140 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 407. 1890. l’°*lP*“°¤°*"'¤*°°" 'ect if separately im rted. That the words “value" or "actual tluuhedwtml mma inarket value " whenegbr used in this act or in any law relating to the appraisement of imported merchandise shall be construe to mean the actual market value or wholesale price as defined in this section. wmmnwn from Sec. 20. Any merchandise depo ited in any public or private "°;',§,,‘3"‘;§'_"f.,§,_**°"°"'~ bonded-warehouse may be withdrawn for consumption within three ’ years from the date of original importation, on payment of the duties and charges to which it may be subject by law at the time of mm. such withdrawal: Provided, That nothing herein shall affect or rq-umm; mu ex- impair existing provisions of law in regard to the disposal of perish- `“°[-- ··· ¤ “”s° °' ""’i?§"£“ “"2fi°“‘ f t b ht 1. . Pm <¤¤ uc. 21. a in suits or in orma ions roug , w ere an td W°pmy` sei ure has been made pursuant to any act providing for or regulag ing the collection of duties on imports or tonnage, if the propertly mmm. isclaimed by any enperson, the burden of proof shall lie upon suc mum was w claimant: Provid , That probable cause is shown for such prose- "°“"°"“· cution, to be judged of by the court. mgvnirr fees and Sec. 22. That all fees exacted and oaths administered by officers· ° ‘ of the customs, except as provided in this act, imder or by virtue of existing laws of the United States, upon the entry of imported goods and the thereof through the customs, and also upon all entries of omestic goods, wares, and merchandise for exportahmmm new- tion, be, and the same are hereby, abolished; and in case of entry ""“°“ of merchandise for e rtation, a declaration, in lieu of an oath, shall be filed, in suchxggm and under such regulations as may be mum- nu- use prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury · and the penalties promu vided in the sixth section of this. act for false statements in such declaration shall be applicable to declarations made under this secpmvm. tion: P*rov€ded, That where such fees, under existinug laws, consti- Comgzsationh tute, in whole or in part, the compensation of any officer, such oiii- ”°"°' cer shall receive, from and after the passage of this act, a nxed sum for each year equal to the amount which he would have been entitled to receive as fees for such services during said year. No unowmee mi- Sec. 23. That no allowance for damage to oods, wares, and mer- °"""°’· chandise imported into the United States shah hereafter be made in . the estimation and liquidation of duties thereon ; but the imlporter Abmaonm e mu thereof may, within ten days after entry, abandon to the nited '°u°f‘ States all or any portion of goods, wares, and merchandise included in any invoice, and be relieved from the ayment of the duties on mm. the portion so abandoned; Provided, That the portion so abandoned shall amount to ten per centum or over of the total value or vsnueqrsnmoum quantity of the invoice; and the property so abandoned shall be mem. sold by public auction or otherwise disposed of for the account and credit o the United States under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury maly prescribe. Rm.,-i,,; Ov.,,,,,,. Sec. 24. That w enever it shall be shown to the satisfaction of '¤°¤** the Secretary of the Treasury that, in any case of unascertained or estimated duties, or payments made upon appeal, more money has been paid to or deposited with a collector of customs than, as has been ascertained by iinal liquidation thereof, the law required to be paid or deposited, the Secretary of the Treasury shall direct the reasurer to refund and pay the same out of any money in the Treasrex-mmepe mamma ury not otherwise aplpropriated. The necessary moneys therefor are “"*""l""“°‘°"· hereby appropriate , and this appro riation shall be deemed a permanent in efinite appropriation; and) the Secretary of the Treasury mféllgncpcummmm- is hereby authoriz to correct manifest clerical errors in any en- 'try or liquidation, for or against the United States, at any time within one year of the date of such entry, but not afterwards: · amt, Provided, That the Secreta of the Treasury shall in his annual nmue.1 report or report to Congress, give aldletailed statement of the various sums. '°*““"‘* ‘*“’· of money refunded under the provisions of this act or of any other