Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/1644

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1 608 INDEX. Page. { _ Page. Saint John (New Brunswick), I Saint Stephens, · appropriation for consul at ,. . . . 701 I appropriation for consul at . 252, 702 Saint Johgi’s_(Canada), _ Saint Thojncis, F appropnatmn for coueul at. . ._ .., Z . .202, 702 appropriation for consul at . 251, 400 Saint Jolm s and Halifax Rwer Bridge Salem, Oregon, indian Sc¥o% 236 1000 ompany, appropmation or suppo 0 ... , may bridge Saint Jo1m’s River at Palatka, Salem Harbor, Mass.} Fla . . 880 E appropriation for survey of .. 428 Saint John’s River, Fla.,! l Salina, Kcms., approprilation for improvement of .. 512 gig 4 S tfrmgf distgiclsc court to be held at .. 392 for li tin .. , cz ine iver, r ., bridge gcrossgauthorized betwocuDcLa11d construction of bridge across, authorized. 76 Pliauilinglgnd Lake Monroe, Fla. Salisbiiry. Jllarm A. (daughter-), 89 at a at a, pension Saint J0hu’s University, Minn., Salkehatchee River, S. O., 1 appropriuzgtiou for support of Indian pgs 1000 S agpproggjalslion fojpipgovernent of ... 412 ` at . . , a mon is erzes, i as a, Saint Jolizes River, Del., } erection of obstructions to ascent of fish appropriation for improvement of ... 409 in rivers, prohibited ... 1009 Saint Joseph, Jllich., penalty ... 1009 S appropriatlionl for improvement of harbor. 406 S ipvestggation Xt, py Fish Commission 1009 aint Josep , 1 0., a mon wer, . ., deficiency appropriation for public build- appropriation for survey of .. 429 ing _ .. 48 for survey of mouth of 430 terms of court at ... _497 · Salor, Nicholas, Saint Joseph Commercial College, ! commutationa etc., to, while on Greely payment to. .: .. _ 1325 _ expediuon 1195 Saint Joseph Rwer, Mich., · Salt Rwer, Ky., _ appropriation for improvement of ... 418 pipes for natural gas, etc., may be hud ' Saint Lawrence River, N K, across . . .. ‘ 488 approiiriagigntjosr survey of shoals at Sis- 430 Sulvad0r,_ ti f _ _ to 247 sm cr appropna. on or mm ... , Saint Louis, M0. , Sambola, Anthony, _ _ appropriation for salaries, office of assist- payment of judgment of Courtof Clsumsto 28 aI;l;!‘€as11rer ag . 274, 723 Saérngzigr, Frank P. , _ t_ f 6 for sa. `es,assayo ce at 2 ,726 e CIGDCY appropria ion or . for contingent expenses, labor ,... 275, 726 Samoan Iqlapds, _ _ _ for survey of harbor .. 429 appropriation for protecting American m- for public building, old custom-house. . 507 terests m ... Z ... . . 699 ogices in rented buildings to be re for maintenance of coaiing station at moved to . . . . 507 Pe·0 Pago harbor . _. . .. ... S14 act authorizing bridge across Mississippi Sum_pson,_George W ., and Ben_;amm Hen- River at, amended 474 racks, _ Saint Logisé Keokuk and Northwestern R. S payuieintgvogiegs of .,... 1292 . 0., am sc , 11 , authorized to bridge the Missouri River augnrmlexl lifesaving medal .. . ... 140 at Saint Charles. Mo ... . . . 34 Samuel. Robert J., Saint Louis Merchuntrf Bridge, payment to . r 1234 S, pr<;v1i;i0r;‘res§»ectingP;lirectors or managers 475 San Ag i%5·11r.;_e);icg;n1’gx. , 963 . aiu i ar 'n iver, a., appr ia < c .. stpprppria.tion_for survey of. . . ,._,.. 426 San Augustine, Fla:. Scimt r ary a Rover. Ga. and Fla., appropriation for improvement of harbor. 404 construction of bridge across authorized. 82 board of engmeers to report on plans to Saint Mary`.? River, Mich., unprove harbor at 404 approplrizgion for improvement of, at the 418 SGH B0’M;;¢g1}!uTt{:)H¤Tb0T, C;a1., 4% a s .. . .. . ... | approp on r surveyo .. ‘ Saint Paul de Locmdo, * San Carlos iigency, _ appro riation for commercial agent at.253, 703 I appropriation for pay of Imlmn agent Saint Emil, Jlinneapolis cmd Manitoba ; at . _ Z . 218, 982 Railway Company. I San. Carlos [udzan Reservation, gmnteil Hght tg way througl} White Earth 696 I S 3p%"ppI'13.g0;1fo1‘ survey of west boundary. 959 n ian eservation. i inn . an ego, a ., Saint Pauls Indu.~;h·ml School, Olonmrf, appropriation for improvement of harbor. 408 Minn., ; San Diego Quarantine Station. Cal., appropriation for support of Indian pupils I appropriation for establishing . ... 356 at 1000 I for €¥P€‘I15€S ··-··... . . 954 Saint Peter and Saint Paul Rom an Cuthol ic San D0m¢]19{>. r C'hm·ch, Chattmzooga, Tenn., , aptproprxatiou for charge daifaires in. . .248, 697 payment for damages to ... . ... 1188 { or consul at . 253, 702 Saint Petersourg, _ to be invited to join in international co11· appwpmhvu f<>r_c<>nsu1-g¤¤¤r¤1 at . 200,699 ference ... 155 Samt Rose Industrial School. D. C.. San Frarwisco, Cal., appropriation for additional accommoda- appropriation for salaries, office of assisttions .. . .. 327 ant treasurer. at . 274,7% for additional buildings . . 807 for salaries, mint at .. 275, 725