Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/894

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FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cus. 530, 531. 1891. 84] · Sec. 3. That the Commissioners of the District of Columbia. shall, as soon_ as practicable, cause a survey of said riverto bemade to Survey. determ1ne the length, width, and height of said bridge and the approaches thereto, and shall cause plans and specifications to be rpms, em, prepared for such bridge and such approaches, and when the same are completed said Board shall advertise for sealed pro osals for the Advertisement tor construction of such bridge and such approaches, which advertisement l"`°*’°”'“· shall be inserted for at least one wee in one or more daily papers in such cities as the said Board of Commissioners shall designate, and shall let such contract to the lowest responsible bidder, as pro- ro be rei to mm vided by law: Provided, That the aggregate cost for the construc- bi‘}§l,."f§`,;,,,,_ tion of such bridge and the approaches thereto, includin the inci- . dental expenses connected therewith, shall not exceed the amount Limitotcwt. herein appropriated. Approved, March 3, 1891. CHAP. 531.-An act relating to junk dealers, dealers insecond-hand personal Mmbaim property, and pawnbrokers in the District of Columbia. ———i— Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0{ Representatives of the United States of America in Congress asserh led, That the act of the Junk (1,,,;,,,, M__ late legislative assembly of the District of Columbia approved August D-C- twenty-third, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, entitled "An act imposing a license on trades, business, and professions practiced or carried on in the District of Columbia, " be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows; that is to say, by striking out all of paragraph thirty-two of section twenty-one of said act and inserting in lieu thereof the following: · "32. Junk dealers and dealers in second-hand pgrsonal property 1,;,,,,,,,;,,,,,. w ‘ of any kind or description whatsoever shall pg the District of Columbia a license tax of forty dollars annu ly. Every rson Deunltion. whose business it is to buy or sell old iron, rags, paper, secondtliand clothing, or any second—hand personal property of any kind or description whatsoever, shall be subject to the provisions of this act and to all the laws and regulations now in force in the District of Columbia and to all the valid regulations which may hereafter be provided relatin to junk dealers or dealers in second- and psrsonal ro rty: Provided, nevertheless, That no sale shall be made y junk Provioo. dealzars and dealers in second-hand personal prciperty in their pos- som. session until after the ex iration of ten days rom and after the time at which report has been made to the major of police of the Reporttopolieo. purchase thereof, as provided by the police regulations of the District of Columbia." Sec. 2. That section seven of chapter four hundred and thirteen rawubrokm. of the second session of the Fiftieth Congress, entitled "An act to vo1. 25, p. mov, regulate pawnbrokers in the District of Columbia," approved March “‘"“°"d°‘* second, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, is hereby repealed, and the followm is enacted in lieu thereof : · Sec. 7. 'Ighat no pawnbroker shall ask, demand, or receive a mmm mowed 0,, greater rate of interest than three per centum per month on any loan leg; :19 v<=¤<>¤·¤ secured by pledge of personal roperty, under penalty of one hun- ' dred dollars for every such ogense, to be recovered for the use of the District of Columbia: Provided, however, That where the loan is Promo. secured by the ledge of personal property requiring extra care to Property rvuvirivs prevent injury dining disuse a pawnbroker may charge such reason- °‘*"‘ °‘"°‘ able sum for storing or taking care of the same as the Commissioners for the District of Columbia may from time to time prescribe." Sec. 3. That all prosecutions under said chapter four hundred and rrosoeuuom. thirteen of the second session of the Fiftieth ongress, and amend- vox. 2s,p.1oos._ ments thereof, shall be upon the information of the attorney for,