Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/400

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FIFTY-SECON D CONGRESS. Srnss. I. Ch. 380. 1892. 373 Fnnnnmnirs Hosrrru. nn ASYLUM. rétgdmas Hospital all sy UID. For the Freedmen’s Hospital and Asylum, Washington, District of Columbia, as follows: For subsistence, twenty-two thousand nve hundred dollars; mmmmms. For salaries and compensation of the surgeon-in-ehiet, notto exceed three thousand dollars; two assistant surgeons, clerk, engineer, and matron, nurses, laundresses, cooks, teamsters, watchmen, and laborers. nfteen thousand dollars; For rent of hospital buildings and grounds, four thousand dollars; For fuel and light, clothing, bedding, forage, transportation, medicines and medical supplies, repairs and furniture, and other absolutely necessary expenses, eleven thousand nve hundred dollars; For reading matter for patients, twenty-nve dollars; in all, nfty-three thousand and twenty-nve dollars, one half of which sum shall be paid Hm mm District out of the Treasury of the United States and the other half out of the ‘°"°““°°‘ revenues of the District of Columbia; and hereafter the estimates for mmm the Freedman’s Hospital and Asylum shall, each year, be submitted in the annual estimates for the expenses of the government of the District of Columbia. Hor SPRINGS BESERVATIGN: For the improvement, in the discretion mc spring., Ark. of the Secretary of the Interior, according to suitable plans and estimates 1‘“'°""°‘“°'““ to be prepared under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, of the Government reserve bordering upon Whittington avenue, on the west branch of Hot Springs Creek, Hot Springs, Arkansas, and to have said improvement completed to make said reserve available in part as a reservoir to retain and retard the nood waters of said creek, and to put said reserve in a suitable state of improvement, thirty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, the same to mms from an be paid out of any money that may now or hereafter be available irom °‘ I""'- the proceeds of the sales of public lands within the Hot Springs, Arkansas, reservation, aud that is required, by existing law, to be held as a special fund for such improvements as may be provided for on Government reservations at said Hot Springs by Congress. UNDER THE WAR DEPARTMENT. vane: wu- Depart ECD . Aiamonms AND ABSENALS. A,,,w,i,,, ,,,,,1 ,,_ senals. For the Rock Island Arsenal, Rock Island, Illinois, as rollowsz Rock Isl¤¤·¤.lu. For machinery and shop nxtures ten thousand dollars. n¤cnm¤·y,m. For general care, preservation and improvements; for care and preser— cm, sw, vation of the water power; for painting and care and preservation of permanent buildings, bridges, and shores of the island; for building ences and sewers, and grading grounds, six thousand dollars. For the Rock Island Bridge, as follows: image expenses. For care, preservation and expense of maintaining and operating the draw, ten thousand dollars. ‘ For protecting Rock Island Bridge by means of sheer booms, two hundred and nfty dollars. For overhauling and reconstructingthe noor systems and substituting New ammumetal for wooden joists in the roadways of the bridges connecting the Rock Island Arsenal and the cities of Rock Island, Illinois, and Daven— P01T. Iowa, nity thousand dollars: Provided, That the Secretary of War 5:;*;:*;,.m MB by shallrequire the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacino Railroad Company cmttm, nm)? Island Y0_I`€1H1bl11'S0 to the United States one half of the expenses incurred in g’$‘n,f:;f“° “‘“1'°‘“ said work, for which that company is liable under its guaranty executed to th8'UD1t0d States under the acts of Congress providing for the construction of said bridge, but the United States shall pay the whole expense of flooring the wagon roadway.