Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/1154

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1 1 34 INDEX. Pago. _ Page. Narragansett Bay, R. I., National _Homc fm·_ Dmabled Volunteer Solappropriatiou for improvement of 96 dwrs—C0ntmucd. _ .Narraguagus River, Me., annua] statement to be subm1ttod, showappmprintion for improvement of 96 _ mgphicers, pay, ctc . ... 384 Nag, Ram, Wa;];,, qualiticatxous for officers Z .1.t 1§ Nappropriation for improvement of 110 all houomplybmsreigxapgcd soldiersuollngiblo. 333 V vacancies in oa o managers o . . . . iggi-lap;-iatiou for consul at .. .---229, 502 accounts to be supervised by Secretary 0i' Natchitoches Cano Riocr Bricigv Company, V --·--- ·i· -3}-TB- ········ 653 time for constructnpp brxdge across Cano * a •°"“ _ °”!°°Pa W **81** ¤ » · ·» 164 551 Rivgrgxhyd _ _____ ______________ N;};£:g? ::!?mfor··-·--•··•·····•·····•· 7 M{u'c°0r;;:;:°d§?%gg6gg’ _____________ _ _____ 319 nppmyiriaiion for preservation, etc., of col- _ organization; purposes .. 319 °°t’°m’· · · : ·········•· · ··‘·· ‘ ‘·‘‘‘ mov dg National Bank: (ue aha National Currency), f°¤` °¤S*>§, ¤¤l?·¤¤¤; BW ----—---·· - --·--- 3W 58; appropriation for investigating cmbczzlo- fm h°“P“}g» 1;g,M¤·;· "“? ···· · ···· ··· · ·36°» 58E ments ____________________________ 365 589 for oxhdnts, orb] s Fur .. -.-- 580 bunch of a chicago, may be opened at ’ for printing a.ud_b1pd1ug 1-.. .. 388, 511 worldys Fm _______ _ _____ _ _________ 33 doticioucy appropriation for freight .. 283 winding np ummm 0; in the hands of a 345 ig; {magna ¤<>11¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ --------- 309, 619.23 mech-;§¤:i{V$6idé£g Q i,;;_·i’L y13a;,; Li. 340 Gxhibigoogvigigstggsrof women to be sent 757 ebts ctc . . -- . . " , , , S, ············ · ······· to decide receiver or agent shall wind 345 °°l°¤t1£:d_:1V3g;§32:“ md smdmts af' 395 mzumgus bs;1:¤&§31-'Z] III III III] III I 345 National Pam (M wv Parks, N ¤ti¤¤¤1>. election of agent ____ _ ____________________ 345 appropriation for Yellowstone .. . - . .376, 598 bond tq be glvcn by stockholders ________ 346 for Cluckamauga and_ Chattanooga 396, 598 p an asmtgtc be uumfarmd to agnnt ______ 33:2 Natnonazzoéc geprgnt, Samngc and Trust Comti a is . . ¤ · ·» . ~·?¤=$“·~?’ ·, ---- ,, —---- -- --—- gg: ,,:,*;:,*.12* ;;£;,·;.*·;-·:,,::;·:,*:;’:z:,·?.M··,3·-6 ···· * m;Ty;zz2:?££PcDm__?$ ______ - 346 number of directors increased. . . .1.. 29 rc£yment0fasaoss;11onts to harolroldors gg NQ0T2g; <;¤g·;_¤kwL¤i<g¤ ma!' bv 1W1d- $0 cotostockho dom “•°*“ , r · ·r · , m.,...; pm of Hmm., *PP*°¤;gg{*§gvQ*;{“*;§P°"*°°¥ M man Dg:60 58, abolished; disposition of papers .. 452 for buildin ctc ’'‘'''''''`' ’ 360 N““•”•·*' '€°';g°‘°•‘j.“· hmmm m 3,,., 599 for cm, stgjks alaahiéff ZIZZ YI ff ff I If I sm °P£;_°g;‘P:d:°u:s°:‘:s _ _ - _ U _ _ _ L - i · I 5£ dodoioslczu 1; ppropriation for subsistence of 6 for headstoncs 377,5 S · B '`’'`’'''''''°'` gu gveidggpgggghui-Q ·-—-·-—-- g,§Z*/ggg N{{L$.;'I£‘3,}I.‘E..;.;2;,i¤;;,j ‘``°`’'°‘'‘’‘‘‘' M or nual n o . · . .8 for mad Presidio, San Francisco, csi .377: 599 °Pt1;_°§’;`::*§t*; ::1* wr wuts, ¤¢c ----- gg. gg; {cr imviv lines, ev? ·w¤i¤¤»é¤ gt- - -5 - - -377, gg ,-0, N,,,,?,,,, ‘‘‘‘‘'‘'‘‘‘'‘’‘`'° Yngu: 702 ormonumontsan ta ets o ys urg. . ’ ‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘'°‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘' Vg$·ig¤g rg1;~v¤i•¢*¤¤ M-'- -·-·—- - -·--- 313 NY.‘}f‘{,£.;;,¥{Y.'§%., f.,,, mu... ,.,,8,., W, . m. an " “ · y' Nova 0 ndian Reaervalion, uppm;:1r;:‘t:,•:la°:¤r ¤¤I>:¢::r*j::<g¤‘;?:2*f:: 687 Nnpgpoyyjqgiou rm- irrignting ditches, etc -· 627 for expenses oxnmination of banks otc.196 687 “°“·’° " .'"t°" o , sa _ for superintendent, om., Comptroller of ’ ‘PP’°{’:m°‘°“ f" °"PP°rt’ t'°" °f’ WI35 627 for I{‘§¤°¤.."'Y”Y"'Xm“ ‘‘‘‘°‘‘‘ ff ‘‘°‘ §é°Y’ g ¤’···¤~' ¤¤¢·s*~<?9Y ``·`-`.-```-`’'````-`°.`-. ’ doiiciency appropriation for salag snperiu- , °P}“;°£::{‘°° f°r pw °f m°f°s°°r°’ °t’°' 7722;

  • ¤¤¤¤ ¤¤*°··¤v==·¤¤·=*’¤¤ ¤¤ -—---— 283 {2,. .,.,ai‘s,~;.&;.a;"‘a.;aezA ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘` 24·1'72·1

roaomgggn of lost or stolen ¤0¤¤¤ •¤¤h¤1‘·- 322 l fg, v,?,,,;,;},;.,.,;;, moglaanics, aio ..252;:;.247; 727 '‘‘‘'°'‘'‘’'‘'`‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ stoame' art~ Nahkmal Encompmenf, Grand Army of the Ro- g for °,=2;,¥¥?f’_ _____ __?§lT8f-TE _ fg _ _247, 727 P'fMl°»for repairs and improvements . 247, 727 ¤vvr¤v¤=»¢¤¤¤ M ¤¥1><=¤¤¤· ·------------·· 166 { for smug mn ugming . . 24.1,127 loan of flaps authorized .. . -- . 807 for contingent cxpomu _______________ 247 qgg overho:1 c acgligaérca permittodin Wash· 400 g for Bxglzilscs, Bond of Wgsitors ________ 247; 728 igum ·------·-·---··--·---- f bu in ssmdgrouns . . 722 National H»mc_fos· Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, N¤ra(;l;lpprenti¢l(;:ca. a.pproprintion for cxpunsos, ctc., Dayton, E appropriation for training station ... 237, 717 Ohio-: . ... . ... 380,603 { for outfit bounties . ... 237, 717 gilwaukicc, \Vis . ... - ... g .Naral Cadets, f al _ ogus e .. . . . .. - .. a ropriation or speci traminv ... 247 727 Hampiuon, Va - ... .--382, 605 tggc allowed pay from completioau of aca- ’ · Leavcmworth; Kaus . - - .-389, 605 demic course to date 0i appointment- 236 Santa Monica, Cal. ... . .- 383, 606 pay to commence from date 0 commission Marion, Ind .. - .. . -. . ,... 383, 606 in Navy or Manne Corps .. - 716 ‘ for outdoor miie!) etc . -..383,607 Nam! Establishment (scc also Navy), . for aid to State or Territorial Homes . .384, 6(YI appropriation for increase of the Navy -.250, 731 deficiency appropriation for aid to State construction authorized of ono armor-od and Territorial homes . 291,654 i cruiser; contracts .