Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/25

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Declaring lands ceded by Indians on Fort Berthold Reservation, North Dakota, open to settlement. May 20, 1891 979
Announcing modus vivendi with British Government in relation to the fur-seal fisheries in Bering Sea. June 15, 1891 980
Declaring benefits of international copyright extended to citizens of Belgium, France, Great Britain, and Switzerland. July 1, 1891 981
Announcing reciprocal commercial arrangement with Spain concerning trade with Cuba and Puerto Rico. July 31, 1891 982
Announcing reciprocal commercial arrangement with the Dominican Republic. August 1, 1891. 986
Setting apart forest reservation, Yellowstone Park, Wyoming. September 10, 1891 989
Declaring lands ceded by Sac and Fox, Iowa, Citizen Band of Pottawatomie and Absentee Shawnee Indians, Oklahoma, open to settlement September 22, 1891. September 18, 1891 989
Setting apart forest reservation, Colorado. October 16, 1891 993
Designating Thursday, November 26, 1891, as Thanksgiving Day. November 18, 1891 995
Suspending collection of tonnage duty on vessels from the Island of Tobago. December 3, 1891 995
Announcing reciprocal commercial arrangement with the Republic of Salvador. December 31, 1891 996
Setting apart forest reservation, New Mexico. January 11, 1892 998
Announcing reciprocal commercial arrangement with Great Britain concerning trade with Trinidad, Barbados, the Leeward Islands, the Windward Islands, British Guiana, and Jamaica. February 1, 1892 999
Announcing reciprocal commercial arrangement with the German Empire. February 1, 1892 1004
Setting apart forest reservation, Colorado. February 11, 1892 1006
Warning persons against entering Bering Sea intending to violate laws. February 15, 1892 1008
Announcing reciprocal commercial arrangement with Nicaragua. March 12, 1892 1009
Suspending free importation of sugars, molasses, coffee, tea, and hides front Colombia. March 15, 1892 1010
Suspending free importation of sugars, molasses, coffee, tea, and hides froze Haiti. March 15, 1892. 1012
Suspending free importation of sugars, molasses, coffee, tea, and hides from Venezuela. March 15, 1892 1013
Setting apart forest reservation, Colorado. March 18, 1892 1014
Declaring lands on Lake Traverse Indian Reservation, in North and South Dakota, ceded by Sissoton and Wahpeton bands of Sioux Indians, open to settlement. April 11, 1892 1017
Declaring lands ceded by Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians, in Oklahoma, open to settlement. April 12, 1892 1018
Declaring benefits of international copyright extended to subjects of the German Empire. April 15, 1892 1021
Announcing reciprocal commercial arrangement with Honduras. April 30, 1892 1023
Announcing reciprocal commercial arrangement with Guatemala. May 18, 1892 1025
Announcing reciprocal commercial arrangement with Austria-Hungary. May 26, 1892 1026
Setting apart forest reservation, Oregon. June 17, 1892 1027 PROCLAMATION. Setting apart forest reservation. Colorado. June 23, 1892 1029 PROCLAMATION. Warning insurrectionary assemblages in Idaho to disperse. July 15, 1892 1030
Declaring October 21, 1892, the four hundredth anniversary of the discovery of America, a public holiday. July 21, 1892 1031
Warning unlawful assemblages in Wyoming to disperse. July 30, 1892 1032
Imposing toll on Canadian freight passing through Saint Marys Falls Canal. August 18, 1892 1032
Declaring lands ceded by Crow Indians, on Crow Indian Reservation, Montana, open to settlement. October 15, 1892 1034
