Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1335

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FIFTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 1075-1079. 1890. 1283 CHA?. 1Q7S.-An act granting a. pension to Isadora Ritter, formerly Isadora De September S9, 1890. Wolf Dimmick. -——·—-—-——· Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o£0America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior , and he is here y, authorized and directed to place P° "‘ u on the pension-roll, subject to the rovisions and limitations of { P t e nsion laws, the name of Isadora Ritter, widow of Judson De f’° ye f ljlimmick, late major Eighty-second Regiment of New York 0 un eers. Approved, September 29, 1890. _ CRAP. 10'l6.——An act grantinga pension to James H. Means, Doctorof Medicine. ¤·¤D*¤¤¤b¢¤‘ W. mi)- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary ·l¤¤¤•H·¤¤¤¤· Peniun. of the Interior is hereby authorized and directed to place uppn the pension·rolls the name of James H. Means, of Nas ville, inois, and pay a pension, subject to the provisions and limitations of e pension laws. Approved, September 29, 1890. CHAP. 1077.-An act granting a pension to Lucinda- Chapin. September ¤. 1w0L Be *12 enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 4 United States ey America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary Ygevgglgwm of the Interior be, and he is here y, authorized and directed to place ' mn_the pension-rolls of the United States the name of Lucinda pm, the step-mother of Wilham A. Chaplin, late a private in Com any G, Twenty-eighth Regiment New ork Volunteers, who was in the battle of Cedar Mountain, and to ay her a pension pt the rate offtwlelve dollar? per month, subject to the provisions and imitations 0 the pension laws. Approved, September 29, 1890. - GBA?. 1018.-An act to increue the pension bf Charles Kridler. sepwmber 29,1N}. Be it enacted by the Senate and House ag Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assem led, That the Secretary ${1M ]¤V-1¤M¤¤r- of the Interior be, and hereby_is, directed and authorized to increase °“ "°'°”°°‘ the pension pg gtharlep llridllerhgiatedpiivate of Complany A, Fifteenth Unit a es n an ry, o y dollars per mont . _ Approved, September 29, 1890. CHAP. 1079.-An act to increase the pension of David Shively. September 2e,1800. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary nun survey. of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized to increase the en- ’°""“‘°“ *”°"°““°d‘ sion of David Shively, late of Oomlpany E, One hundred and fgmteenth Regimeipgllienipfsylylapfa Vo uuteertltnfantiy, from thirty-six dollars per mon o ty dollars per mon . °' Approved, September 29, 1890.