FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 938-940. 1890. 479 the southern and western sides of the Fort Marion military reserva- rpn Marion mw tion, in the city of Saint Augustine, State of Florida., between the “*'°“‘ sea-wall and the city gates, upon such route as may be deemed most practicable by the United States engineer otncer in charge of said reservation; also a right of way to be located by said engmeer onicer along the old ro , now ca led Orange street, in said city, with omge stmt. turn-outs to be authorized by the Secretary of War: Provided, That nemo;. said company so change its route as at present located as to run west ¤¤¤¤8¤°f ¤>¤¤= on Saint Francis street from Marine street to Charlotte street and thence south on Charlotte street as far as the southern boundary of the Saint Francis Barracks Grounds: And provided, also, That the company shall construct the road with a grooved rail,.in such man- construction. ner as shall be approved by the Secretary of War, and that the road m‘,?§’{,’f°{v':,f’° S°°'° zllipll do built and completed within one year from the passage of compienou. s ac . Sec. 2. That the portion of said railway that is to be located on Si¤z1¤¤·¤<>k· the said reservations shall consist of one track and be constructed of best material, and shall by said railway company be kept in good _ repair and of even grade with the surface of thereservations, in order m-me. that vehicles can cross it, and it shall be operated only by electric openuvepuwu. motors or horses,. Sec. 3. That the said tracks on the military reservations shall be Removal of mm., removed or the route be changed whenever in the judgment of the °*°· Secret of War the interests of the United States sha 1 require it, and thaerllnited States shall have the privilege of usin the tracks as use or mers on a tram-way where they lie on the reservations, and the officers and '°“°"““°"“· enlisted men of the United States Army and civil emtployees under ri-mspemvmn ot the War Department shall be transported on the cars o the company g°¤¤· °¤“¤°•¤¤°¤· free of charge when traveling on duty through the city under orders from their respective commanding officers. Approved, September 26, 1890. CHAP. 939.—An act to restore telegraphic communication between Tatoosh S,,p,,,mb,,,.m_ lm Island and Port Angeles, Washmgton. _ - ——-——-—-—· Be it enacted by the Senate and House ty Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assem led, hat the sum of six rams mm me - thousand eight hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be neces- §g>gm4}_ggg;$*·_J‘;g¤r*;; sary, to be immediately available, is hereby appropriated, out of any 1ee¤e1egmrgh'l`»¤»·»e¤. - - Approp tion availmoney m the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for_the purpose ,,,1,, of restoring and maintaining telggrrapf 1C communication etween Tatoosh Island and Port Angeles, as ington, the money so appropriated to be expended by the Chief Signal Officer of the Army, under the orders of the Secretary of War. Approved, September 26, 1890. B . .— to t to the Mobile and Dau hin Island Railroad and Ha$l·ho¢Do?nfp(;nyA:rIght togtralestle across the Shoal waterlntween Cedar Point and Dauphin Island. Be it enacted by the Senate and Ho/use of Representatives if the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the obile m1£gi¤Ie{;1g01;•a¤¤.m and Dauphin Island Railroad and H3I‘b0I' Company, a corporation me-nmoompmymq duly organized under a charter gl‘8·l1lT9€l by the general assembly of g°O€&‘Q§“P0i;I§*°,;' the State of Alabama, may extend its line, by means of trest1e.we;·k ggupnp bpm?. nz from Cedar Point to Dauphin Island, across the intervenin shoal mg’§{,;,i,,‘},; S‘$,,,,,X_°" water between Mobile Bay and Mississippi Sound: Provided, That awww.