Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/1134

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]_ 1 I4 INDEX. Page. Page. Hours of Labor, House of Representatives- Continued. restricted to eight in a day on all public deticiency appropriation for John M. works ...,.. . ... . .. 340 Carson . .. . . 665 present contracts not affected .. - . 340 for T. F. Dennis .. . . . . . . 665 penalty for violating by eieer 01* employer. 340 for D. S. Purter . . . . 665 established in Executive Departments 715 for Frank F. Doyle . . .- 665 extension or limiting, by special order 715 for special messengers .. 665 Housatonic River, Conn., for W. J. Houghtaliug -.. . . 665 appro rinticn for improvement of 97 for George L. Browning and Alphonse House o;Reprea•m tativoa, Gibbs .. - .. 665 appropriation for compensation of Repro- for Spencer Greene . . ... 665 sentatives and Delegates .. 186, 678 for Jesse F. Murphy . . .. 666 for mileage ..., , .,,,,,,,,. 186, 678for Peter J. McDonald .. . . . 665 · for SE.ker’s otiiee, clerks, etc 186, 678 for J. H. Van Buren . . .. 666 for C plain ,,,,., . .,_,,..,...,,,. 186, 678 for Alfred N. Murray -. . 666 for Cler of the House, clerks, etc . 186, 678 for Robert B. Palmer ... 666 for chief engineer, assistants, etc .. 187, 678 clerks to Representatives and Delegates for clerks and messengers to commit- not chairmen, authorized 757 tees ..._,_ - ... 187, 679 payable from contingent fu.nd· limit . -. 757 for clerks to committees, session ... 187, 679 joint committee to investigate lilxecutive for Sergeant-at-Anne, deputy - 187, 679 Departments authorized . _ - . z 681 furD00rkeeper, assistant, etc .. 187,679 members of the “Memomel ASB001B1I10D,,, §0r superintendent document room, etc-1g!, Dieué? bofthC<gumbia, to be ap- 396 nrmessen ers, etc . . ... 1 , poin y e peaker for superindzendent folding ruom, etc. .-188,679 officers and employees to receive Decemfe: pages, laborers, etc .,.. - ... 188, 679 ber salaries, December 24, 1891 .. 393 for ostmaster, assistants, etc . 188, 680 May salaries May 28, 1892 .. 396 for horses, mai] wagons, etc ... 188, 680 December salaries, December 21, 1892 . - . 752 for ohcial reporters of debates - -..188, 680 August, 1892, salaries in advance ... 403 _ for eterncgraphers to committees- . . 188, 680 uuexpended balances, miscellaneous items, "d¤.ringth:be session" to mean four 188 1892, available for 1893 --... 301 mm -----· - ------—--··----·---·- use o the Good he herd D. C., to mean two hundred and nine days 680 Hgpprédauon fof _ _ _ _ ____________ _ __ 165, 552 for contingent expenses; materials for Hmm, A JU f f¤1•i¤¤s - ·_- · -·-·—----· · --·--~··---- 188, gg?) payment of judgment of Court of Claims to 308 f3h..‘“...°‘$'.1°.1*.;.1‘;.;,;;;s;;" ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ {$:680 ”""""· ’::‘“°'· ,,,1 -—··-·--···--· o .. . .. ’. for packing boxes ------ » ---- - ----. 188, 680 Hmm€%nivm·Hty, for ¤¤i¤q<>11¤·¤¤¤¤¤ if·¤¤¤¤. ew ---------·- 188. 680 ap repristion my maintenance .--..,,,,, 372, 595 f°i' $t$ti°u°YY ---··-·-·-—-·-··----·---· 188»680 1Ier current expenses ..,.,,,,,,. 372 ¥°' "{’“€£$° T1"? ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ’`‘‘ L ’‘‘‘‘‘ MSS? Hvwm W H oreec 'c-' t ant,re airsec .. . ."

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P · an B mg '‘'`‘ ’ deflcieuc appro rintiou for refund 286 for sesswn employees, 1893, available Hmong", gud P " 7 F f... .;*¥;'2;?'.“}»·X,‘;d.“,§,’.?`.;;.‘1s;e»é;;;,;;{.;.; “‘ ¤RP*°P******°¤*`°* ---- . -----------------·- 258 v*··v··~ --·-·--- - --------—------·-·- 4** ”¥.."";“’{,‘£i{1'3Z“€§’{‘J31Z”£{£Z“”.€°£’2,£“,’L’8 t.. deileieucy appropriation for miscellaneous ° Al_k'° n ·’ 265 x ms .. . -.-.. . . , ’ , . . ··‘·‘•·•••‘•*···‘·‘·‘··*‘*'‘‘‘‘‘

  • `°" ‘°§“”¥ “‘“°°'*“" ···· · ····· · ········ 37 gg ‘ HW nil?} iiié me or com of cmu to sos

{pr widows, ptg, degeelsccb xwmbmk. . . . 363 L Hgxipxglnjmnfm orwi cwo on. e n . nrwie · · - ’ {'pr wignw 3; {lion. glexander Craig. . 664 i H°Bm2;;;h°° fm °°PP°rt °f ‘‘‘‘'’'’‘ 134* 627 or wi ow an. F. e' '° . ’. . g... wm.M.1..m2"Z§'p‘£¤.¥{???{E}(»2,“6'é‘4 = H;gg;,;;·r;;;v;;·>]·;*·;; °~¤=¤1 =·* —--- · ·---#---- m *2 nr stationery .- .- ...- . ..., 302,664 . 2" . for omcial reporters and stenogrsphen . 302 "pPr°I;;:;g3';_0€¥.;01l?l:3;2]vt°;‘2:?tx;t °f’ Cu 97 for John W. amiel ...-.. -... .. . 302 1. i mvm y ’ °’ 602 for charles Carter - -. .. . .---,.,.-.. 302 fm lingua g ‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘' $53 575 for George W. Rae .. . -. 302 °r lg _ g `'‘'‘' "‘ ‘‘’‘‘‘ ° ’‘°‘' ’ my u.s.c1¤ and 0..11. wazkm. .. . 302 HMM, L¤·•·_€a _ fm. C_ W_ Colnbs ___________ _ __________ _ gpg payment of4u gment of Court; of Clsums to 304 for extra reporting . ... - 302 H“"°» sh'"' U ·» , , , fm. clayutor conductors_ ____ _ ____ _ ______ 302 defimeucyvappropnation for reporting 302 for cmp w. cooper .. 302 H¤•¤Y><>M¢,_ Mel-· , fm-13h0m;-in vhgrge of closer .,.,_ _ ____ 303 appropmmon for improvement of harbor for elecmc-light plant; repairs . 657 Md MY; ¤¤¤¤'¤¤*¤ -·-·~·----·-·---- 95. 603 ibr printing and binclinp;. . .. . - . 663 Hunter, Frank M., for one m0ntb’s extra pay to employees. 664 payment nfjudgmeut of Court of Claims to 667 for one m0nth’s pay to session employees 664 Hunter, William ., for D. E. Sackett . . . . . . 664 payment of judgment of Court ofC1aims 1:0306,306 for E. L. Phillips . . . . . . 664 Huntington, N. Y., fur fuel and nil .. - . 664 appropriation for improvement of harbor , 90 for Edward McPherson . . ... 665 Hunlarilk Bridge Company. for Eli Banks and Charles Carter ... 665 may bridge Tennessee River, Alabama 279 tbr Joel Grevson .. -- ... 66*5 Heros, Ohio, for J elm T. Waterman . 665 appropriation for improvement of Lube; _ 93