FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 184, 185. 1893. 513 circuit courts of the United States of Illinois or Missouri in whose V jurisdiction any portion of said bridge may be located. Sec. 8. That any bridge authorized to be constructed under this act ssmem-or warm shall be built and located under and subject to such regulations for the “PP“"’° P1'*“°· °*°· security of navigation of said river as the Secretary of War shall prescribe; and the said company or corporation shall submit to the Secretary of War, for his examination and approval, a design and drawings of the bridge and a map of the location, giving, for the space of one mile above and one mile below the proposed location of the bridge, the topography of the banks of the river, the shore lines at high and low water, the direction and strength of the current at low, medium, and high-water stages, and the soundings, accurately showing the bed of the stream, the location of any other bridge or bridges, and shall furnish such other information as may be required for a lull and satisfactory understanding of the subject; and until the said plan and location of the bridge are approved by the Secretary of War the bridge shall not be built; and should any changes be made in the plan of said changes. bridge during the progress of construction such changes shall be subject to the approval of the Secretary of War. Sec. 9. That in case the construction of the bridge authorized in this ¤¤¤{¤m¤¤¤¤¤¤m md act be not commenced within one year and completed within three °°""’ °"°°' years from the date of its approval then this act shall be null and void Sec. 10. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this act is hereby amendment, ew. expressly reserved. And it is further provided that no bridges shall ment. _ be constructed across the Mississippi River within two miles above or Li"' °f *°°“*°“· two miles below the bridge herein provided for, unless authorized by Congress, and the plans therefor approved by the Secretary of War. Approved, March 1, 1893. HCHAP. 185.-An act to authorize the construction of a bridge across the Calumet Nmb L 1899- VG1'. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatires of the United States of Ameriea in Congress assembled, That it shall be lawful for the Calumet_ and nm Calumet and Blue Island Railway Company, a corporation organized {,'Q,I§;‘?,,,£i“,}{‘§{*gcg§{§j and existing under the laws of the State of Illinois, or its successors {lee f_i*§i· in 0¤<>k and assigns, to construct and maintain abridge and approaches thereto °"° °’ ‘ across the Calumet River, in Cook County, in the State of Illinois, at a point on and opposite that part of lot one, in block sixty-three, lying Lmuuu. south of block sixty-two and east of an imaginary line drawn south . irom the southwest corner of block sixty-two to the river Calumet, of the subdivision of sections five and six, township thirty-seven north, range fifteen east, of the third principal meridian; that said bridge may be constructed for railway and postal service, with single or double Railway bridgetrack for railway trailic, and which shall be under the conditions and limitations hereinafter specified. Sec. 2. That said bridge shall not interfere with the free navigation Fr¤¤¤¤viz¤*i¤¤- of said river beyond what may be necessary to carry into effect the rights and privileges herein granted, and in case of any litigation Li¢iz¤¤i¤¤- arising under the provisions of this act such litigation may be tried and determined by the circut court of the United States within whose jurisdiction said bridge is located. Sec. 3. That any bridge built under the provisions of this act and MId¤°gQ*;;u$;***°*¤¤ subject to its limitations shall be a lawful structure, and shall be P° ‘ recognized and known as a post route, upon which also no higher charge shall be made im- the transmission over the same of the mails, ge‘§sF'“£,{;"c*;j{°°°“‘ the troops, and the munitions of war of the United States, or pa-ssen— ’ ’ gers or freight passing over the said bridge, than the rate per mile paid for the transportation over the railroad or public highways leading to the said bridge; and it shall enjoy the rights and privileges of other post roads in the United States; and the United States shall vox. xxvu-—33