Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1790

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mmzx. 1 743 Surveys, Qcean and Lake, VTale, Mary (widow), appropriation for .. 190 800 pension . 1131 " Susan " brig ’ laiggers Iron 01·StceI payment of ’Fi-ench spoliatiou claim on uty on common . ., . 575 S dmccount of ..., . . . ._ . . . 901 Ihhiti, uspem era, a r0prm.' tion f sul at 279, 1059 duty on cotton ..,,. 593 Ta£·s’ Irons, or wu on vvfiolen, etc ... 537 duty on 578 ‘ on sx .., 5 , Joaeph Susquehanna River, Md., pay, etc., toi ... 1436- appropriation for survey of . ... 459 Tallgotf, Eliza A. (widow), Susquehanna Rwer,_Md. and Pa., , pension . 1122 appropriation for improvement of ... 439 Talcahuano, Su uf, rs. K. F.( ), ationtoroonsulat 279,1059 S pensnog . ... 1352 T , Catharine (mother), 1204 u on, r ebald, pension. . . Supaymené to of ,... 1142 1ullahatcIgie_Ri1;er,_Mias., td 443 wanee wer, ., a orunprovemen approgntion for improvement of ... 442 Ta poosa River, Ala., ‘ Swamp- Claims, _ _ appropriation for improvement of ... 443 _ appropriation for adjusting; allowances. Tlgyyw, 8 uty on 58 ‘ Swan, Irene D. (widow), Tazmag, P6¤¤i¤¤ -··--· · -~···-—·-· · · · - --··-- ~· - 1154 duty on woolen etc · .. . . . 597 3W6H'?'. ·[0'|»¤» Tanugrindlpét ’ 606 P¤¤¤¤¤ -··--····-·--·--···-··- on ree .. Swcdenaqd Norma, _ _ . Tamatave, ¤1>1¤9p¤:*;¤¤ fwm *0 ---------- 272, 1053 T:.ppo1¤}9me¤¥_l:¤r m¤¤u1 at . 278, was _ 1 MPG G , G., on UBB gd ...-.--------- - ·--------—-·-- 610 Tgppropjrilgtion for improvement of harbor . 431 ml"':. 1 m , G.,

   .»...-.-·---·---·- - -·-·----· 587 m m transportation privileges to. . . 34

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 for- I:‘g;¤¤¤W‘¤¤- 538 nappropriation m cmu: at ... .  zvs, mso

OOIIIID _ GTB HIIDIBSI -.·-- . . . mpigp [ihbgr, Swir¢.;ll¤rv(•v·•1¤·¤). mo oumusn . . 000 ago. . ... l. .· Ting`", I Um for at - U - U2", ww ¤¤P<>¢¢¤*:3ty¤* d*¤¤¤¤°· °*°·· P'°*“'°’*°d= _ m PE; Arabic emk, em m,10s4 imP°’&• t° P]“°°d in ‘‘'‘ 418 a n iolszurvev of 468 im;pee1;iou,etc.,ofimpo . mwMLWht’Mm0am, . .. CXPOIT .. ..._ .. . · · expenses.'---.-..`--274’1w5 engr: of mmm. prohibited ... 417 Tj;{‘,§'j,’g{‘,f,,?},j“ *°’ _ S·Di 8“'""°'"9#’... .. . 61- l;1£;3'°P’i8;g°“ f°r %€v€“mg¤ °°° ‘‘‘·‘· *88, 1050 Tfnngeflgatm Tannin, 0 Swlnomwle Slough, aahw f 464 duty on ,,.. . - .. 567. apl`0 HBUOH 0].'B'IlX'V€yO .. T · -A,r.t·I£8’ - smgzniéw, %’L"2¥9uJ? . ... me appropriation for minister to .. 272, 1053 Ta t Ca is Su(;m‘d·9 and Sword Blades, 579 · uty on vezgt., . 597 uty on Tn1H0m, 6‘y¢¤m¢”‘•% f li t .. . .. 610 dutyton,kl;:m$1{sé1eym ..,.. _ ___ 582 Ts; *66 S — mx m' .. ’ .. . .. 1454 <>¤ free listhwwd -·--··--·-·~·—·-·---···

 I I T Qu', e¤_t,·ed’.y .. . .

S, cousul at ''````` W"' 1058 Uayppxfopiriation for imlprovement of ... 440 ' yéznmncg apprépmeon sor . as T<;¢g:;;;l{xgé§{;j·Qg;?_ <·¤¤~· =*-v· 156 ,,,9 qgpmpmdm for public building 373 Taiwgig, on hat _ mings etc 8 '.I‘. Tarljf of 1890 (see also Internalkevenueand pm!-e john Collection of Customs Revenue), pension increased ... 1226 , Schedule A, duty on chemicals, oils, and 567 numts Ttpzlurgiog. . . . . . . 1221 i Sclxed1];1T;1i3, duty on earths, earthenware. 1} I ch, and glassware 570 duty on . . . . .· . . 580 Schedule C, tluty OD metals and manufac- 574 M N a res o . ... . . Tater1ns,0:V at . J . 45 Schedule D, duty on wood and manufac- 582 ' . n and deli , Pu tures ...,..,. to be .. Z 363 Schedule E, bounty to producers of, and $83 immediate transportation privileges to. . . 363 duty on, sugar ,... ·