Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1681

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1634 INDEX. pag`; Page. Great Lakes C0ntinu0d. Gmesea Wilhelm, maritime offenses committed on, and con- pgmswn . 1233 uecting waters, punishable in United Grzpith, D. D.,

Statcs cgxrts    . 424 é%n£dg exgeswnixd %0r Igubhc land  1336

Great emahu, ttawatamie an , A ency, i , rs. . . un W , apprggriation for Indian agent at . 337, 990 pension . 1377 Great e Dee River, S, C'., Gnjfith, William M., Jpgrgpéiatgn fo3im}>r0vcmant of 441 £p.y{;c11&;>f£qgg meu€Ff g0\nt of Clmms to 888 ea ous ay,.., gs, asc onaer, appropriation for improvement of harbor. 429 £§?n . 1430 Greece, n ones appropriation for minister resident and duty 0n.. 3 .. 573 consul-general. 272 Griswold, E. H,

 $0r  to .. . ... 1053 T8fHD (} 0%XOOSS paid f<;1ip1;b]ic land . 1336

ee , ., Grisw , A mo er peugion fnzeased ... 1268 pcnsgon. . . . ... 1207 Green Bay Agency, Griswold, Matthew C'. , apprcgwnution for Indian agent at ... 337, 990 pension increased .. 1344 Green ay, Mich, Gmjf, Elizabeth E. (widow), to be port of entry, Michigan collection pension . 1129 district ... 116 Gros Vcntres Indians, Green Bay, Wis., appropriation for support, etc., of .. 350, 1004 approgréxagou for xmprovement. of harbor. 433 de ciency appropriatwn for supfmort 549, 549 Green, snag? agrcengerét mth, for cession of ands rati- paymen o reno spo a 1011 clmm - c ... I. .

 Jngnistrator of assignee of  .  899, 900 approprigtiou for carrying out agree—  

een. 0 N. on . payment oigudgment of Court of Claims to 889 Gross Ntmy M Green, John . , ’ 1422 military record corrected ... 1124 Ground Bédjbg ``'`````°``````````'```````° G"?" L“k“· Mew duty ou. ... . 587 G'“”·. '”7! A· (“"d”“’)> pension increased .. . . 1293 pensxon . 1277 (:;,.0,,8, Emily J G""' Ri'Z"·.Ky·¤ payxnent to r of 1449 approprmtwn for survey of .. 458 Grave, Cena A construction of bridge across, authorized. 476 ’ t to ’ 1449 at Bmcmk . 700 G,?§v’§"f}‘a,,w,;g ··‘··‘‘‘‘‘‘··‘···········‘ wawr 'ighm °°°·· m‘*Y b° 1***1; ’°°°iP*“ 447 payxnent of judgment of Court of Claimsto 890 Green, Rebecca A. (widow), Grow W-mmm S pension; . Z .. 1309 peugiou ________ ____________________ 1229 G“"°°”· ”'”'°"* ”*· ·· mwrn of Imzumau An," payugiglzggh . . ... . . . 1449 appl.0Igg£:;gn for printing additional

 .          ... 1335 G % £idg  a* 1t     

t s “ . . ’°’m°§`¤m?¤s¤tmt'ZYr oe¥’?.`?t}?Y.Y1T`?YlT.$? sm ¤<>¤¤ *··<=¤¤¤i¤¢ <=¤*=¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¤<¤ -·---- 862 Greene, David, Guadelou , payment of French spolintion claim to ‘ apsroprggtion for consul at 278, 1058 administrator of assignee of.. .. 899, Gua in, William J,

   900, 902, 905   payment of judgment of Court of Claims to 586

Greene cnry ., uano, clainn to be examined, payment .,,... 1487 on free list .. 606 Greene, Lafayette, Guaranty, etc., Companies, D. C'., puyrnent of Judgment ot Court or Ciaimsm $91 provisions for charter of . 625 Grezmgng, Mary . (widow), Guardians, . pemnou i; .. 1249 penalty for embezzlmg, etc., pcnsnon Grecnportg . ., money JPPW? for 1mprovcmaut of harbor 429 Guardums, etc., D. C., 94*71 : !88·, trustcom may appoin ... 627 Bpprqpmmon for 1mprovement of harbor 450 courts of not to agpoiut, 'of fund Grccnmlgf S. C'., gutiide of, or belonging to nonresicourt :1 . ... 71 eu . ; 632 Greenwiclg Bgy, R, g, - Guards at Consulates, upp for unprovemam; of hm-bor 428 £p?ropmmu for .. 280, 1061 appropnntuan for expenses of suit to deter- appropriation for minister to. Z2 mmp, controversy 409 or consul eral .. . 273, 1054 for specml counsql, ctp ... . . . . 986 Guatemala (l 011,d'l¢’|'€l·8, conunggg mspecting tntle, to be adjudi-  ;;ppropriation for minister to ... 1053 ... . . uaymas, Amggfgx to bming suit in Su- a;p1·3pria.tion fo§ consul at 279, 1059 . . , Cgmthuz ., evidence admitted . . . . 92 pension . ... IW5