Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/571

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FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 1069. 1888. 525 twenty-thousand dollars: Provided. That a ents and others employed *’°`°”€-*°- under this and the appropriations for “Deimredations on publib tim- hmmm hwg9m' ber ” and “Protecting public lands," while traveling on duty, shall be allowed per diem, in lieu of subsistence, at a rate not exceeding three dollars per day, and for actual necessary expenses for transportation. Rnrnonucrxo rnsrs or SURVEYS: To enable the Commissioner of *}•¤¤¤>d¤¢i¤s W¢>r¤ the General Land Office to continue to reproduce worn and defaced phd em oilicial plats of surve s on file, and other plats constitutin a part of the records of said oéce, and also to furnish local land offices with the same, two thousand five hundred dollars. TRANSGRIPTS or mzcosns AND PLATS: For furnishing transcripts T¤‘¤¤¤¤¤·i1¤¤· from of records and plats, and dpaying therefor, twelve thousand five hun- r°°°m' dred dollars, to be expen ed under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior. sURvEYING THE PUBLIC LANDS. m§d¤;‘v<=v of Public For surveys and resurveys of public lands one hundred thousand E¤l>¤¤¤¢¤ dollars, at rates not exceedin nine dollars per lineal mile for standard andmeander lines, seven dodars for townshi , and five dollars for section lines, except that as to mountainous lands or lands covered with dense timber or under brush, the rate shall not exceed thirteen dollars per mile for standard and meander lines, eleven dollars for township and seven dollars for section lines, when the survev is made upon the order of the Secretary of the Interior; Provided, That in ex- Promos. pending this appropriation preference shall be given in favor of sur- m]i,,{,°:§,f§,l{"t°”'°°° veying townshi s occupied, in whole or in part, by actual settlers; and the surveys shall be confined to lands adapted to agriculture and lines of reservations. And of the sum hereby atppropriated not exceeding twenty thousand dollars may be expended 'or the examination of surveys in the field, to test the accuracy of the work, including in this, and if found necessary by the Secretary of the Interior, the resurvey R¤S¤rv•¤roof township thirty south of range four west of Willamette meridian, in the State of Oregon, and to revent payment for fraudulent and imperfect surveys returned by zfiaputy surveyors ; and for inspecting mineral deposits, coal-fields, and timber districts, and for making such other surveys or examinations as may be required for identification of lands for pur oses of evidence in any suit or proceeding in behalf of the United States: Provided furfher, That the Secretary ¥lg:>l{:;_;¤ gid {mei of the Interior be, and is hereby. authorized to transfer to the Sec- records m. retary of state of the States of Nebraska and Iowa, or to such onicers as may be entitled to receive them, the field-notes, maps, records, and other papers appertaining to land surveys in said States which are now stored in the district land·oiHce at Lincoln. Nebraska; and the office of surveyor- eneral for the district of Ne- &b§)¤{jpn3i¤¤—8¤¤¤r¤¤ braska and Iowa is hereby abolisheri Provided, That the aforesaid` field-notes. ma s, records, and other papers pertaininglto the State of Nebraska shall not be delivered to the proper authorities until said State shall have provided by law for the safe keeping of the m§:•g$;=€€vi¤8—¤¤·-0f same as public records, and for the allowance of free access to field- ` notes, maps, records, and other papers by the authorities of the United States, as provided by section twenty-two hundred and R-S~“‘°·22°“·P·3°°· twenty-one of the Revised Statutes of the United States, the State of Iowa having heretofore enacted the requisite legislation. For survey of confirmed rivate land claims in New Mexico, at rates £:g®·¤¤¤w prescribed by law, three tlibusand dollars. ' For care and preservation of abandoned military reservations trans- m;}e"r‘;Q$‘j)'}·g'f* '“m““’Y ferred to the control of the Secretary of the Interior under the provisions of an act of Congress approve July fifth, eighteen hundred and “"· ’“· P- 1*** eighty-four, two thousand o lars.