Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/1674

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1638 INDEX. » Page. l Page. T/Vinder Building. D. C., U/'ithlacoochee River, Fla., ‘ appropriation for repairs, etc ... 508, 940 1 appropriation for improvement of ... 413 _ Windzriill Island, Philadelphia, Pa., Q I/Vitnesses, U. S. Courts, appropriation for removal of 403 appropriation for fees .. 5 45, 978 Windsor, Canada, deficiency appropriation for fees .. 14, 28, 57, "pppropriation for consul at . 252, 702 64, 177, 598, 603, 924, 936 indsor, Nova Scotia, , H/'itten Thomas, appropriation for consul at . 953, 703 payment to . 1243 Windsor, Williani A., l/Volf, Jacob, payment of judgment of Court of Claims to 592 1 pension .. . .. 1333 lVinkel. Christian, _ 1 WoU`ord, Frank. pension .. . .. z . . 193 pension increased .. 1317 Wi1zkle(or Wririkle), Jacob N, V Wo1r2an’s National Indian Association, · paymbenlt tr} ..., 1240 , allotted five acres of land on Omaha Indian T/V inn. 0 n ., eservation, Nebr . 151 payment of judgment of Court of Claims to 595 l/I·’mnan's Silk-Culture Association, lVinnebago Agepcyi d t 218 981 appropriation for encouragement of silk- 1 8 appropriation or n ian agent a ... , · _ cu ture . . 33 , 38 Winizebago Indian Reservation, Nebr., · Wonible, Charles A., sale of par? cg`, authorized ... 240 payment of judgment of Court of Claims to 58 W2'rine ago n ians, W'omen’s Christian Association, D. C. appropriation for fulfilling treaty with. .229, 993 ‘ appropriation for .. . ’ . . .326, 806 Winnipeg, ‘ Wood, Benjamin F., Ippproprgitipn for consul at . 252, 702 payment of judgment of Court of Claims T inona, a ., * to .. . . 592 · bridge across Missouri River authorized lVood, James, W near .,...,... 367 paymgnt to executor of . 1235 inona, 1 inn., _ » Wood, ohn C., ' constrnéction of brédge gross Mississippi 440 payment of judgment of Court of Claims25 30 'ver at au oriz .. . to . . . . ... . ... 9 ~ limit of cost indreased of public building at 853 » Wood, John R., ‘ · ’ r Winona and Southwestern Railway Com- relief of · s ... 1313 ' pany · Wood, T. JZ, · ·· i may bridge, Mississippi River at Winona, [ payment of damages to executor of, Fox Minn ... . . 440 * a(§1dSWisc¢;nsin1l¢tivers 20 Winslow, A., i Woodfor , amue A. ., payment of judgment of Court of Claims to 23 5 yment to . 1055 ll`inthr0p, Mass., l Woodley Lane Road, D. C., appropriation for improvement of harbor. 401 appropriation for bridge over Rock Creek I/Vinthrop, llc., on ... 197 deficiency apprplpriation for protecting ‘ l W’oodrujf, A. M., · banks of 1 issouri River at 916 [ payment to. . . .. . .. 1196 l¤Vinston. Patrick.H., jr., 1 Vloodruf, PV. E., payment to . ‘ . . . . 1190 4 Wpenswn .. . . . . , . 1077 Winterboffom. Betsey (widow), 054 ¢ oodrum, Mm-thu F. (imzow), pension 1 l DS10D ._ . . . 1123 U’1`nters. George, Wldbds. Eliza A. (wirlow), deficiency applropriation for services . 589 upeonlsioré .. , 1175 lVinton. John ’., · g o s. eorge '.. avment to administrator of 1235 · iayment of judgment of Court of Claims to 591 T/lgnyazv Bay S C l Wloodson Anthony L appropriation for improvement of ... 404 payment to . 1223 board of engineers to report on method of { W oodson, W’illiam, improving . ... 404 z payment to executor of . 1235 IVires, DI. D., , Q l/Voodicard, John H. payment to . 578 ; payment of judgment of Court of Claims to 931 Birth. Joseph. $ lVoodu·ard, Mama L., pension increased ... 1142 payn1eé1t1t0,jlpdgment against District of Wisconsin, o um ia . 7 payment to State of . 63 Woodwcird, Mary E. (widow), right of way granted to railway companies · pension . 1083 over water-reserve lands in 473 W oodward, l*Villiarn A., ll‘isconsi n River Improrenzents. For and » payment to, loss of schooner Currie . 569 deficiency appro riation for damages i lVoodu·ard ef; Lothr , rom . , o 5 paymen . f P 18 '9' t to Op 58 VVisrlom, Mwhael, V I/Voodworth, Seth R,

-aynipngv to widow of . .. 1240 Wpzgyimetnt to heirs at law of .. 1240

T/Visa, `i iam .’., ’ y, ames, payment of judgment of Court of Claims to 591 i pension increased ... 1049 lVisemiller, Christopher. Z I/Voolard, Elizabeth, pension .. . . 1254 E payment to , , . ., 1235 Witham, John, A H’orcester. Mass., pension ... _. . ... . . . . 1085 g appropriation for public building ... 508, 940 H itherell, Cynthia (widow), 5 Plbrthington, Mary, pension ... . ... 1102 i payment to administrator of .. . 1235