Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/321

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FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 667. 1890. 267 For stationery, one thousand five hundred dollars. smueuery. For books, periodicals, and newspapers for the library, one thou- seeks. sand dollars. For postage-stamps to prepay postage on matter addressed to Postage. Postal-Union countries, two hundred and fifty dollars. For rent of rooms, including steam heat, and elevator service, Rent.

five thousand dollars.

For contingent expenses, namely: For furniture, carpets, ice, cemmgmexpeuses. lumber, hardware, dry-goods, advertising, telegraphin , telephone service, exipressage, repairs of cases and urniture, fuefand lights, soap, brus es, brooms, mats, oils, and other absolutely necessary ·expenses, four thousand dollars. For the investigation of, and report upon, the various industrial tI¤v¤S¢iz¤¤<>¤¤. etc-- school systems, and also technical school systems, of the United gems, S°h°°1°°y°' States and foreign countries, five thousand dollars. JUDICIAL. ·T¤<¤¢i¤¤- Umrnn Srnrns Comrrs: For the Chief-Justice of the Supreme P¤y¤r1¤m¤e¤,su- Court of the United States, ten thousand five hundred dollars; and ’""‘° °°“"‘ for eight associate justices, at ten thousand dollars each; in all, ninety thousand·five hundred dollars. _ To pay the salaries of the United States judges retired under sec- Betired 1¤<1z•¤¤. tion seven hundred and fourteen of the. Revised Statutes, so much R-S..¤¤c.m,p.1¤5. as may be necessary for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and mnety-one, is hereby appropriated. For ten circuit judges, to reside in circuit, at six thousand dollars 0ir<=¤¤i¤ alndees. ·each, sixty thousand ollars. For marshal of the Supreme Court of the United States, three Mmm, supreme thousand dollars. °°“"‘ For stenographic clerk for the Chief-Justice and for each associate €'¤¤¤¤¤> i¤S¢i¤¤¤· _justice of the Supreme Court, at a sum not exceeding one thousand six hundred dollars each, fourteen thousand four hundred dollars. For salaries of the sixty-three district judges of the United States, msmcc judges. two hundred and twenty-eight thousand five hundred dollars. For salaries of the chief-justice of the supreme court of the Dis- msgvpge ¤¤rg¤iDi¤· trict of Columbia and the five associate judges, twenty-four thou- ° ° °°"` sand five hundred dollars. _ For compensation of the district attorneys of the United States, Diem ¤¤¤<>r¤¤y¤· twenty thousand eight hundred dollars. For compensation of the district marshals of the United States, Msnhsls. thirteen thousand Eve hundred dollars. Couar or CLAIMS: For salaries of five judges of the Court of jug gg mums. Claims, at four thousand five hundred do lars each; chief clerk, ’° ‘ three thousand dollars; one assistant clerk, two thousand dollars; bailiif one thousand five hundred dollars; two clerks, at one thou- .sand two hundred dollars each; and one messenger; in all, thirty- two thousand two hundred and forty dollars. For stationery, books, fuel, and other miscellaneous expenses, three 0<>¤¤¤z¤¤rexpe¤se¤· ‘ thousand dollars. _ For reporting the decisions of the court, and superintending the R¢1>¤¤‘¤¤zd•¤¤i¤i¤¤¤· rinting of the twenty-fifth volume of the Reports of the Court. of Claims, to be paid on the order of the court, one thousand dollars; said sum to be paid to the retporter, notwithstanding section seven- _ teen hundred and sixty-five o the Revised Statutes, or section three n.s.;see.1ma,p.s14. of the act of June twentieth, eighteen hundred and seventy four, V¤¤.1S.p.109. chapter three hundred and twenty-eight. Sec. 2. That the pay of assistant messenglers, firemen, watchmen, um-or psy. melaborers, and charwomen provided for in this act, unless otherwise °’° specially stated, shall be as follows : For assistant messengers, firemen, and watchmen, at the rate of seven hundred and twenty dollars