Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1051

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998 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 543. 1891. and Prairie Bands, according to their respective rights and interest, by the Secretar of the Interior. This amount to e in full for the . sums due said lndians for arrears under article three of treaty of Vol. v, pr. $96,817. October sixteenth, eighteen hundred and twen1éy—six; article two, ‘°" treat of September twentieth, eighteen hundre and twenty-eightarticle four, treat of October twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and ‘ thirty-two; for edlucational purposes up to and including iiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hun red and ninety-one. his amount to be set apart as specified in said several treaties as a school fund for said Indians, and paid out under the direction of the Secreta of the Interior. ummm tcrdeprs That the sum of forty-emht thousand eight hundred and ninety- Mm- seven dollars and ninety- ve cents be, and the same is hereby appropriated, out of any moneys in the Treasury of the United tates not otherwise appropriated, and that said sum be paid, under direction of the Secretary of the Interior, to the Pottawatomie Indians, known as Citizen and Prairie Bands, according to their respective rights, shares, and interest. This amount to bein full for the amount found due said Indians by supplemental report of commissioners ap- ' pointed by the President of the United States under Senate amen - vu.1¤,p.¤. ment to article ten, treaty of August seventh, eighteen hundred and ° sixty-eight, with said Pottawatomie Indians. n all, one hundred » and thirty thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven dollars and ninetydive cents, these severalamounts to be paid as above d‘rected, less the amount due the delegate or delegates, agent or a ents, under contracts made with said Indians and approved in thednterior Department; this amount to be immediately available. Qqgpgyg QUAPAWS. mn¤u¤¤,¤¤». For education, during the pleasure of the President, per third v¤u·,p.42s. article of treaty of May thirteenth, eighteen hundred and thirty- ‘ three, one thousand dol rs; For blacksmith and assistants, and tools, iron and steel for blacksmith shop, (per same article and treaty, five hundred dollars; in all, one thousan five hundred dollars. 1>•ym¤¤um·14¤u. That there be and is hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of thirty-nine thousand five hundred and seventy-five dollars and thirty-one cents, in lieu of and as full compensation for thirteen thousand one hundred and ninety-one and seventy-seven one hundredths acres of land v¤1.·:,p.4·u. guarantie to be conveyed to the fixapaw tribe of Indians b the treaty concluded May thirteenth, eig teen hundred and thirty-three. Of the amount thus appropriated the sum of thirty thousand dollars shall be distributed, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, per capita among the said Quapaw Indians, and the sum of nine thousan five hun red and 'seventy-five dollars and thirty-one cents shall be paid over to the treasurer of said tribe to be expended seimmema. in the erection of schoolhouses and for such other purposes as the council of said tribe may direct. wgncs mangas or sA0s AND FOXES OF THE MISSISSIPPI. rei-mmm mm. For permanent annuity, in goods or otherwise, per third article V0l.7.p.85. of trea y of November third, eighteen hundred and four, one thousand do lars; mmm. For interest on two hundred thousand dollars, at five per centum, ven r,p.s41. ppt second article of treaty of October twenty-first, eighteen huned and thirty-seven. ten thousand dollars; For interest on eight hundred thousand dollars, at five per V0!-Y.x>-596- centum, per second article of treaty of October eleventh, eighteen mam. hundred and forty-two, forty thousand dollars: Provided, That the