Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/686

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632 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 1246-1248. 1890. l year, or by both fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court. ifhiistplection shall not take effect till six months after the . a rova o is act.

  • m°¤d*“°¤*·°“'· p§EC. 34. That Congress may at any time alter, amend, or repeal

this act, but any suc amendment or re eal shall not, nor shall the dissolution of any company formed undbr this act, take awa or impair any remedy given against such corporation, its stockholders or officers, for any liability or penalty whic shall have been previous] Prvviw- incurred: Provided, That the courts of the District of Columbia shall ri-mess, em., or not have power to appoint any trustee, trustees, ardians, receivers, D°“§,’,‘·},,,_°°"‘· °“°"°° or_ other trustee of a fund or property locatecbbutside of the District of Columbia, or belonging to a corporation or person having a. legal res1dence or location outside of said District. Approved, October 1, 1890. october 1, mc, CHAR 1247.-An act toconnrmcertain salesof the Kansas trust and ———-—-—-——- reserve lands in the State of Kansas. rmmbie. ‘ Whereas by acts of Conglress of June twenty-third, eighteen hunvni is, p. zzz dred and seventy-four (ei? teenth United States Statutes, two hun- V0l.19,p.74. and seventyytwo), uly fifth, eighteen hundred and seventy- six (nineteenth nited States Statutes, seventy-fourk and March Vvl 91. xr-¤& smteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty (twenty-first nited States Statutes, sixty-eigllgig, provision was made for the sale of the Kansas trust and diminis reserve lands in the State of Kansas, and it alp-

that a number of sales made thereunder are suspended in the

__ ne Land Offico for the reason that the purchasers, through tgnorgncerlplf tI2e law, failed to settle upon the land as required ere y: ere Orc, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the mg;-¤¤¤¤ ww. ew-. United States of America in Congress assembled, That all entries Entries 0n_ ,,0,,- made under the provisions of said acts in which the law has been in md other respects complied with, and the purchase monely paid, shall be, and the same are hereby, coniirmed, and patent sha issue thereon, as in other cases, notwithstandin such failure of the purchasers to become actual settlers on the land. Approved, October 1, 1890. 0cmber1,18¤0. CHAP. 1248.-An act granting the right of way to the Sherman and Northwest- "‘···————-· ern Railway Company through the Indian Territory, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the wggmaipsnu im-en. United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Sherman MWL, ,:',,'},’[,°$j and Northwestern Railway Com any, a corporation created under gv- gglghrlzagmhnghc and by virtue of the laws of the State of Texas, be, and the same is mm ren-nmy_ hereby, invested and empowered with the right of locating, coustructing; equipping, operating, usin , and maintaining a railway, telegrap and telephone line through the Indian Territory; beginxmmon. ning at a point to be selected b said railway company on the north line of the State of Texas, in the counties of Grayson or Cooke, at a. suitable and practicable crossing of Red River, in what is known as Delaware Bend of Red River, running thence northerly by the most practicable route through the Indian Territory to and through the coal-nelds at or near Ardmore; thence, same direction, between the Missouri, Kansas and Texas and Gulf, Colorado and Sante Fé Railways, to the south line of the State of Kansas, at some point in _ Cowley County, with the right to construct, use, and maintain such S*¤¤¤z=»¤<=¤- tracks, turn-outs, sidings, and extensions as said company may deem