FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHs. 422, 123. 1888. 197 ever Congress shall decide that the public interest requires it, is also expressly reserved. . EC. 7. That it ·shall be the duty of the Secretary of War, on satis- Aidsm ¤m1S¤ti¤¤— factory proof that a necessity exists therefor, to require the company or persons owning said bridge to cause such aids to the passage to be constructed, placed, and maintained, at their own cost and expense, in the form of booms, dikes, piers, or other suitable and proper structures for the guiding of rafts, steam-boats, and other water-craft safely through the passage-way, as shall be specified in his order in that behalf; and on failure of the company or persons aforesaid to make and establish such additional structures within a reasonable time, the said Secretar shall proceed to cause the same to be built or made at the expense of, the United States, and shall refer the matter without delay to the Attorney—General of the United States, whose duty it shall be to institute, in the name of the United States, proceet ings in any circuit court of the United States within whose jurisdiction such bridge, or any part thereof is located, for the recovery of the amount so expended by the Government and all costs of such proceedings; and all moneys accruing from such proceedings shall be covered into the Treasury of the United States. Sec. 8. That if the construction of the bridge hereb authorized c0(§,’g{,Q‘{{§,’;,f°m°“*““ shall not be commenced within one year from the time this act takes effect, and be completed within three years after its commencement, then this act shall be void, and all rights hereby conferred shall cease and determine. Approved, June 19, 1888. CHAP. 423.-An act toauthorize the construction of abridge across Rock Creek, Juno 19. 1888- at the Woodley Lane Road, in the District of Columbia. """""_“ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States g America in Congress assembled, That the Commis- CrB¤;ig¤ aoposs (ppck sioners of the istrict of Columbia be, and they are hereby, author- ;§,‘QR,‘{,fd_D{’s§’,,c,°0’} ized and directed to cause to be constructed across Rock Creek, on the °°1¤¤¤b*¤» *0 bebum- Woodley Lane Road, in the District of Columbia, a substantial stone or iron bridge, with necessary approaches; and the sum of thirty-tive Appropriation. thousand dollars is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, which said sum shall e available immediately upon the passage of this act, for the construction of said bridge and approaches, and for such 1I1V9Sl31g{l»l3lOI1.€l·]1(l. surveys and such contingencies as the Commissioners of the District of Columbia shall deem necessary, the same to be maintained as a free bridge Froo bridge. for travel. Sec. 2. That the sum which shall be egpended under the provisions ouemnr mm Disof this act shall be treated and regard as {art of the general ex- g,'§§s_°f C°1“mbi° penses of the District of Columbia, and the nited States shall be credited with the amount which it may pay under this act upon the fifty er centurn of the expenses of the District of Columbia, as providedln the act of June eleventh, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, entitled "An act providing a permanent form of government for the V¤¤-¤0.1>·1<>4- District of Columbia? Sec. 3, That the Commissioners of the District of Columbia shall, as Survey. em. soon as practicable, cause a survey of said creek to be made to determine the length, width, and height of said bridge and the approaches thereto, and shall cause plans and specifications to be prepared for such bridge and such approaches, and when the same are completed ’ said board shall advertise for sealed proplosals for the construction of P"°P°““* such bridge and such approaches, whic advertisement shall be inserted for at least one week in one or more daily papers in such cities as the said Board of Commissioners shall designate, and shall let such