620 FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. RES. 9, 10, 12, 14. 1888. April 2, 1888. [No. 9.] Joint resolution to print Executive Document numbered fifty-one, first "‘°"`—"°""“ session of the Forty-ninth Congress, on the subject of cattle and dairy farming. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United C“F"° 'md ******5* States 0 America in Congress assembled, That_ there be printed
e¤pa¤¤¤r twenty-dve thousand additional copies of Executive document fifty-
"°*’°"“ °"· one, first session Forty-ninth Congress, on the subject of cattle and dairy farmin , eight thousand copies for the use of the Senate, _S1X· teen thousand, copies for the use of the House of Representatives and one thousand copies for the Department of State. And that Avr>·‘¤P¤¤*i¤¤· there is hereby a propriated out of the Treasury the sum of sixty- five thousand dollpars or so much thereof as may e necessary, out of any lingligey lnptigtheirwisp apprcipriated, to pay for the same, and said wor s un in wo vo umes. Approved, April 2, 1888. APW 5- 19* [No. 10.] Joint resolution to supply the Department of State with copies of bills W and other documents. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United r»ep¤¤·¤meq»¤tS¤m. States of America in Congress assemble , That the Public Printer ,Q1,l,°,{’° °°“ be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to furnish the Department of State, out of the usual number, with ten copies of each bill and joint resolution, and twenty copies of each executive document, miscellaneous document, and report of committee of either House of ongress. Approved, April 5, 1888. M Aw! ii. lm. [No. 12.] Joint resolution appropriating twenty-five thousand dollars for the ""‘$""_' International Exhibition in Barcelona, Spain. p Pr¤¤·¤¤b¤- Whereas, the Spanish Government has extended to the Government of the United States an invitation to participate in the International Erhibition which is to be held at Barcelona, S ain, commencing in the month of April, eighteen hundred and eigllity-eight: Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Awwpgwmtgr States of America in Congress assembled, That said invitation is ac- Zglilzililrsglsxgirixnisli cepted and that there be, and there hereby is, appropriated out of M"- any money in the Treasury of the United States not otherwise appropriate , the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, or so much _ thereof as mg be necessary to effect the of this resolution. ` to be expend in the discretion of the ecretary of State for the purpose of such representation at said exhibition. by“ggc°r'_§u;Qy*_;*; gg}; Sec. 2. That it shall be the duty of the Secretarv of State to transmit to Congress a detailed statement of the expenditures which may have been incurred under the provisions of this resolution, together with any repogts vghkicth may be made by the representatives of this country at said ex i i ion. · Approved, April 11, 1888. May 10, 1888. Elo. 14.]_ Joint resolution accepting the invitation of the French Republic to ·———-——-——- tade Pqfyinnn international exposition to be held in Paris in eighteen hundred an eng —nme. preamble. _ Whereas, the United States have been invited by the Re bl' · f lm E“’°'""°”‘ France to take part in an exposition of works of art and 5; ioducts of manufactures and agriculture of all nations, to be held in