Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/1094

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_ Pm- Pen Ala•ka—C0ntmued. Allan, George R., dolicioncy ?ppmpriation for preliminary peusmu increased . ... 762 bonu ary urvgy __,,.. . .,... , .. 35 Allan, G., for joint survey of territory adjacent to dafimency a.ppropr1a.t1<m for refund. .. 286 boundary lim; _,__ _ __,,.,_,_ 35 Allen, {ana (mother), for supplies to natives of seal islands. . . 285 P6DBl0D -·-----·-·----··---------- ---· --¤· 765 for education iu. . . . . . .. . . .. 293 Allen, J0hI I _ for rent, ctc., judicial officcrs ..299, 660 payment of Judgment of Court of Clmms for agents, seal fisheries 311 to ...1 305, 307 1211- repairs, isles;} of George gg Allen, Katia (wodow), f r romctiu cries .. pension . .---·-·---- -· -·-- iufasfigstion <§ soa.'1l1);o by Fish C0mmis· Allen, Wilziags Aa, giqmm- ____ , ___,, , paymen 0 ju gmcn 0 0 0 UJIDB convention with Great Britain concerning Alleys, D. 0., Bering Sea. ,,,,,, . ... . 947 appropriation for poumt work .. .- -- 154, 54} for survey of boundary line 955 for grading .. - 155, 542 renewing modus vivendi in Berin§ Sea. . 952 for ropmrs 156, 542 prochmutncu against unlawful ki ing of for condemnation .. .: .. 157 fur-bearing animals waters oi'. . 1008, 1070 for sprinkling, symqprng, ctc. . .:. .. 157, 542 announcing modus vivandi with Great deficiency npixroprnamnou for oponmgz ctc;.. 653 Britain couccrninisaizg fishori•; s 980 buildixagu iu, oss than 30 feet w1da tcrbnd- sotting apart Afogna. and as crest cn . . . . -----... - ---··-· and iish culture reservation HB2 no dwelling to be buxlt less than 20{oet Alaska Boundary Survey, , mm “°“.“’¥ ················· 2 ·‘‘‘‘‘ 254 gp ggprigtign for ______ __ _ _______ __ _____ 357, 579 9l`0€’tI0¤ of buildings OI]; not OPOIUDK 0D Auwga SM; H,MH“ Pnbhc streebtfurbrddou ,,__ _ ____,,, 255 appropriation for agents' salaries and ax- P¥'°Vm°m [0* °P°m“E» °t° ·-·-··---- - --·- 255 www . . ...,. sas 590 ¤¤rv¤y: pim ------------·- ; ------------- 256 for ubmhiug pmchmnticu against m1_ ’ closing unused part; raverswn ... 256 E-wful scaling °“ 366 590 assessment of damages and benefits ,_,,_, 256 tu m native inlsndcrs- ms, mo prior ¤p¤¤i;¤z¤ made valid --------.---·--- - 257 rm- fu mg mums with amt mmm farmer $1<>¤¤¤tg¤ ¤¤aif:;>¤¤d --------- -- ----- 25; (Bering Sea arbitration) ... 28 P0}! .}°¤ 0 1'°°°¤P --·; ·------—·-- 26 doiicioncy appro riation for fulfilling P¤¤¤\¤¤!°¤ W °!‘°°* dW¤m¤S ¥¤»1°¤¤ thu! umm wit; Great ummm (B"- 40f¤¤¢ w¤i·>» ¤¤¤g9¤•i•><i - -·-----—··- 896 ing Sa? m·b·u.,m0n) _______ _  % Allotmcnggé éo 13;:::; (noe Lands in [ _ l in ‘ as t ______ ID B . ··A&}."·f.,...” M7. ¤`I,'.Y".?E§..T.'I,.’“...,,“l —·¤~-¤ Bw, M-» doticioncr apmpmtion for oxpéusos in A3g£zp5r;'3°1IVf°5suN°y of ```'‘' °' 115 Au,,,,m,,£°Sr:,:§d N'?} H°h°"°° `'’'‘'‘‘' 3° Tggrgpiiagmn fcr improvement of ...-·-.. 97 · ·' I 0 n ., °PPr°}§;:R3: f" inhmd w°*'°r r°°t° /°° 100 Pymcm ofjudguwut of Court ofClaim¤ to. N4 "L,.'“m,'”'“»“i»“2£;. ¥£¥'i1..u mum . M, 635 ·v¤¤?·¤;;—¤=·?·¤ 3;. *~*¤g¤*;¤·*· 3 W··*~*·°* ,,5 mgcamqappmmasou forlndisnschcol s12,s16 MW Rm;";;; f '°“°· “ °“ '“`°" ···· · ’ t Aim?"' hm""' . appropriation for survey of ., ... . 114 admxnsxon to Wort Pomt authorised .. 838 A [WMM MMT Ga Ak. ¤ ‘ v ’ r `im u r 100 mgnlagon of sale oi in District of Golem- A;,,?,!:,`?,:,; $,3 or Pmvemm 0 in- ··--~···-··-·--···-·--·· · ····-· ~e ‘ .. . . . . 797 sale, cg; :1; ;¤ Indian country forbidden; Ag,;::::;,;,,,;,, gab ··-· -3 ·-·-·- · -—··•·---·· · · -· propriation or survey 0 . .. ... Aww Adam (mw; A,3 , d g:¤1°¥}, --··-·---·-••· ·-I ·--··· · ·-·····--- 772 msysgeg-gércdimd to countries sending the J *d'*“» Lan _ _ same to United States- ... . 4 497 tame oxtcudod ccnstmcting budge Am¢:rica Dggcwq O? “°*°“ RM1 R""' *t --·--- •• ---•·--— 416 proolasmation cc aring October 21, 1892, AIN"', L¢§·» _ the four hundredth anniversary of, A ;§PP\L_°P1;8*1?¤; f: ? d¥Y d°°k ·--· ~ -·--·--··· 722 a public holidayy . 2 . 1021

  • 0** m' TG? _ E as E hmneria a anti manac,

nppropruatwn for éuforcing laws, ctc 365,589 Azgpgpl-;£;i0n for usishmig, compugm-8, temporary employment of align; Permitted cm _____ , _______ ________________ 21L 702 iu °°m*°°d°¤ with WMM" FW —--- 402 American M iasionary Association, Allegheny, Pa., cossiou of land for cemetery by Santee In- §pPmpd&dq= fm&¤b]ic buildjug; gi§g__ _ 350 alltzofizéd . .. . .. 630 u ic nil . . . .. 572 erimn i way soocialion, Allcgg River, M Y Fund Pa., To determine standard height of drnwburs appmpriatinu th: survey of . . 114 for freight cars . . . . 531 Allegheny River, Pa., American Registers, up ropriation for improvement of 98 granted to foreign-built vessels, certain gr Home Island dam . ... . - - 98 large, fast stemnships; condiuioush 27 fnrsurvcy of, for lock and dum at Tar- "Fox-hal ;’ ... . ... . . . 58 outum .. -. . 114"Scn Bird ’ . . ..., . ,,, 409 for survey cf, for lock and dum between I American {Eqqublicc, Bureau of the, Tnrontum md Harm Island 114 approprmmon for support. ... . .,227,500