o02 FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 1063. 1888. States and wholly impartial and disinterested in respect to such differences or controversies; and the three persons thus selected and appointed shall be, and the are hereby, created and constituted a bpard of prbmration, with the duties, powers, and privileges hereina ter se ort . T°“‘*'¤*°“**Pf °°f'“·E Sec. 2. That the board of arbitration rovided for in the first secggpmm W tion of this act shall possess all the powldrs and authority in respect to administering oaths, subpcenaing witnesses and compelling their attendance, preserving order during the sittings of the board, and requiring the production of papers and writings relating alone to the gubject under investigation nm possplssed and belongipg Ito Uniteg tates commissioners a oin the circuit court o the nite Pririlezes <>f wit- States; but in no case sddll any witness be compelled to disclose the mm` secrets or produce the records or proceedings of any labor organization of which he may be an officer or member; and said board of arb%rat}pn may aplpoinp a cletrik apldl employ a stenograpther, andhpiilescribe a reasona e ru es an re ations, not inconsis ent wit the provisions of this act, looking to the speedyl advancement of the diferences and controversies submitted to them to a conclusion and 0¤¤¢1i¤fnrbi¤·¤¤¤‘¤- determination. Each of said arbitrators shall take an oath to hon- ` estly, fairly, and faithfully perform his duties, and that he is not pepgonallybinggrestedt ina; be subjegzt-matte; in pontpovprsy, which oa ma e minis er an tate or erri oria officer authorized to administer oaths. The third person so selected and a pointed as aforesgid shall be the piresmpnli) of said boaiid; apd anly ordler, ind- 1H , conc usion, or awar m e a ma'ori 0 suc ar itra ors shgll be of the same force and eifectr as if all thrice of such arbitrators ` concurred therein or united in making the same. 0*s¤¤i¤¤=i<>¤- Sec. 3. That it shall be the duty of said board of arbitration, immediately upon their selection, to organize at the nearest practicable point to the dplace of the origin of the difiiculty or controversy, and §3bt.°§€€3”t0 t323d2f3h m%?°£i €it.d§$i$3E°§tfZt‘°]ttE‘2.yi*ii , u opportunity to be heard on oath in person and by witnessgas, and also granting them the right to be re resented by counsel; and after concluding its investigation said {board shall publicly announce its Decisions. decision, which, wit the findings of fact u on which lt is based, shall be reduced to writing and signed by the arbitrators concurring therein, and, together with the testimony taken in the case, shall be ’i‘¤!>¤¤1edtwIi:i;,°0l5>¤¤— filed with the Commissioner of Labor of the United States, who °”“"°""°shall nnpke s}uch decision public as soon as the same shall have been receiver > flllh. Selection otarbiw-¤· Sec. 4. That it shall be the right of an * em >lo iees en a ed in the °°' by °““’l°’°°°‘ controversy to appoint, by designation id writing one gignore peripns to act tiior {r mn iii} thlptselpction of an arbitrator to represent l(’lI1 upon ie yoarm o ar 1 ra ion. C°mi>*=¤¤¤**°¤°' Sec. 5. That each member of said tribunal of arbitration shall rem;:`!` cgive a coppmspisgtiori ofc ten dollarp ig day Sor the time factually einem. p o ee . a the c er a > ointee sai. tri una o arbitration shall receive the same feehpand compensation as c1erks of United States circuit courts and district courts receive for like services. Smczmphun That the steuographer shall receive as full com ensation for his services ten cents for each folio of an hundred words of testimon taken and reduced to writing before said arbitrators. That United, States M¤·¤¤¤*¤- marshals or other persons serving the process of said tribunal of arbitration shall receive the same fees and compensation for such services as they would receive for like services upo11 rocess issued by United Witnesses. States commissioners. That witnesses attending before said tribunal of arbitration shall receive the same fees as witnesses attending before United States commissioners. That all of said fees and compensation shall be payable by the United States in like manner as fees and compensation are payable in criminal causes under existing laws: