Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/871

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818 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 495. 1891 . Department or ms- For department of natural and experimental philosophy : For adp“$,,‘§g§§}‘°“m°“”“ ditions to apparatus to illustrate the principles of mechanics, acoustics, optics, and astronomy, one thousand dollars; for books of reference, text books, stationery, materials, and repairs, four hundred dollars; for pay of mechanic assistant, one thousand dollars; for reairs to the observatory building and clocks, four hundred and fifty dollars; in all, two thousand eight hundred and nfty dollars. Department or For department of instruction in mathematics, namely: For repairs ”**“'°"'”*°'· and materials for preservation of models and instruments, twenty- five dollars; for text-books, books of reference, binding, and stationery for instructors, one hundred and twenty-five dollars; for contingegcies, twenty-five dollars; in all, one hundred and seventy-five o ars. Department of hw For department of history, geogra h , and ethics: For text-books, 2H,g_‘°°“”p”’ M books of reference, maps and globes? and stationery for use of instructors, and repairs, one hun red and fifty dollars. Department or For department of chemistry, mineralogy, and geology: For chemimy ud é,,’j§:;’“' cals, chemical apparatus, glass and porce ain ware, paper, wire, sheet, pietal, ores, photographic apparatus and material, five hundred dol- BTS; For rough specimens, fossils, and for apparatus and material to be used in the practical determination of mmeralogical and geological specimens, pencils and paaiper for practical instruction in the same branches, and for the gr ual increase and improvement of the cabinet, ive hundred dollars; For repairs and additions to electric, magnetic, neumatic, thermic, and optical apparatus, six hundred and fifty dollars; For purchase of a gas engine to operate dynamo machine (at least of ten- orsefpower), one thousand two hun Jed dollars; For pay o mechanic employed in chemic and geological section rooms and in lecture rooms, one thousand dollars; For models, maps, and diagrams, books of reference, text-books, gnd stationery for the use 0 instructors, one hundred and eighty o ars; For contingencies, one hundred dollars; in all, four thousand one hundred and thirty dollars. Department or For department of drawing: For books and periodicals on art and damn;. technology. one hundred dollars; For mo els in flat and relief for second and third classes, one hundred dollars; For repairs to desks, models, stretchers, and material, seventy- five dollars; _ For drawing material for the use of instructors, sponges, wash brushes, tacks, alcohol, turpentine, paint, tumblers, saucers, and continggncies, two hundred and fifty ollars; For axwell’s disc and a paratus, for illustrations in lectures on foiim anld color, epe hundred] dollars; 1 d I d or p oto ap ic materia , c emica s, ry p ates, an a er, one hundred dolgrs; P P For enlarging and copying} cameras, rollers, burnishers, printing frames, and accessories, one undred and fifty dollars; For tegtplain ebony frames with glass and mats for retained drawings of c ets, at five dollars and fifty cents each, fifty-nve dollars; or six new racks for hanging drawings for examination, at eight dollars each, forty-eight dollars; For twenty new stretchers, at two dollars each, fort dollars; For one hand level for topographical work in the Hell], ten dollars; d Eor one Abney retiector for topographical work in the field, fifteen o ars; For four prismatic compasses for topographical work in the field. forty dollars; For one aneroid barometer, fifteen dollars;