Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1692

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momx. 1645 Indian pepartment—Connn11ed. Indian Outbreak, 1890, hp conmties tobe established mOklahoma._. . 1043 arms, etc, to be issued to Dakotas, etc. . 1111 school reserved from entry; mm- 1044 Indian Police, f 355 1008 . piogation or . , appropriation for carrying out purchase , _ of Sioux ... _ ,. 720 appmpngtign for support, etc., at various deficiency appgopnaison for relief of schools , 359,4012 IT:rt1e ountam Band Chippewa 40 for on, etc .. . .. 360,1014 _ .. : children' 0 d1an' stakm` glandsinsev— for supphes, telegrapbmg, etc . 40, 542 eralty not excluded . t60,1014 gg; ccéxggansion ... Indian Reae12;ation.s (sec also Indian Depart- . . . . . men . gg xr] ll. Wilson . . . 523 appropliiiattipln {pr survey, etc., of new 854 tmgeucies . . . , o en .. . . for school, Lawrence, ... 542 for expenses of unhnished allotments. . 854 for support, etc., Arizona. and New for surveying and allotting in severalty 856 Mexico .. . . ... 542 for negotiating for surren er of . . . .353,1009 for agents ... . . . . . . .542, 549, 898, 896 for complying with terms of purchase of ger Fort Peck Agerécyallpdaans . 542 d Sioux { ... 7520 or surveying an otting reserve- 8H0f1G!!- cy appropnn tion or surveyi . . 9 tions. . . . .. : . . ... 542,549 for surveying and allotting .. . . 549 for supplies, . . .542, 549, 898,896 allotments in severalty of lands on .. 794 for inspectors expenses ... . . . . 542 appointment of commission authorized for mcidental expenses . . . 549, 879 for selecting lands for Mi ion Ingor schools . . W dians,_Ca1;fornia. . . . . or miscellaneous suppo a n or expenses for surveys . . ._ . 2 . . 549 ration of agreement for oession of for Sioux ot duferpnt tribes .. 879, 893 lands of Secs and Foxes, Ind. Ter . . 758 gon- expepsesE tendent out!-S m Iowas, 1358 or Chares . ed¥s,exeou citizen'watomes ... . .. 16 for school, Genoa, ehr .., 898 Absentee Shawnees, Indian Territorly. . 1018 foih support, etc., Arizoms and New 879 Cheyetrmcs and Arapahoes, Indian er- 1022 exico . ri t·ransf¥ié§){:fa`x: prop1iation for supplies, 682 W d i“VV:ash . , .. Berth duns . Indian Clairns, _ Sioux, Sisseton, and Wahpeton bands 1035 appropriation for investigation, etc 856,1019 Crow Indians ot Montana . . . . . 1089 ciency appropriation or Assistant At- right of way granted through Colville, torney-General . .. $8 Wash 102 tombs admdicated in Court ot Claims Flathead, Mont .. 13:3 c ms re erred . Mille Lacs, Minn . . limitations waived- claims barred ... 852 Minnesota . . . 126 to be presented three years; depreda- Nez Percé, Idaho . 104 tl tions subsequent not agowed _... . . éltledtlake, Minn .. . .. 2.63 'tio ; servi ; answer, e ...e . Oregon gsidenlde admitted; priority of allowed 853 gpsitilla tion, Oregon . claims .. . . ... ima, ... . ..,.. . . . rules of court ... 853 sale of perty on, not needed; projudgments to be charged against tribes; .. _ _ .962,1016 d method .. .. gg}; commxsvsipspl to negotiate for Colville, SM `u gments ; new , .. . ... · list f 'udgments to ¢.ongress` ... 858 Crow, Mont . 468 sales og claims, etc., dec redvoid; attor- Puyalhgr, Wash .. 854 neys’ allowance .. 854 Warm irings, Oregon .. . .. 855 appeal to Supreme Cmnbignfpmotidouire . 854 Whhjtsngiartli, Minn., Turtle Mountain 3:; , tc., e to urnis co . papemb; De ents, etc .. . ... 854 to locate northern boundary Warm additionalnt Attorney-General to Springs Reservation. Oregon . 355 be appointed . . 854 to allot in severalty lands on Round Valpending investigations to cease ... . . . 854 ley, Cal .. 658 Indian Farmers, proclamation declarin Indian titles to a propriation for additional ... 855,10lB lands on Ponca lleservation extin- Indian Hostilitiea, f lguisged . éd 1559 d6' a 'tion orsu ressing, sec'onsonc lands ° °‘°;‘.2’ .¥’?T’€`T‘T€‘? .. H? ... as M gm. 4 emma. . F. ’. ‘“ 1044 Indian Lands, ian iver. . ` ti f tiating fo lin- a priation for lighting .. 378, 950 approprmshciilienltrofnsnegniialus .. .353, 1009 llor survey of .. 457 Indian &nds in Seueralty, construction of bridge across, authorized 555 appropriation for expenses of negotiations, Indian Schools, etc . . . . . . .. 353, 1009 appropriation for support of. etc . . .357. 1012 Indian Qffioe, or superintendent, expenses .. 838. 991 appropriation for Commissioner, amistant. for buildings and repairs 358, 1012 clerks, etc .. . ... . . .258, 938 denciency appropriation for support . 549 for rent . . _ .. 201, 941 for expenm, superintendent; per diem. 879