FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 540. 1891. 895 CLAIMS ALLOWED BY THE SIXTH AUDITOR. SKCés1in12s dsltpwea by \l I'. For deficiency in the postal revenue, eighteen hundred and eighty- Postal revenue. eight and prior years, t ree thousand two hundred and forty-seven dcglars an forty-seven cents. Sec. 3. For the payment of the following accounts, which are fully set forth in House Miscellaneous Document Numbered Twenty- two, Fifty-first Congress, second session, namely: To pay the items embraced in Exhibit A, and which are approved Psymentofswnms by the present Second Comptroller of the Treasury, fifty-one thou- ·S°°°“° sand nine hundred and twenty-nine dollars and sixty-six cents. To pay the items embraced in Exhibit B and which area proved by the present Second Comptroller of the Treasury, three thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight dollars and thirteen cents. Sm. 3. That for the payment of the following claims certiiied to Certified claims. be due by the several accounting officers of the Treasury Department under appropriations the balances of which have been exhausted or carried to the surplus fund under the provisions of section live of the act of June twentieth, epghteen hundred and seventy-four, and V°*· **1* ¤°· under appropriations hereto ore treated as permanent, being for the service o the fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, and prior years, unless otherwise stated, and which have been certified to Congress under section two of the act of J ulg seventh, eighteen hundred v¤1.¤8,p.s¤4 and eighty-four, as fulllylfset forth in enate Executive Document numbered sixty-seven,y-first Congress, second session, there is appropriated as follows: CLAIMS ALLOWED BY THE FIRST COMPTBOLLER. by STATE DEPARTMENT _ 'State Dqnrtmunt. Fon Foamcn Imnncounsn as FOLLOWS: For salaries of char n-asm mysnmm d’a£Eaires ad interim, thirteen liollars and forty-eight cents. gas “""‘°" mm For contingent expenses of foreign missions, twenty-three dollars lggirgggentexmmx and fifty-eight cents. _ For contingent expenses of United States consulates, ten dollars Consulates. and sixty cents. _ _ For pay of consular officers for services to American vessels and ssmees ae Ameriseamen, seventy-one dollars and thirteen cents. °"" '°°'°"· TREASURY DEPARTMENT. mmww Depart- IKTERNAL Rnvmwm: For refunding taxes illegally collected, ten R¤f¤¤di¤s mu. thousand three hundred and seventy-three dollars and sixty-three cents mrmmon DEPARTMENT. rntsriorvepertmenz. . Punmc Lnms Smnvlcm For surveying the public lands, three S¤¤·<>r¤¤s· hundred and seventy-nine dollars. DEPARTMENT or JUSTICE. wgep¤¤¤e¤¤¤¢J¤» For fees and ex uses of marshals, United States courts, one thou- mnnsnsls. sand six hundredpdnd twenty-eight dollars and seventy-four cents. For fees of commissioners, United States courts, one undred and commissioners. sevent -eight dollars and thirty-five cents. _ For tees of witnesses, Unite States courts, sixty-six dollars and W¤¤·=¤¤¤ hft cents. _ Ilbr su rt of prisoners, United States courts, twenty-four dol- Priwnmlars and flzgen cents.