676 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. RES. 30, 31, 33. 1890. provided therefor in bills now pending in Congress shall have been preyiously mad}e fog this segvice of the iiscahyear céiding June thirtiet , eig teen un re an nine y-one · an a su cient amount is _ hereby appropriated, out of any money, in the Treasury not other-
- "°"*°*· wise appropriated, to carry on the same: Provided, That no greater
amount shall be exppnded for such oppraticilns Ehazp will be m the P=¤v¢>¤i•>¤¤ same proportion to the- appropriations or the sca year eig teen hundred and ninety, as thirty days’ time bears to the whole of said fisps} y?a1£i1Pg0vi1 ed furthig, That the (petal}- expenditures Sor tpe w 0 e o e sca year eig een un re an ninety-one un er the several appropriations hereby continued, shall not exceed in the aggggimpm Signs. gregate ti e amount? finally applropriateld therefor the seiyeral bills ‘“ *mP“”| , ‘ now en ing excep in cases w ere a c ange is m e in the annua , ANP monthly, or lper diem compensation, or in the numbers, of officers, clerks or other persons authorized to be employed by the several alppropriations hereby continued, in which cases the amounts authorized to be expended shall eqipal thirty-three hundred and sixty- fifths of the appropriations for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety, and three undred and thirty-five three hundred and sixty- fifths of the appropriations contained in the several bills 11ow pending when the same shall have been finally passed, unless the salary or poripensatiorli of aaniy officehshalll {be iizplreasid or dirlpinished with}; ou c nging the gr e or the u ies ereo in w ic case suc salary or compensation shall relate to the entire fiscal year and run from the beginning thereof. . Approved, June 30, 1890. - Jubalm. [No. 31.] Joint Resolution to provide for the unexpended balance, ninety-nine "“_"""‘_‘ thousand four hundred and thirty-nine dollars and seven cents, for dischargin claims of letter carriers for extra com nsation under the eight hour law, a proved May twenty-fourth, eighteen and eiglrity-eight, and appropriated`) for the fiscal year ended June thrrtieth, exghteen hun ed and eighty-eng t. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United `I’°**°’ °°”"°"’~ States of America in Congress assemble , That the unexpended balance of ninety-nine thousand, four hundred and thirt ·nine ,h(}};¤•y:9‘;u{;>*c:j§*igq dollars and seven cents of the appropriation for the Free Delivery mu.Service of the Post·Office Department, for the fiscal year ended June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, be continued and made available to June thirtieth. eighteen hundred and ninety-one, for discharging the claims of letter carriers for compensation for extra time in the months of May and June eighteen hundred and eighty- ·v¤1.¤¤.p.1¤r. eight, made under the provisions of an act entitled "An act to imit the hours that letter carriers in cities shall be employed per day ;" approved May twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight. Approved, July 2, 1890. ‘July 16. 1890. [No. 33.] Joint resolution to print the eulogies upon Samuel Sullivan Cox. Resolved by the Senate and House o_fRe;ipresentattz·e.s· of the United $§$g°!gs¤1;i;¤{g¤,; States of America. in Congress assemble , That there be printed of hmm?the eulogies delivered in Congress upon the late Samue Sullivan Cox, a Representative in the Fifty-first Congress from the State of lsew York, twenty-Eve thousand copies, of which six thousand copies shall be for the use of the Senate and nineteen thousand copies shpll beffpg tlpe use of the Houlpe ofhRep)resgntatiy§s ; sind the ici re ary o e reasury , and e is ere y, irect to ave rint `P¤r¤·¤i¢- a_portrait of the said Samuel Sullivan Cox to accompany said eulogies, and for the purpose of engraving and printing said portrait