Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/358

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FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 322. 1892. 33[ . directors, of which said meeting notice shall be given in a daily newspaper published in the city of Washington and by written notice mailed to each stockholder, and each stockholder shall be entitled to one vote for each share of stock standing in his name on the books of the company, which vote may be cast in person or by proxy: Provided, That it C<>¤S¤1i<1=¤ti¤¤ to f¤r— shall be unlawful for the company hereby incorporated to consolidate fm °h°`"°”‘ with any other railroad company now in existence, or which may hereafter be chartered, whose route shall be substantially the same as the route herein provided for; and any such consolidation shall of itself operate as a forfeiture of this charter. If the charter or franchise b {.`·>*f¢i¤¤g tem we herein granted be sold or transfered to any company or person before ° m °°mP ° W"` the road shall have been fully constructed, such sale or transfer shall of itself operate as a forfeiture of this charter. Sec. 4. That the government and direction of the affairs of the com- B°““‘°‘ ‘“’°°‘°"· pany shall be vested in the board of directors, which shall consist of seven members, who shall be stockholders of record and shall hold their ohice for one year and until others are duly elected and qualified, and ` the said directors (a majority of whom shall be a quorum) shall elect °m°“"‘· one of their number to be president of the company, and they shall also choose a vice—president, a secretary, and a treasurer, each of whom shall give bond, with surety, to the company, in such sum as the directors may require, for the faithful discharge of his trust. In case of a vacancy in the board of directors from any cause such vacancy shall be filled by the remaining directors. The directors shall have power R“*°¤·°*°· to make such rules, regulations, and by-laws as they may deem needful and proper for the management of the stock, property, estate, and effects of the company not contrary to the charter or the laws or ordi- _ nances in force in the District of Columbia. There shall be an annual B,,§,'¥k§‘,'_§{’;',B$$°‘“g °‘ meeting of the stockholders for the choice of directors, to be held at such time and place and under such conditions and upon such notice as the said company in its by-laws may prescribe, and the said directors shall annually make a report, in writing, of their doings to the stockholders. Said company shall have at all times, except as other- reuaityrtrousiruct. wise provided, a free and uninterrupted use of the railway, and if any “’g· °°°‘· "°"‘d‘ person or persons shall willfully, mischievously or unnecessarily obstruct or impede the passage of cars on the railway with a vehicle or vehicles, or otherwise, or in any manner molest or interfere with passengers or operators while in transit, or destroy or injure the cars of said railway, or depot, or stations, or other of the property belonging to the said railway, the person or persons so offending shall forteit and pay for each offense not less than twenty-five nor more than one hundred dollars, to be recovered as other lines and penalties are recovered in the jurisdiction in which the offense may be committed; and shall be liable in addition to said penalty for any loss or damage occasioned to said company by his or her or their acts as aforesaid, to be recovered by said company for its use before any court of competent jurisdiction. No person shall be prohibited the right to travel on the cars of the said I _Ki;>g¢i¤¤1•3;$;¢>*d¤*· road or be ejected therefrom by the company for any other cause than l ’ ° " p° ' being drunk, disorderly, or contagiously diseased, or for·the use of obscene language, or refusing to pay the legal fares exacted, or to comply with the lawful regulations of the company. The said company R·*““'°Y °'°*°i°g“- shall have the right of way across all duly authorized railways within the limits of the lines granted by this act, and is hereby authorized to _ Construct its said road across such other railways: Prorided, That it §Q,°';§;,€ m,SS,,,gS_ shall not interrupt the travel of such other railway in such construc- em tion nor shall it cross any steam railroad at grade: And provided also, _ Tlmli the said Washington and Great Falls Electric Railway, and all R**g“l“*’°“*· railways crossed by it shall be subject to such provisions and regulations for the safety of passengers at said crossings as the proper au- _ _ thorities may prescribe. The principal office of said company shall be P‘“’°‘I’“l°m°° situated in the city of Washiiigton, and all books and papers belonging to the business of said company shall be kept thereat and open at all