Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1619

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1572 nvonx. _ Page. _ _ _ Page. Appointments. Army, Approprzatz0ns—Cont1nuecl. to be in arm of service not regimental. . . 562 for ascertaining number of owners 0; Appomattox River, Va., farms and homes, and amount 0 appropriation ifsé improvement of ... 439 mortgages thereon, Eleventh Cen- Appoquinnimin iver, Del., sus .. . .. . 13 appro riation for improvement of ... 439 for relief of Sioux Indians, Devi1s’ Lake Apportzgmment of Representatives Agency 15 number to each State. . 735 for printing Agricultural Report, . . 667 pew States tplhlave additional number. . . 735 por 1890 681 ongression istricts .. 735 or 1891 1118 additional Representatives to be at large 6th and 7th Anppual Reports, Bureau of until re istricting 736 ‘ Anima n ustry . 681 present districts where no increase is Internal Commerce Report, 1889 ,.. 1111 made . ... 736 "Growth of Industrial Art, " addition- Appraisement of Inqoorted Goods, al copies ...,. 1115 to be at actual market value or wholesale Fifth Annpall Labor Report ... 1115 ° price , 136 Diseases 0 the orse .. 1117 ascertainmentuof cost of production . 136 for purchase of site for new Fort Bliss, to include a expenses incident to pro- Tex . ... . . 16 dlpction and shipmeiét . 136 for delegates toc International Industrial cig t per cent. to be a ded ,. 136 Property onference .. . ... 17 not to be less than total cost of produc- for remoyipg owtructions, harbor of Mil- 2 tion ... . . 136 wa ee, is . 2 Appraisers-General (see General Appraisers, for purchasing tents for Hood sufferers. . , 33 etc). for investigation of seal fisheries, etc., in Appraisera Meetings,Alaska ... 46 appropriation for expenses of local .. 387,968 for road to National Cemetery, Alexan- Ap_p;¢;i.s·ers’ Warehmzse, New York City, dria, Va . 687 gms ge ofgspte authlpgrized ,... 183 S3taunI§oniS(§’a.L5 .. . ... 133 ` se ec for,t0 used for newcustom- ort u n, . house 850 for expenses attending admission of ex- Apprngitices, .Mwal, hibits, World’s olumbian Exposi- 64 to taken on vessels in American mail » tion .. ; . service .. . . ... 832 for egpenses of Government exhibit, Appropriatiom (see also Public Buildings). orld’s Columbian Exposition . . . 65 annual, extended thirty days r 675 for National Zoological Park, D. C. .. 78 to August 14, 1890. . ... 677 for expenses of Oklahoma Territory . 93 to August 29, 1890 . . . . . . 677 for court, etc., Indian Territory . 100 foihdefticiencies ,.. . 34, 504, 709, 862 for exlpenses tofbetowp-sgied entries, Okla- 110 ouse of Representatives . 107 oma; 0 re un . for compensation and mileage;. . . 220, 645 for expenselslxéuttipg témbenetc. , Menomo- 14 arising rom defalcation in rgeant- 'nee ian an ... . 7 at~Arms’ Office .. . . .. 54 for election, etc. , expenses, Idaho ... 217 for printing and binding, etc , 159 Wyoming . . . . 224 for pensions and census .. 161 for carrying silver bill mto ei‘l’e¢·t 289 for gplpport of 1:: Army .., 148,770 for Chickapipuga ang Clhattamooga Na- 3% · for nary Ac em .. 163, 816 tiona i itary ar . , S ‘ ior pensions . . . . . ... . . 187, 1081 for additional clerics? force, etc., depend- 3 0 or nava service . ..,... 189, '99 en nsion ac .,. {7 §or incrtzse of the Navy 205.814 for agpiculltigml colleges in States and 41 or service . 206, 1079 erri ries . .. . ... 7 for lgsislative, executive, and judicial ex- for mzgklipig boiupdag States of 46 penses .. . ... 228, 908 0 an u i 0 a .. '7

0r xediplomaticfand coniular service,272, 1053 fo; surveyp; of port Rock Island, Ill .

or partment o Agricu ture 282, 1044 eoria, . . . iw ghehlaistrict of C0 umbia .., 233, 1062 l for conlimisiipn to negotiagp fpr Crow In- 468 or ocations .. . 1","67 . ian servation. on ... for Indian Department . 336, 989 l for telegraph between Tatoosh Island for sundry civil expenses . .371, 948 I and Port Angeles, Wash .. 479 for rivers and harbors .. . 426 for establishing free bathing beach, for lossgs wrecking otlsgfisnaval vessels, 9 f Washingt<;n, D1ihC { . {1. 490 ia, can .. . .. or expenses 0 se g, eo., groun s for Mgxrion gud.) Branch National Sol- gpldhbuildings, Dearborn Arsenal, 491 ers' ome .. 10 'c . for engraving, etc., portrait, of- for establishing Rock Creek Park, D. C. . . 494 Beck, James B .. . 1111 l for medals Jeannette Expedition . .. 553 Burnes, James N . 673 for survey, allotting, etc., Round Valley _ Cox. Samuel Sullivan . 676 l Indian Reservation, Cal ... 659 Gay. Edward J .,. 1113 . for agent to examine claims for damages Kelley, William D .. z . 674 l settlers on Crow Creek and Wnine— Laird, James . 683 { bago Reservations, S. Dak 660 Nllfggg, N¤w¤p{1JW ...,,.,, , 680 l for relief ofWClnppewas La Pointe 669 i H . . .. 680 agency, is .. . ... ‘Townshend, W. . . . .. 674 l for removing snags, Missouri River .. 669 Wnber, David ... . .. . . 680 for jettynmouth of Columbia River, oreg. . _ 6»0