FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cus. 1266-1268. 1890. 655 Sec. 10. That the President is authorized to appoint on or before mmmwnvwm March first, eighteen hundred and ninety~one, a blgard of three oiii- l’*’l',w'2,,,,'°,,,'°lTS’,§°,,,y°§"_ cials, which board shall be charged with the duty of examining the gggaP:ifg;· classes and kinds of property and the amount of moneys pertaining SignslCorpg, ° to and in the possession of the Sigal Corps, and said oard shall as soon as practicable make to the cretary of War a report setting forth the amount of moneys and the quantities and kinds of property more suitable for the wor of the Weather Bureau and not necessary for the use of the Signal Corps, and what part of said propert wi be suitable and necessary for the Signal Co s, and upon the approval of said report by the Secretary of lblgr the property and moneys which shall be eoided to properly pertain to the Weather Bureau work shall be transferred to such bureau, and to the custody of the Secretary of Agriculture, while the remaining property and funds shall continue in the possession of the Signal Corps. Approved, October 1, 1890. CHAP. 126'I.—An act establishing a customs collection district to consist of the October:!, im. States of North Dakota and South Dakota, and for other purposes. ;——··· Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That a collection North and smh of customs district be, and the same is hereb , established, embrac— u-y,¤D'k°.,,b,,,h,d_°“““°"‘ dl" ing the States of North Dakota and South Dakota, with Pembina, · in the State of North Dakota, as a port of entry, and Sioux Falls, d°}’,•;*:,•>f ¤¤¤·.v •¤¤ in the State of South Dakota, as a port of delivery. . ' Sec. 2. That the collector for the port of North and South Dakota °°“•°'*¤¤‘- shall be appointed by the President, y and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and shall be paid a salary of twelve hundred dol- WW- lars per annum. - Approved, October 1, 1890. cna?. 1268.-—An act to provide for railroad crossings in the Indian Territory. October 1. 1890- Be it enacted by the Senate and 1-House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That eve rail- hn •”¤¤n Tv] rrlwwlim road corporation created and organized qnder the laws of thegnited massa., stu`.;} um! States, or any of the States thereof, which may now or shall hereafter be authorized to construct and operate a railroad in the Indian Territory, shall have the right to cross, intersect, join, or unite its railroad with any other railroad now constructed or that may here.- after be constructed at any point upon its route and upon the grounds and right of way of such other railroad com any with the necessar turn-outs, sidings, and switches, telegraph and telephone lines, and, other conveniences in furtherance of the objects of its construction; aud every railroad company whose railroad is or shall be crossed, Companies m umu joined, or intersected by any other railroedshall unite with the own- §,,“"*‘“¤ °°“”°°‘*"· ers and corporators of such other railroad in forming such crossing, intersection, and connection, and shall grant to such railroads so crossing, intersecting, or uniting all the necessary facilities for that ` ui ose. p Slice. 2. That if the two corporations 01* their management can not ¤<>¤·¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤» agree upon the amount of compensation to be made for the purposes Divzrccment. set fort in the foregoing section, or the points or manner of such crossings, junctions, or intersections the corporation desiring to cross, intersect, goin, or unite with the otherfellroads, may iile its etition Moon w com w in the nearest United States court having Jurisdiction of civil causes °°”°“d‘“““‘°“‘ in said Territory, with a description and map of the place at which