Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/979

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926 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. Il. Ch. 541. 1891. dollars; one janitor, at six hundred dollars; and three watchmen, seven hundred and twenty dollars each; in all, twenty-eight thousand three hundred dollars. _ Cincinnati. OFFICE OF ASSISTANT TREASURER AT CINCINNATI: For assistant treasurer, fourthousand five hundred dollars; cashier, two thousand dollars; bookkeeper, one thousand eight hundred dollars; receivingteller, one thousand five hundred do lars; check clerk and interest clerk, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; one clerk, at one thousand two hundred dollars; two clerks, at one thousand dollars each; two night-watchmen, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; messenger, six hundred dollars; one watchman, at one hundred and twenty dollars; in all, seventeen thousand five hundred and sixty dollars. _ New orl<¤¤¤¤- OFFICE OF ASSISTANT TREASURER AT NEW ORLEANS: For assistant treasurer, four thousand dollars; chief clerk and cashier, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; receiving-teller, two thousand.dollars; paying—teller, two thousand dollars; bookkeeper, one thousand five undred dollars; one clerk, at one thousand two hun-. dred dollars; coin and redemption clerk, at one thousand two hundred dollars; two clerks, at one thousand dollars each; porter, live hundred dollars; one day watchman, at seven hundred and twenty dollars; one night watchman, at seven hundred and twenty dollars; ' in all, eighteen thousand and ninety dollars. ¤¤•*Y¤*'= OFFICE or Tun ASSISTANT TREASURER AT Nnw Yomz: For assistant treasurer, eight thousand dollars; cashier and chief clerk, four thousand two hundred dollars; deputy assistant treasurer, three ` thousand six hundred dollars; assistant cashier and vault clerk, three thousand two hundred dollars; two chiefs of division, at three thousand one hundred dollars each; chief of division, three thousand dollars; chief (paying teller, three thousand dollars; authorities clerk, two thousan six hundred dollars; two chiefs of division, at two thousand four hundred dollars each; bond clerk, two thousand four hundred dollars; correspondence clerk, two thousand three hundred dollars; assistant chief of division, two thousand three hundred dollars; two assistant chiefs of division, at two thousand , two hundred and fifty dollars each- assistant paying teller, two ° thousand two hundred dollars; chief 'bookkeeper, two thousand two hundred dollars; minor-coin teller, two thousand dollars; three clerks, at two thousand one hundred dollars each; nine clerks at two thousand dollars each; twelve clerks, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; three clerks, at one thousand seven hundred dollars each; eight clerks, at one thousand six hundred dollars each; seven clerks, at one thousand five hundred dollars each- fifteen clerks, at one thousand four hundred dollars each; four clerks, at one thousand three hundred dollars each; eight clerks, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; two clerks, at one thousand dollars each; stenographer and typewriter, one thousand four hundred dollars; messen er, one thousand three hundred dollars; four messengers, at one giousand two hundred dollars each; two messengers, at nine hundred dollars each; two hall men, at one thousand dollars each; two porters, at nine hundred dollars each; keeper of the building, one thousand eight hundred dollars; chief detective, one thousand eight hundred dollars; assistant detective. one thousand four hundre dollars; engineer, one thousand and fifty dollars; assistant engineer, eight hun red and twenty dollars; six watchmen, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each: in all. one hundred and ninety- two thousand eight hundred and ninety dollars. Philadelphia OFFICE OF ASSISTANT TREASURER AT PHILADELPHIA: For assistant_ treasurer, four thousand five hundred dollars: for cashier and chief clerk, two thousand five hundred dollars; bookkeeper, two thousand five hundred dollars; paying-teller, two thousand two