Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/921

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876 FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 394. 1889. vom. holders may vote in person or bylproxy, and the form of proxies may be prescribed by the by-laws. ess than a quorum of stockholders may adjourn a meeting from time to time. A¤$$m€¤t¤· Sec. 6. That the board of directors shall have the power to make assessments from time to time on the capital stock until the same shall be paid up; and upon default in the payment of any sum assessed and due upon said stock, the stock may be forfeited and sold for the payment thereof, with interest and expenses, under such regulations as the by-laws shall prescribe, or the corporation may by suit recover the same from the holder of the stock at the time of the assessment thereof. And no certificate of stock shall be issued until the par value thereof has been fully paid up. coumucmm, em. Sec. 7. That the said cor oration shall have authority to construct, maintain, and workthe raillfoad mentioned in the first section of this act. Maximum charges Sec. 8. That for transportation on its railroad, or any part thereof, the said corporation shall have a right to charge and collect as toll and transportation charges at rates not exceeding six cents per ton of · freight or three cents per passenger for each mile of transportation but for any distance ten cents may be charged for a passenger and twenty-five cents for any quantity of freight. _ 9¤¤9c¤;¤;§i¤¤¤¤*; gg SEO. 9. That the said railroad may be constructed with double .z°$me¤m:°° ° tracks or single tracks, as the said corporation shall deem proper; ' and as may be approved by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia; and said corporationma construct and maintain along wm;-vu. its line, or at the termini of its road; all wharves and other structures and works which shall be necessary for the purpose of its incorporation; but the land which it shall have a right to acquire for the construction of such road and works shall not exceed an to be hereafter agreed on between said corporation and the Commissioners of the District of Columbia. Bonds Sec. 10. That said Washington and Western Maryland Railroad Company be, and it is hereby, authorized to issue its bonds to aid in the construction and equipment of its railroad to the extent of twenty thousand dollars per mile for each and every mile, and to secure the same by mortgage on its pro erty, rights of way, and all property whatsoever, real, personal, and mixed, includin its franchise as a corporation; and as proof and notice of its legalexecution and effectual delivery said mortgage shall be filed and recorded in the office of the register of deeds for the District of Columbia: Pro-

 vided, That no_bonds shall be issued until half of the capital stock of

' said company is paid np! in cash, and the stockholders shall be held individually liab e for the full amount of stock subscribed by them, reslpectively, until the same shall have been so paid up in fu l: Pro- Commeucementand vic cd further, That the construction of said road shall be commenced °"““"*"‘°"· ip one year and completed within three years from the passage of t iis act. couneemnsec. Sec. 11. That the said corporation shall have authority to make contracts, connections, and arrangements with other railroad companies for the thorough transportation of property and passengers, and to make leases, with such connecting railroads.

 **44** ¤f Sec. 12. That if the corporation can not a ree with the owner for

caguienmsum. pm the purchase, use, or occupation of land for the right of way, or land, °°°"“"?“· or gravel, adjacent thereto and required for the construction, enlargement, or_ repair of any of its works, or if the owner be a married woman, infant, non compos mentis, or out of the District, the said corporation may apply to the marshal of the District of Columbia, · and he shall issue his warrant or summons for a jury to meet on the land at a day therein specified, and being not more than ten or less than five daiys thereafter. Whig? of inqvrestwo Sec. 13. _ hat the said United States marshal shall accordingly summon eighteen disinterested men, not related to either party ; and