2 FIFTY-SECON D CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cns. 2, 3, 5. 1892. the agreement with the Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians in Oklahoma, vn zap. mza. ratified by Act approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, including the pay and expenses of the necessary special agents and the necessary resurveys, which sum shall be immediately available and be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior for the purposes herein expressed. Approved, January 28, 1892. February a, ism. CHAP. 3.—An act to amend an act entitled "An act granting the right of way to ·——·‘w_ the Hutchison and Southern Railroad Company through the Indian Territory." Bc it enacted ln; the Senate and House of Representatives of the United nummen and States of America in Congress assembled, That the act entitled ‘*An act sc:;?},;? Eyékfj,'} nting the right of way to the Hutchison and Southern Railroad waxy-8 Cloampany to construct and operate a railroad, telegraph, and telephone ..,,.,K}i.,4?6’ P' 4 o' line from the city of Anthony, in the state of Kansas, through the Indian Territory, to some point in the county of Grayson, in the state of Texas," approved September twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and ninety, be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows: ummm_ of me “That said railroad company bc, and they are hereby, authorized to 'j,‘{{'g,,§;‘§§f”°· 0**** extend and operate said road, telegraph and telephone line with like powers and privileges and under like limitations and conditions as are provided in said original act, in a south-easterly or southerly direction from the terminus of said road under said original act, to wit: From its connection with the Santa Fe Railroad at or near,the city of Guthrie, in the Territory of Oklahoma, or some point north of there within a distance of twenty miles to the southern boundary of said Indian Terrigcry, at or near a point north of the city of Denison, in the state ot exas. agus hr •¤¤•¤¤¤·» Snc·r1oN 2. That said original act described in section one of this act, v,;_";_°"°°°',_ gg, and the amendment thereto, shall extend and be in full force and eifcct for the period of three years from the approval of this amendment or act. Approved, February 3, 1892. February D, 1808. CHAP. 5.-An act to amend an act entitled “An act to amend the general incor- -··-·—·····-"·"-‘ poration law of the District of Columbia/’ approved May seventeenth, eighteen hu11— dred and eighty-two. , Be it enacted the Senate and House of Representatives of the United M{>i•¢ri•=¢ M ¤¤¤·¤¤- States of America in Congress assemble , That section one of the act Amendments to in- entitled “An act to amend the general incorporation law of the District °°{,l:{f*,Q_°;_*g2,f· of Co1umbia," approved May seventeenth, eighteen hundred and eighty- two, be, and the same is hereby, amended y adding, after the words
- or for the purpose of insuring title to real estate,"·the words “ or for
the purpose of carrying on fire insurance"; so as to read: 1;._’s.1>. Exec. sas. ** That the five hundred and fifty-third section of the Revised Statutes ’··¤;,:"§,§,‘], ,,,,; m,,,,, of the United States, relating to the District of Columbia, be, and the ¤¤¤¤ ¤<·¤i>¤¤i¤•- same is hereby, amended by adding, after the words *61ife insurance", the words ** or for the purpose of insuring titles to real estate or for the purpose of carrying on iire insurance." V¤1- 22. r- 67- Sec. 2. That section two of said act be, and the same is hereby, amended by adding, after the words “ or for the purpose of insuring titles to real estate", the words “or for the purpose of carrying on tire · insurance"; so as to read: _ ngbarteru mn]-; he f‘Sec. 2. That any company heretofore formed, agreeably to the afore- °’°"’° ‘ said section of the said Revised Statutes, for the purpose of insuring titles to real estate or for the purpose of carrying on fire insurance may become perpetual on filing in the office of the recorder of deeds of the