FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHs. 841, 854. 1890. 419 It shall be replaced by the State or Territory to which it belongs, and until so replaced no subsequent appropriation shall be appor- umammmupensub. tioned or paid to such State or Territory; and no portion of said moneys “""*“°“° *’°Y“‘““*’“· shall be applied, directly or indirectly, under any pretense whatever, no portiontobeapto the purc ase, erection, preservation, or repair of any building or Ph°'"’°b“"°'”g" buildings. An annual report by the president of each of said col- Annual report pf leges shall be made to the ecretary of Agriculture, as well as to the '.§§’l}{’g‘,'?,2$,S§'f,[’,,°.‘-'{'§ ·Secreta1hy of the Interior, regarding the condition and progress of I¤°”i°*— each co ege, including statistical information in relation to its receipts and expenditures, its library, the number of its students and professors, and also as to any improvements and experiments made under the direction of any experiment stations attached to said colleges, with their cost and results, and such other industrial and economical statistics as may be regarded as useful, one copy of which nxcimgemreeuege shall be transmitted by mail free to all other colleges further on- ""’°"“*'“‘“""°· dowed under this act. Sec. 4. That on or before the first day of July in each year, after mum mm. the passage of this act, the Secretary of the Interior shall ascertain §}°',§§,,“;‘,§’,,‘§'g_’E,'f,‘c‘Tf‘§{§’,'§; and cerf y to the Secretary of the Treasury as to each State and *°S¤¤~¤·¤¢¢- Territory whether it is entitled to receive its share of the annual appropriation for colleges, or of institutions for colored students, under this act, and the amount which thereupon each is entitled, respectively, to receive. If the Secretary of the Interior shall with- wmmem umnhold a certificate from any State or Territory of its appropriation °""’“‘ the facts and reasons therefor shall be reported to the President, semmyerrummand the amount involved shall be kept separate in the Treasurly un- §{,’§{f,,,,§f°°' ‘° til the close of the next Congress, in order that the State or erri- Appen from sem. tory may, if it should so desire, appeal to Conggess from the deter- ’“‘°"'°" °°‘ mination of the Secretary of the Interior. the next Congress Congress raw;`. shall not direct such sum to be paid it shall be covered into the f.}Y’°““"°"°°°'° Treasury. And the Secretary of the Interior is hereby charged w gQ*;l:* with the proper administration of this law. ` SEO. 5. That the Secretary of the Interior shall annually report to Annual mporti ta Congress the disbursements which have been made in all the States ,,,f‘“,,,,°§,,,‘§',‘{j and Territories, and also whether the aplpropriation of any State or i¤s» M Territory has been withheld, and if so, the reasons therefor. Sec. 6. Congress may at any time amend, suspend. or repeal any Amemimenmw. or all of the provisions of this act. Approved, August 30, 1890. . CHAP. 854.-An act granting the use of certain lands to the town of New Ha- September 1, 1800. ven, Connecticut, for a public park. —·····-···—····· Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0; Representatives of the United States of America. in Congress assembled, That there is hereby New mven, com;. granted to the town of New Haven, in the State of Connecticut, the trgcpgt or lwr gy right to occupy, improve, and control, for the Upurposes of a public me~,;¤§‘§,£“ ° P ’ park, for the use and benefit of citizens of the nited States and for Limitation or use, no other urposes whatever, the tract of land owned by the United °“’· States which is situated on the east shore of New Haven Harbor, new-ipueuecum. containing thirty acres, more or less, known as the Fort Hale tract, and partly occupied by an abandoned earth-work of that name, said tract being bounded northerly by the north side of the roadway Boummes. leading to said tract, easterly by lands owned by various private parties, and southerly and westerly by New Haven Harbor, upon the _ _ followingriondggons a)nd_provisions: _ t f d1 d C°¤d¤¤°¤¤°‘;‘ irst. at ore e ning an use or 1111 rovemen o said an a $*=°¤**:K the said town shall presgilt to the Secretary of) War detailed plans of °"°°° , such improvement and shall have rece1ved his approval thereof.