Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/452

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406 FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 860. 1888. Gmm H**'°¤~m°h· Improving harbor at Grand Haven, Michigan : Continuing improvement, twenty-five thousand dollars. Grund Mar=·¤is.Mic1>. Improving harbor of refuge at Grand Marais, Michigan : Continuing improvement, fifty thousand dollars. _ I-¤¢i¤s¤>¤. Mick Improving harbor of refuge at Ludington, Michigan : Continuing improvement, sixty thousand dollars; and the Secretary of War is ’ hereby authorized and directed to accept the deed tendered by the Pere Marquette Lumber Company, of Ludington, Michigan, of three and thirty-one hundredths acres of land. 1h¤iswe,Mic¤· Improving harbor at Manistee, Michigan: Continuing improvement, ten thousand dollars. Black Lake. Mich- Improving harbor at Black Lake, Michigan: Continuing improvement, five thousand dollars. IMM- Mick Improving harbor at Monroe, Michi an: For repairs and for dredging at mouth of river, five thousand dollars. ¤¤¤k*‘>=<>¤’Mi¢*¤· Improving harbor at Muskegon, Michigan: Continuing improvement, forty-five thousand dollars. 0¤*°¤¤%°¤» Mlm Improving harbor at Ontonagon, Michigan: Continuing improvement, twelve thousand five hundred dollars. P¤¤§W¤*¢¤Mi¢¤- Improving harbor at Pentwater, Michigan: Continuing improvement, eight thousand dollars. P<>¤¤s¤I-¤1<¢-Mi¤¤- Improving harbor of refuge at Portage Lake, Michigan: Continuing improvement, ten thousand dollars. 8***** Bw0h- Mi<=¤ Improving harbor of refuge at Sand Beach, Michigan: Continuing im rovement, seventy thousand dollars. S°*-°* J°°°P*¤· MM- Ipmproving harbor at Saint Joseph, Michigan: Continuing improvement, twelve thousand dollars; five thousand dollars to be used _ in improving the water channel leading up to Benton Harbor. S‘“g““°": M‘°*‘· Improving harbor of Saugatuck, Michigan: To repair and main- _ tain, five thousand dollars. S°““‘ H“"“: M‘°*‘· Improving harbor at South Haven, Michigan: Continuing improvement, ten thousand dollars; three thousand dollars of which shall be used in deepening the channel of Black River from the inner termini of the piers to the highway bridge. White R*V€’· Mick Improving harbor at White River, Michigan: Continuing improvement, ten thousand dollars. H¤¤ag¤~>¤¤.1*1i¤1¤· Improving harbor at Marquette, Michigan: Continuing improve- """""’· ment, twenty-five thousand dollars: Provided, That no part of this appropriation shall be expended until the question of harbor limits has been settled to the satisfaction of the Secretary of War. ’!'*¤¤¤<**¢r B¤Y· Mich- Improving harbor at Thunder Bay, Michigan: Continuing improvement, the balance available from former appropriations shall Je expended in dredging the entrance channel from the bay into the river. Av S¤hk¤. Mich. Improving harbor at An Sable. Michigan: Continuin im rovement, the balance available from former appropriations slall le expended in dredging the mouth of An Sable Itiver. A**¤¤i><*·“'¤*· Improving harbor at Ahnapee, Wisconsin: Continuing improvement. five thousand dollars; and so much of the act of August fifth, eighteen hundred and eighty-six, for the improvement of rivers a11d harbors as relates to the harbor of Ahnapee is hereby amended by v°'· 2*:** 3*** strikin r out the words "but no part of said sum is to be ex ended until the wharfage over the Government pier at that port shall be made free." Gm Bea “"‘¤· Improving harbor at Green Bay, Wisconsin: Continuing improvment, ten thousand dollars. K°°°**h¤·WiS· Improving harbor at Kenosha, Wisconsin: Continuing improve- _ ment, seven thousand five hundred dollars. K°““¤°°· lm- Improving harbor at Kewaunee, Wisconsi.n; Continuing improvement, ten thousand dollars. ¥¤¤**¤W<¤=»W*¤ Improving harbor at Manitowoc, Wisconsin: Continuing improvement, eight thousand dollars.