Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1810

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mnmx. 1763 Work: of Art-Continued.Wluy, Mary G.,hm onfreelist,forexhibitionbyartists,etc. 611 wpsymeutto ... I `1456 for permanent exhibitixmbysocieties, etc 611 rocked Prqacrty, . W0v·ld's Columbian Commission, . ovmernblpand rights as to, notalectedby appmpmdm f .· ... · .. 05,965 e customs act. ... 142` or ot Iadylhnagen. . 965 Wrech, ` for ct foreign exhibits .. 64,965 iemoval of, in navigable waters, aban-` ‘ for World’s Cougrem.. . . .. 906 doned for two mouths. . . 454 W deemedpartof originsllimitof liability 966 Th in Canadian-Ameri'4;an W'atcrs,‘ · wld': Columbian Egan8m' , ‘ _ vesse may ai v , etc., to bg hQ,d_jn Chicggp, m ______ F _________ gg in . ‘ 120 communoqmmmnsmu, ·rm-nm-y,¤m1 M ¢<>b¤¤¤¤¤¢¤¤¤¤¤i1¤?5¤¤¤vriv¤¤zes 1;nLw¢t0: cmumm cmmpm. . . 32 umm _¤:m·;¤er¤¤ vessels m m a. m en .. _ _ ···-··-·---------· nlwigcation to governors to nominate , , $3 iv ngkw conuectmgwnters ot Great meetingotoomxnissionexs , 63 -·---- ········ · ···-·· _ 120* acceptance ot_ sate tendered py Hlmcjg 63 to recapmccalprivilegewxzh- 131 »¤»°£:2'?"e1.e‘¤.,¤.»¤»¤ ‘‘‘‘‘·· =":::;:; _ o wm ·»» Ja»2e»‘2—2; ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘* ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘

l;m to li: mw ,,.` .,,,,_ as Hdxglnentof ju<Lgment0fCourtoiC1aimsto

BPWE; ]·Udg$' 2 w _: ·» lady duties , Z ,_,_, ,_ ,,,.,__ as Hpenunn izncmssed ... 1226 adephon rulesamlregulnhcns _ 63 ..*‘€9hf,•T¤I§‘¤M·,

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am on dediomou, ewan umm; . . ue MM. Loma (Mw). _ _ _ proclamationby thent ..., : 64 ‘ . , . 1128 mvitation to foreign countnes to patron- ‘ 64 TWMZ -R¤¢h¢l ('M0”¤¢*')» _ 1386 ,,,,.,· ,,,,,’“"°,,,,;,,· · ,,· 5;;,;;,;;,;;,;;,;,;;,*,,,,,, ‘‘‘· g and amwaze mama om ®:.•:.··i&•·••..··.•.&..•••·•.;.. . or goods .. 64 **3* Paper. ·

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_ d Umm.; gnu, awk"; ____ 64 cnrcmtoourtsof IPPBSIBWOISSUG. 829 ummm mecommpm . _ .. _ yu H`! 2f_ __ (¤c<;¤¢¤9App~>¤1¤>, _ _ K5t10llID tn1GB ..··... _, bm dw, ¤k,t warn Ccmt

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bui1dingto‘ereched£¢nrGove1nme;xt... 66 b'°m°F°¤i$°°¤!*¤*° C°'¤’*¤¤’ appropriation m .. _...a¤,m _ •=¤¤=¤¤*¤¤¤r¤ ¤f pmml ------...-· W

 suleat clopeketc  65 *°*]¥*$¤l¤¤¤¤0q,0*·:¥*d¤Y0<}*·-g --·---··-· g

H tion, Govemmlent exmm,¤w.c¤,00¤ #1 0W2d ¤¤1y in cases exceehlné #060: Z: 828 ' approval of _________ gg; Wyandotte _Cmmty Bndge and Termmal limit of Govemmentliabnhty .. as 1§¤¤hv<¤&_0vr¤1my, _ allowance to commissioners, etc. .. 66 may b¤dE° ¤¤¤°¤¤ Rwer at Q¤1¤d¤·1'0,

 66 W d53i?.?... . .  . ..,. 648

laws of the States not lute eredwith. .. 06 Wm 0 §d':m";'¤¤» tm um 1009 _ exemplgonihot; commissnou from personal M ";*gI;l;tmK:;‘“I EW P“Ym°¤ °* ¤¤ ·--· 8 mm Hfé;. 'sc' s` ‘ 965 eiicieucy a. tion for . 527 pprggrlgxgxxahgu oeclaring dateé of opening Ww<¤·¤··:· W °”~ 0·» 1455 W dming of ____________________ 1562 I . . ...

 rlmuuhctmu of _______ · _________ gm appomomnent of Representatives ... 735

on lim: ; unmmutmtm-ed .. . 605 ¤PP¤'<>P¤¤¤¤¤ f¢>¤‘ ¤¤¤"¢Y¤¤‘·z¤¤<·¥¤I· ¤k·¤‘kq· Worst0d_ (we woo], gw_), etc.: . .. . . ... . ... 262. SM? ”·m.“ed 0,00,,, ctc_, for oontmgent expenses . _ _ ...62, 946 worsted cloth, worsteds, dj8g0¤a_]s’ etc.,") fi)! lllcldélllial CXPEDSQS 1I1d13D S01W1F? be classified as wooleu cloths ,. 105 f H1 · - hi ... 603,1003 W°rth: Margant Stafwd (daugmem 1242 deflgencv approlgriljiono fo): P€DS10ll...;:.:... .. ... . .,... luiiitiauu l-I--··-'.·'·..·-I--.'- 876 W in m, W Hmm H. _ , ”;ZL',».11m toladmixnistlntorof . 1455 gg; 3;;;,0,* =·;¤;{;,g_*gg·; QAM --·- gg orthem. Emily H-, (widvwb admitted as 4; State . . .. 2:-; 222 P·>¤¤¤>¤ -·---··-·- - ----· · ··-----··-··-·· 1897 constitution mined . 222 W¢»·ihing¢<m. Jvhrr. _ _ _ boundaries . . . .. . 222 P¤Ym*’¤¢ ¤f French ¤P°l'¤¤°B chim *0 ownership of Yellowstone Park not ceded 222 W ;*Adj1¤ini8¢1'8l¤0\' oi .--···--·· · -·-·--- 898 elaictionéele, of Representative .. range , . _ oo . . . 2 made-ea post of dekvery ..--.----·------· 1067 Sclwmg, em ,.. 2225 W ’ Twi nd Pa PostalServive, d1sp0sul' .. gggllfoipgauonzlcfz , . 207 , 1080 lands for public buildings ... 223