Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1616

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INDEX. 1569 Alaslva-Continued. Alexander, Hallam D.Page. proclamation against killing appropriation for allowance to legal repreof fur-bearing animals in waters sentatives oi, for personal etfects _ of . . .: .. 1543, 1558,1565 lost by wreck of U. S. S. Trenton. . 10 special apent authorized to investigate Alexander, Sarah J, sea tisheries, sea-otter, etc., in us- nsion . . . 1265 tries in ... 46 Agxxnder, Theodore L., Alaska Bqugdarg; Survey, Pension ..,. 1319 a on or ... 960 A wander W P At.’Z£f.‘Z.¥’?l‘.?.1t~;.»..y, - appropriationfor expensesof agents, etc.887,969 Agcldzlglria. l I · · - Ul· - _ · t ‘ H` 1190 orpublishing Presidents proclamation . 969 construction of public building at 211 Mdmeggycggapmmmdm for agents' salar· 541 b agpmagdatiegi $0%. .. . 371, 949 Ad; . ... .ééL%;é . 867 rn %Haro$a"e 1ver authorized at . . . S20 _ 1 . . a pm' ti f road na·· 1mmedt;a¤ rtation privileges ex- ppm . . . 687 · ... · .. 8 Alfrey, A. ., Albany, Oregon, t to .. . ‘ 2*3; bHdS§Vgi}'lS{;memfRvi;ver ,,,__ _ ______ 698 °° · -·-· . 1446 ‘ ny," . . opp o ar, ati f nsul at 279,1059 · detimency appropriation for relief of wid- Alm Names). ows, etc., of crew. .. ... . . 544 Alien Contract Labor Laugs, Albafa, appropriation for enforcing r-. . .387, 968 duty on ..,.. . ... 581 Alum 0'<m€~¢¢ L¤lg¢>~··¤. _ Albemarle Sound, M C., of nuts forillcgallpsglmporung, etc.,uottobe 1084 appropriation or improvement water _ ¢0l¤p1‘0m .. . .. Amu ‘routefromNorfo1kHarborto . 440 51*8**8, mbimdad _ _ wth U hd men pro mission e m on free,list .. . ... 608 ¤1f€¤ ·--·-··------·. . 1084

ized Paper, pcnalt%_fo:·er;1glta¤v;·'l·idly bringing, into the 108

on . . . . ... 592 D1 .. . .. 5 Albums, unlawfully coming into the United States Aduty on . . . . . 599 excl !¤¤b¤0;¤h11’¤¤d& --·- _ - . ._ 1086 1 · -1 ’ P 1 _ for Indian school 358, 1012 _ _ repealed .. 1109 (nee also Spirits). éllzanwr use of, friele of tax in sugar manufacture, 1050 0¤a£l‘0¢h8t .. . . .. 333 au o YW -··-···-··---·-· · -----·-. . .. 3 mm for niegn use . 1050 Ali=¤r¢M Awww. - Alleiomlic Compounds, 567 A Glléhééi . . ...· . . . 568 uty on .. . , . ... W 0l 8, 6 ¢· Alcoholic Preparations, duty JH . : . . .. . . , 570 warehouses established for manufacture AU”"·_M¢W Alm(w1d0w). ()f,fo]:gxpg[|;gti0ufrgg0ftgx______ P011810D...: . . z,.. .. 1].58 mm 1-¤qmma...: .. . . _ . 614 Allegany Imlwn Rwervallvn. M 1., _ _ may be expo,-ted without gmmpmg, qc_ _ $14 renewal of leases by Senecas authorized . 558 4111 mamma free or mx . 614 Allvalwny. Bn., _ _ _ rggg]3 fg; pgmgval of matgrialg in of Publlc St, Kilt1IOI'- ______ _ ______________________ 3 iz _. . _ .. . . .. Aho", Harvey TL a propriation for 871,948 pension increased ... 1211 ‘m°¥£";y Tlé . Aden Ahmzo 1 saeo nzed 116 hou incréased 1183 Allegheny River, Pa., Am, L D., "‘; ’‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘' appropriation for improvement of ... 438 deficiency appropriation for contested elec· Allen°r§°§;t'“°°mg Hen B Island Dam ···- 438 tion, ouse of Representatives 532 deBbieiwy'* appropriation for out of Aldrifll. I41Fo1/. Geneva award fund . . 504 rensicn increased .. _ ... . . 1321 Allen, Amos L_, A g (see also Fermcutcd IJQUOTB), deficiency appropriation for services 886 u gahé ... . .,,,,,,_, 590 Allen, Harada Q," wyngent of Frgncb Bp0mm0n C , on 904 Apgirxgngglto estate of 1142 account o · · aged __________________ ~ "Alert," schooner, Aggrrflhlgngildne (widow),'`MA ` payment of French spoliation claim on nsion .. . . .. . 1403 Alexa dagrccegnntof. 908 I Allen Bath M (géglow), n , ve me ., nsion iucr a . .. . . 1390 iension increased ... 1159 { Align, Williani, Aieawnder, Femlall E..Pension increased .. . ... 1209 deficiency apglopriation for {udgment A ley Square 812, D. C'.. against `strict of Colum ia .. 514 art of lots 14 and 15 donated for ... 824 Alexander, Finnella M., Ageys, D. C.. payment of judgment of Court of Claims to 536 appropriation for grading. ... 297, 1066 STAT L—VOL XXVI---99