Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/60

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6 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cns. 7-9. 1890. boundary line of said State to the place of beginning, be, and is

 constituted a new land district, to be called the Akron land

r1c·. N¤w<¤¤¤‘¤=¤· Sec. 3. That all that rtion of the State of Colorado lying east of the seventh guide meridiim west, south of the nrst -corrected line south, and north of the third corrected line south, be, and is, constituted a new land district. 0m°°°· Sec. 4. That the President shall designate the lace in each district at which the land office for that district shall be located. cdlggyeg ggé :> Sec. 5. That the President, by and with the advice and consent mma, p of the Senate, is hereby authorized· to appoint a. register and a receiver for each of the said land districts hereby created, who shall discharge like and similar duties and receive the same amount of . compensation therefor as other officers discharging like duties in the and offices of the State of Colorado; and said land districts snall be subjected, as other land districts are, under the laws, to be · Ghnnzvs changed or consolidated with any other district or districts, and the land offices may be changed to any other location by order of the President. Approved, February 6, 1890. F¢b¤‘¤¤’.Y 7, 1890- CHAP. 8.-An act to rérovide certificates of honorable service to those who _'—”`—`;“ have served in the United tates Navy or Marine Corps who have lost their certificates of discharge. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the mu Wn- of Mn_ United States of America in Congress assembled, That from and after

 the passage of this act, whenever satisfactcgiéy proof is furnished at
 the avy Department that any commission officer, regiular or voli¤¤l1¤s¢.¤w..i¤Navy unteer, a pointed or enlisted man who servediu the aviy or the

°'°""'°°°""‘ Marine Cldrps of the United States in the war of eighteen undred and twelve, the Mexican war, or the war of the rebellion, has lost his certificate of discharge, or the same has been destroyed without his privit or procurement, the Secretary of the Nav shall be authorizedv to furnish to such commissioned officer, regluiyar or volunteer, appointed or enlisted man, a certificate of disc arge in lieu man. thereof. Pi)·0vided, That such certificate shall not be accegited as a bN]<>*.¤<> M ¤*¤¤¤¤¤ voucher for the payment of any claim against the United tates for pay, bounty, or any other allowance, or as evidence in any other case. . Approved, February 7, 1890. February 11,xs00. CHAP. 9.-An act granting the use of certain lands to the city of Saint Augus- ""_""""‘_"‘ tine, Florida, for a public par ·, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by ihe Senate and House of Represemfafives 0; the Fg¤*¤* A¤K¤¤¤¤¤· United States of America in Congress assembled, That there is ere- 1>¤1»u¤1¤¢m,g¤·mea by granted to the city of Saint Augustine, in the State of Florida,

  • °"~"” ¤’°""·°°°· the right to occupy, improve, and control, for the puippses of a

public park for the use and benefit of the citizens of the United tates, and for no other purposes whatever, the lot known as the postoflice and custom·house building lot, of which a breadth of and on the north side of said reservation, and extending across the same westwardly from Cathedral street, and of equal width with said street, to Tolomato street, is dedicated to public use as a street, on condition that this grant shall cease whenever the cit · of Saint Augustine shall neglect or refuse for a period of six months to pave and keep said street and the sidewalks thereon, as also the streets and sidewalks surrounding said lot, in repair, or to improve and