Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/95

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FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 63. 1890. 41 gate payments for pensions on account of each of the wars for which pensions have been authorized, and on account of military and naval services since the close of the late war. f Sor clerk hire and expenses of the several pension agencies, as Peneien agencieso ows: For clerk hire, seven thousand two hundred dollars; (7***** ***'°· For making new roll-books, six thousand nine hundred and seventy- R°“·'>°°k¤ five dollars. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. m’f¥‘“"°‘“°“" °‘ ·7“" · JUDICIAL. Jndieini- DISTBIGT J UDGES! To pay the Salaries of the district for Hg*””*°°j“d¤°s’s**°· the States of North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, and ashing- North ,,,,1 Som, ton from the date each qualifies to June thirtieth, eighteen hundred l?V°;*sQ1i°g»g°t{>g1¤*·=*·¤¤·¤d and ninety, so much therefor as may be necessary, to be paid as the ' salaries o other United States district judges are paid. Dtsrmcr Arronnnrs; To pay the salary of the district attorney Bmw ammm. _ for the Indian Territory from April first, eighteen hundred and T _ eighty-nine, the date of his qualication, to June thirtieth, eighteen °"‘°°"‘ hundred and ninety, two hundred and fifty dollars. To pay the salaries of the district attorneys for the States of North not-an and scum Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, and Washington from the date §?v“k,S‘{,Y,‘},;§g’;f’“““·““‘ each ¢}ualiiies toJune thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety, so much there OILBS may be necessary. DISTRICT MARSHALS: To pay the salary of the district marshal for naana mmm the Indian Territory from April first, eighteen hundred and eiglhty- I“d"‘“ '*`°“"*°'Y· nine, the date of his dlualiiication, to June thirtieth, eighteen undred and ninety, two undred and fifty dollars. To pay the salaries of the district marshals for the States of North North and sam; Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, and Washington from the date each ""“· "‘° qualities to June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety, so much therefor as may be necessary. · UNITED STATES COURTS. Umwdsnmseoum For fees of witnesses, two hundred thousand dollars. rene: unseenés. SUPPORT OF PRISONERS: The proper accounting omcers of the John Carroll. Treasury are hereby authorized and directed to al ow credit in the cmu: m ummm accounts of John Carroll, late marshal of the United States for the °'· VVestern district of Arkansas, for two thousand two hundred and sixty-six dollars and thirt five cents, the amount paid by him, as directed by the Attorney-(general under dates of November twenty- eighth an December sixth, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, and January thirteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, for cots, mattresses, blankets, and so forth, for use in the {jail at Fort Smith, Arkansas, out of the appropriation for support o prisoners for the Ve!-24, P.5-i1. fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, the same not to in- Tr§gsuPr;Y¤¤¤* **°¤> volve the pa ent of any money from the Treasury. ' That the Ullited States jail recently constructed at Fort Smith, Jan, em., at rm. Arkansas, and the grounds adjacent thereto and within the walls of S““"’· “"· the old military fort, including thirty feet around the walls now reserved and owned by the United States, together with such buildings as stand thereon, are hereby placed under the care and custody mm, cm, gtcq of of the United States marshal for the western district of Arkansas; W Sum ¤**·'· and the Attorney·General of the United States shall prescribe all needful rules and regulations for the Government of such jail and mum. the care of said grounds, and the marshal having charge thereof · shall cause them to be duly and faithfully executed and obeyed.