.1522 PUBLICATION OF CUSTOMS TARIFFS. JULY 5, 1890. w%n¤5‘=l;•g¤¤ of ¤*-W Ama 14. Les Etats et Colonies ART. 14. The States and colo- ` qui n’ont point pris part a la pre- nies that have not yet taken part sente convention seront admis a in this convention shall have the y acceder ulterieurement. privilege of acceding thereto ereafter. Names. L’accession sera notiiiee par Notice of accession shall be écrit au Gouvernement belge qui given, in writing, to the Belgian la fera connaitre a tous es Government, which shall, in autres Gouvernements contrac- turn, communicate such notice tants. L’accession emportera de to all the other contractin Govplein droit adhesion a toutes les ernments. Accession shallimply clauses et admission a tous les adhesion to all the clauses conavantages stipulés dans la pre- tained in, and the en`o ment of sente convention. all advantages providledr for, by this convention. D¤¤¤¤f¢¤ki¤s¤¤¤¢’¤· ART. 15. La presente Conven- ABT. 15. This convention shall tion sera mise execution le 1** go into operation on the first day avril 1891 et elle restera en vigu- of April, 1891, and shall remain eur pendant sept ans. in force for seven years. couunumce. Si, douze mois avant l’expira- If, twelve months before the tion des sept premieres amiees, la. expiration of the nrst seven years, presente convention n’a pas ete no notice of a desire for the cesenoncee, Z’Uni<m subsistera pen- sation of the eifects of this condant un nouveau terme de sept vention shall have been given, annees et ainsi de suite, de sept the Union shall continue to exist en sept ans. for seven years longer, and so on in periods of seven years each. Denunnhticn. La denonciation sera adressee Notice of a desire for the cessaau Gouvernement bel . Elle tion of the effects of this convenn’aura d’eifet u’a Pgsard du tion shall be addressed to the pays qui l’aura (laite, la conven- Belgian Government. Such notion restant executoire pour les tice shall have no eifect save as autres pays de Z’UmI0#n. regards the country giiving it, and the convention sha remain in force so far as the other countries of the Union are concerned. I¤¤P¤’°'¤¤¤€¤¤¤- Les Gouvernements pourront The Governments shall at all introduire dans la presente con- times 'be at liberty to make in vention, de commun accord et en this convention, by mutual agreetout temps, les améliorations qui ment, such improvements as may seraient jugées utiles ou neces- be deemed expedient or necessaires. sary. ssgmmu. En foi de quoi, les soussignes In testimony whereof, the unont signe la présente convention dersigned have signed this Conet y ont appose leur cachet. vention, and have thereunto atiixed their seals. Fait a Bruxelles, le 5 Juillet Done at Brussels, Julythe fifth, mil huit cent quatre vingt dix. one thousand eight hundred and ninet . Pour la Republique Argentine, For the Argentine Republic, [sun.,] CARLOS CA1.vo Y CAP- CAm.os Cnnvo Y Cn- DEVILA. DEVILA. Pour l’Autriche-Hongrie, For Austria-Hungary, FEAL.] EPERJESY. Ernizmsv. our la Belgique, For Belgium, SEAL. LAMBERMONT. LAMBERMoN*r, SEAL.} Ln0N BIEBUYCK. LEON BIEBUYGK, sms,. Knnnns. ‘ Krzmms. our la Bolivie, For Bolivia, . psmxn.] Jonounv Case. J oaoum Cnso. our le Chili, For Chili. [sun.,] N. Vrcuiu. N. Pais Vrcmh.