Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/1173

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O • INDEX. [lpg . P¤z¤ 2.-·¤. R°9'“*”`8 of Lfmd ONG", _ i Rcvcmo0·Cutter Service-—C0utinued. ° upprppnatnou for galqnos, ctc. . .868, 591 doiicicncy appropriation for supplies, ctc.,

  • ¥°“°***¤·=y ¤·v1>¤>1>¤¤*=¤>¤ f<>¤ ---·--------- 310, 315 E "A1b¤tr¤ss"Beriug sea seal mnmm. 35

R"“"°"'l'°"9» _ _ g for expenses ,_ _ ____ ____ 311 ”fPPr°P*`mm°“ fm` °°¤S“1 at ------·------· 229, 002 · Rwcvwv Marin (see R6\'€llH0·CHtC€1‘ Service). Relvdwf, _ _ _ _Rcvenuefrom Customs (scc Customs Revenue). a.pp1·0prmtion for mtroductxon of . 590 I Revised Statutes, Rdwf ¤¤•d_1’rg•¢w¢i•m of American Seamen, amended section 766 .,_._, _ ______________ 75; ¤PI}!`9P¤¤¤0¤ f°!` - 1 ·--------.. 233, 506 section 1216 .. ...,...,, _ ______ _ _____ 12 dchcmncy approprnatnou for .,...,.,,,__,_ 668 ggction 1342 ___________________ _ _ _ ______ 277 Removal of Charge of Desermm, section 3139 __________ _ ____________ _ ____ 260 time for presenting applications extended. 278 section 2578 ___, _ ,___, _ _ _______________ 19, 40 Renfroz Nancy E. (widow), gqctign 280] _______________ __ _____ __ ____ 41 P011B10B ---·---·-·--··- . ----·· . .. . 773section 2881 ,, , ,..,___ _ _________ 4] Rensselaer, Ind., motion 3235 ______ _ _________ _ _____ _ _____ 201 appropriation for Indian pupils, Saint section 3320 ______________ _ _ _ _ __________ 200 J0sep11’s school ... . . . .142, 637 section 3823 ____________________ _ _______ 200 Bfmb section . ., .,., 244, 724 appropriation for Department of Labor. .222, 713 section 4233 ______ _ _____ _ _______ _ _______ 5;-] for Geological Survey . 371, 707 section 4347 _,____ _ _____ _ _____ _ _________ 455 for Hydrcgraphic ctiico . . . .210, 701 motion 4434 ______ __ ____________ __ ______ 16 for Interior Department ... 216, 707 wqtiqm 4489 ____________ _ _____ _ _________ 16 ibr Nautical Almanac offico ..,. , . , .211, 702 gagging 4715 ______ _ _________ _ ___________ 232 for Post-Oiiico Department . . .. 220, 711 section 4719 ____ _ _______ _ _______________ 272 for Treasury Department .. 199, 691 section 4829 .. . . 15 for United States court rooms 386, 609 continuation of Supplement authorized. 478 for War Department .. .--. 208,699 ‘ Revised Statutes, Diatricz of Columbia, deficiency ggyprepriation for court rooms.663, 669 amended section 553 - 2 statement buildings rcutedtobo reported section 780 .,,,_,,,_.,, , ..,___,_ _ ,,_____ 436 in Book of Estimates .. . 199 section 782 .. . . . . ... 474 Bent, Light, and Fuel, Post-Ojiccv, section 1060 .. -. ..,.,,_ , ____ 26] appropriation for iirst and second class Revolutionary Military Records, dives . . .. . ... 146, 732 transferred to War Department . . . 275 for New York, additional premises .. 732 Regnolda, John B., for third class officos, limit .- . . 146, 732 aiiciaucy appropriation for contested e]g¤~ Reporting Debates, cfc., tion expenses . .,,_,____ 66I. appropriation for Senate . ... 186, 677 q Rheims, tbr House of Representatives . 188, 680 * appropriation for consul at - 229, 502 Represemtatires, , Rice, Margaret M. (widow), up repriatiou for pay and miIca§0 of 186, 678 » pension .,.,,.. , ,,,,.. . ..,,. , ..,,,,,,_ 811 dogciency appropriation for Wi 0ws,0tc., Richardson, William A., of deceased .. . .. . .. 301 I deficiency up mpriutiou {br Supplement to term of as trustees of institutions, D, C. . . 165 Roving Smtutes .. . 651 Reports of the Eleventh Gemma (ace alsoRichfield, (Yah, Eleventh Census), 4 town-site entry by, emtlmrizoal ... 593 number and distribution of copies 473 Ricketts Jouph, Repmdau,-hny Plata of Somwyn, [ puynwnt of judgment of Court of Claims to 307 appropriation for, public lands . . 369, 592 ‘ Rin, Lillie, dcticiency approprmtiou for .. . ... 293 pension .. . ... 816 Renewing Shipcmwcked Amerimn Seamen, Riggn, Reuben, appropriation for testimonials to fnrsigm pension .. 768 ers . ... . .. 226. 499 Right of Way, Reservations, D. C., grantcdth1·0ughArlingt0n Reservminnfa. 747 use of,pormitted during Grand Army en- Indian Territory to Denison and Northernnpment . .. . . 166 cm Railway Company .. . .. 336 Reser1:utio»na,`1·`orea¢ (ace Forest Reservations), Mcnominea Indian reservation, \Vis 83 Reservations, Indian (ace Indian Reservations), naval reservation, Pensacola, Flu ... 320 Reservations, Military (see Military Roserva- Oklahoma, in Hutchinson and Southern tions), Railroad Company, extended ... 2 Ihvaurveya of Public Lands, public and Government lands in Florida, appropriation fb; ____,____,. . . ., 370, 592 Alabama, Mississippi, and Tennessee 253 deficiency 3,pp;·9priati0u th)? .. 310 Y060!Dif€ National PSI ‘ - _ ... Retired Judges, Fort Custer Military res:-rv{utmn . . . . 030 appropriation for salaries .. . 223, 714 Fury; Montgomery reservatxon, N. Y 52E Return Roquute, Iudxqn Territory .. 7 . .. . . 1. . 46u printing, on stamped envelopes forbidden. 147 · Gmnesville, LICC3ulSt€1` and smut permitted __,,,. . .,.,._, 733 Louis Railway (‘0mp:my _,.___,___, 524 Revenue-Cnltvr Service, Kaunas City, Pittsburg and Gulf Railap mpriution for general expenses .. 355. 577 rgmd Ccmmmy . _ i . 487 gr refuge station Point Burrow, Alaska.355, 577 Chxcagn. Rock Island mul Paumo Rmlfor steamer for Chesapeake Bay; reap- Way C··¤gm=¤¤y ...------..-·.-.- {92 prepriutirm ,,,_,,__ , ,,..., . ,..,____ Indian Territory uml ()k1:1_hnm:1 ,... AT for steamer, Chicago, lll ,,.,..,. . .,_,___ 335 { Puyallup Indian Reservntxup T. 468 deficiency appropriation for charter of “A1- ¥ \Vbippl¢> B:u·rau·ks Reservgntmn. Anz 462 Ki," Bering Sea fisheries . . . 34 { l’uuxt¤ll:n Indian Reservntmu, Oreg . 417 fm- “A]-Ki" fm- gm;] ____ ____ ______ _ ____ _ 35 § time extended for vqusfpnoting rnilrpad for subsistence of crews of seized ves- 4 through Crow Imluuz Reservauou. _ gel; ,___ , _____ ____ ______ ,___ ________ 35* Mum: ,,,,,,, ..., . , , ... n2'.! VOL xxvu--73