Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1020

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FIFTY·FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 542. 1891. 967 manila paper, thin muslin, benzine, g·utta·percha, belting, and other necessary articles and expenses, one thousand five hundred dollars. EXPENSES OF NATIONAL CUBRENcY: For paper, express charges, ex? ¤¤rr¤¤<=y and other expenses, nine thousand three hun red dollars. ' SPE(fIAL WITI•;E‘S}Si OF DEsTRUCTIONf 0; UNIl‘5ED STATES sEcURI- it?c¤i¤¤¤t¤¤c¤¤r- TIES g or pay 0 e representative o the pu ic on the committee to w1tness the destructionhply maceration of Government securities, p,,°;,;g,“,_ at five dollaérs per day Ka" e actually employed, one thousand five un an seventy 0 rs. CANCELING UNITED STATES SECURITES AND CUTTING DISTINCTIVE Oanceli¤gsecm·i¤¤¤• PAPER: For extra knives for cutting machine and sharpening same; °°°‘ anélmleather belt3ng,hnew dies and punches, repair tpgglnaclilinapy, oil, co n waste an other necessary expenses connec wi ecan- _ collation of redeemed United States securities, two hundred dollars. CUSTODY OF DIES, ROLLS, AND PLATES: FOI pay of custodian of W <;:wgiE:· dies, rolls, and plates used at the Bureau of Engravingand Printing '°"$’..¢ .,*2; fprtlie printiiipg of hGoy1p'?1u5e1§t sec1€riti§si)namely_: ngtgusttrggian mm ousan our un dollars- wo u cus , n oupland six hlupdred dollaplrs distiiipumipguogkgpyga ppousand two un 0 rs·1n ,six thousand eig unr oars. PAY or ASSISTANT CUSTODIANS AND JANIToRs: For pay of as- mgisfpgnéintzwmwgkrg sistant custodians and ganitors, including all personal services in tamu;. ”’ "“ anuection {with ag] pipbtip bligildzingzs ipngep cogtrol of pho Tlrppsury partmen ou S1 e o e IS mc o . o um 1a, six un an twenty-five thpuusand dolliagsg and the Siecipetary opliihe Treasury shall so a rtion t `s sum as preven a e ciency erein. INISIPPCTOB OF FURNITURE AND OTHER FURNISIIINGS FOR PUBLIC I¤¤pc%»•Hrl;>l£i1¢;¤·¤i— BUILDINGS: To enable the Secretary of the 'fheasury to employ a °‘"°’°" ° °"’”'

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0 S j lights, and other current expenses, three thousandidollars; and for · * plcfzugl neplessarydegpenses, not exceeding two thousand dollars; in , ve thousand o _ FURNITURE AND REPAIRS or FURNITURE: For huniture and re- pairs of furniture and carpets for all public buildings, marine hospitals included, under {:11;: goptrol of ghe Trgaiury Dppartmenlt, arid or f 't , ts, e iers, an gas x ures or new u1 mgs, eiihlldsiliig oiaprgfsongl services, except for work done by contract, two hundred thousand dollars. _And all furniture now owned by the United States in other buildmgs shall be used, as far as pract1cable, whether it corresponds with the present regulation plans for furnit t. uI§‘6U(ii·LI1(i.10HTs, AND WATER FOR PUBLIC BUILDINGS: For fuel, wmh ligpgrbunurig lights, water, electric-light plants, including repairs thereto, in such agp. ‘ P buildings as maybe designated by the Secretary of the Treasury for electricaight wimnghan miscellaneopstplteués pelquirei by phe Jang to men in e roper care o e U1 ings urn1 ure an helstihu a mratus exclugve of personal services, for dll public buildings, rgiarliig hospitals included, under the control of the Treasury Department, inclusive of new buildings, seven hundred and sevent y· five thousand dollars. And the appropriation herein made for gas in any of the public buildings in the District of Columbia, under the cpntrol of the Treasury Depaiément, shgll uéclude pho renltal or plse G vemor, p\1l'1 el', O1' 0 GP 6V10Q or re ucing e asgcvcrnors. gx an1iTsegadf€)as, wl1en%i·sst approved by the Secretary of the Treasury andeordered b him in writing: Provided, That no sum shall be paid hmm. for such rental, or use of such gas governor, gas purifier, or device rummumiua. greater than the one-half part of the amount 0 money actually saved th b . EIQATING APPARATUS FOR PUBLIC BUILDINGS: FO1‘l168.tl1Ig,l10ist· Heati¤z,etc.,p¤hlic ing, and ventilating apparatus, and repairs to the same, for all pub- °“““”“ lic buildings, including marine hospitals, and quarantine stations