. 679 honorabledischarge issued to 1078 proclamation when consent is obtained Powers. Smith, , to subdividing Great Sioux Indian Ppaymentqto { 1321 Reservation . ., .. _ . 104 ouou R_1er.Mass._, E to prescribe regulations for disposal of Pty50p?;;,?? 13; snprovement of ... 408 I t dead timber on Indian lan s .. 673 r · cc V , . , , owarn gainst ' Plnppropriation for construction of 473 i Sea in llrhtihlilrnnddvzolerthe ugue. ,`t d St t- ` .,,,,.,,;..,1;..;.. ,0. consul at . mo ; a.I}1..‘i.i. . f.'??.?`?. F`? . WT "°“‘"“g 1009 for c er iire ,..,. . .. 54, 704Presidio. San Francisco, Cal., l l o . I l l l Prater, John, _ _ _ &pP!'Opriatior1 for approaches, etc., nadehciency QQPIEPHZUOD for services ..--· 929 tional cemetery, , 167 appropriation for allowance, in charge of t f§1;igri;al e¤m1$11s1igi”l’ .. . .. 500 Indian school, Carlisle, Pa 235, 999 a propriation for ... 943 Pre-emptwns, _ l Prihble, Sarah E. (widow), settlersmaychangeentrrestohomesteads. 854 , pension ... 1043 payment to, for services 284 i payment to ... . ... . .. . IM2