Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1059

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1006 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 543. 1891. I¤¢**¤¤*•l¤P¤•°¤ GENERAL INCIDENTAL EXPENSES OF THE INDIAN SERVICE. Arhona. Incidental expenses of Indian service in Arizona: For general in-- cidental ex nses of Indian service, including traveling exfpenses of agents, in Xerizona, and for the sup rt and civilization o Indians at the Colorado River, Pima, and)0 Maricopa and Moquis Pueblo Agencies, twelve thousand dollars; and pay of employees at same . agencies, aight thousand dollars; in all, twenty thousand dollars. 0•|if¤¤·¤!•· Inciden expenses of Indian service in California: For general incidental expenses of the Indian service, includin traveling exnses of agents, in California, and s1;Hport and civ5.1za'tion of Indians at the Round Valley, H00K!.:? ey, Tule River, and Mission Agencies, eighteen thousand dol ;an pay of employees, including one carpenter for Hoopa Valley Agency), at same agencies, ten thousand dollars; or carrying out the provisions of an act entitled Ante,P·¢58· "An act to provide for the r uction 0 the Round Valley Indian Reservation in the State of California," approved October iirst, eighteen hundred and ninety, one hundred ousand dollars, in all, one hundred and twenty-eight thousand dollars. com-sie. Incidental expenses of Indian service in Colorado: For general incidental expenses of the Indian service, including traveling expenses of agents, one thousand five hundred dollars. mumnnms. Incidental expenses of Indian service in North Dakota: For eneral incidental expenses of the Indian- service, including travelin expenses of a ents, at three agencies in North Dakota, one thousand Eve hundred dollars. seumnunm. Incidental expenses of Indian service in-South Dakota: For n- eral incidental expenses of the Indian service, including} travelilng expenses of aglents, at seven agencies in South Dakota, t ree thousand Eve hun red dollars. ' i¤¤¤¤>· Incidental expenses of Indian service in Idaho: For general incidental expenses of the Indian service in Idaho, including traveling expenses of agents, one thousand dollars. mmm ncidental expenses of Indian service in Montana: For general incidental expenses of the Indian service, including traveling expenses of agents, our thousand dollars. nun; Incidental expenses of Indian service in Nevada: For general incidental expenses of the Indian service, including travelm expenses of agents, in Nevada and support and civilization of Indiansocated on the Piute, Walker River, and Pyramid Lake Reservations, and Piutes on the Western Shoshone Reservation, sixteen thousand five hundred dollars; and pay of employees at same agencies,. _ pix thousand dollars; in all, twenty-two thousand five hundred dollars. New umm. Incidental expenses of Indian service in New Mexico: For general incidental expenses of the Indian service including traveling expenses of agents, in New Mexico and support and civilization of udians at Pueblo Agency, and pay of employees at said agency, five thousand dollars. oregon. Incidental expenses of Indian service in Oregon: For general incidental expenses of the Indian service, including travelin expenses ` of agents in Orggon, and support and civilization of Indians at Grand Ronde an Siletz Agencies, ten thousand dollars, and pay of emplo ees at same agencies, six thousand dollars, in all sixteen thousand dollars. U¤¤b· Incidental expenses of Indian service in Utah: For general incidental expenses of the Indian service, includin traveling ex enses of agents in Utah, support and civilization 0% Indians at Illintah Valley and Ouray Agencies, and pay of employees at said agencies, eight thousand dollars.