74 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 168, 169. 1890. No swarm and no mone appropriated for this purpose shall be available until
“° a valid title td thigsitld for said building Shall be vested in the United
States, nor until the State of California Shall have ceded to the United States exclusive jurisdiction over the same, during the time the United States shall be or remain the owner thereof, for all Spurposes except the administration of the criminal laws of said tate and the service of civil process therein. xppep-nm. Sec. 2. That the sum of two hundred thousand dollars is hereby appropriated, out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this act. Approved, April 28, 1890. Aprn m. 1890. CHAP. 169.-An act granting the counties of Hennepin and Dakota, Minnesota, "’;’_‘ the right to build two bridges across the Minnesota River. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the _C<>¤¤¤¤¤ of Home United States of America in Congress assembled, That the board of ‘ l’,,‘§°”‘:,0D,,,°{°,-f,'g;°i'{",Q3 county commissioners of the county of Hennepin and State of Min-
mm nesota be, and the same hereby are, authorized to construct and
`maintain two bridges over the Minnesota River and approaches yuan ot um thereto. One bridge to be located by a majority of the said board “""‘g°· of county commissioners of said Hennepin ounty, and a majority of the board of county commissioners of the county of Dakota. in said State of Minnesota, either in section thirteen in township twenty-seven, range twenty-four west of the fourth principal meridian; or in section eiggiteen, township twenty-seven, range twenty- three west of the fou principal meridian as in the ju gment of said majority of said commissioners shall be the best place for the menu of cn construction of said bridge and approaches thereto; an one bridge ‘°°‘“" i and approaches thereto, between and connecting said Hennepin County and the country of Scott, in said State of innesota, at the point or §lace on said Minnesota River commonly known as and called " oomington Ferry " or “Lyndale Avenue, ’ or at any place where said board of county commissioners of Hemiepin County may Phnaandmaterhl. decide between said points. Said brid es and approaches shall be of such plans and material as said boardg of county commissioners of Hennepin Countly shall in their discretion determine, except that 1>r•*· said bridges shal be constructed as draw-bridges, and shall e and remain forever free. Said bridge or bridgps shall be constructed to meevnzonanureez provide for free passage of wagons and ve icles of all kinds, for the ·¤r¤s¤•- transit of anima s and for foot passengers. mguéerlmgwmw Sec. 2. That any bridge bui t under this act and subject to its ` ‘ limitations, shall be a lawful structure, and shall be recognized as a post-route, and shall enjoy the rights and privile es of other post- P¤•¤¤¢¤¤¤s¤v¤- roads in the United States; Provided, That the Udiited States may construct a postal telegraph over Said bridge or bridges without charge there or. ggggggjgghdge Sec. 3. That any bridge built under this act shall be constructed mmm'.as a pivot draw-bridge, with a draw over the main channel at an ac- ”""'**""* cessib e and and the best navigable point, and with draw-spans hav- ° ing a clear water-way, measured at the lowest stage of water known w“’“’· at the locality, of not less than eighty feet in clear width, which shall not thereafter be reduced by deposits of rip-rap; or by other material m“"°‘°’* about the piers and abutments; and the spans s all not be less elevation than ten feet above extreme high-water mark, as shown at the point of location, measuring to the lowest fart of the superstructure of said bridge. and provision shall be ma e in the location and cond£¤¤¤P°d°d *•¤¤‘· struction of the abutments and approaches to allow the free assage ' of flood water; and the piers of said bridge shall be parallefto and the bridge itself at right angles to the direction of the current of said