596 FIFTY-SECOND coNenEss. sESS. 11. ou. 208. ises. donations and other sources, twenty-three thousand five hundred dollars. Annual report, And the proper officers of said university shall report annually to the Secretary of the Interior how this appropriation is expended. For tools, materials, wages of instructors, and other necessary expenses of the industrial department, three thousand dollars. For books for library, bookcases, shelving and fixtures, three hundred dollars. For material and apparatus for chemical, physical, and natural history, and laboratory, five hundred dollars. For improvement of grounds, five hundred dollars. For repairs of buildings, one thousand dollars. In all, twenty eight thousand eight hundred dollars. BducationinA1asks. EDUCATION IN ALASKA. For the industrial and primary education of the children of school age in the Territory of Alaska, without reference to race, thirty thousand dollars. mg_Qfl°’ W"' D°P*“'** UNDER THE WAR DEPARTMENT. n:_,¤‘:j¤¤¤¤ Md =*· ARMORIES AND ARSENALS. _ B<>¤kI¤¤¤¤¤. H1- For the Rock Island Arsenal, Rock Island, Illinois, as follows: mwmuei-y, ew. For machinery and shop fixtures, ten thousand dollars. cm, m. For general care, preservation, and improvements; for painting and care and preservation of permanent buildings, and shores of the island; forilbuilding fences and sewers and grading grounds, ten thousand dollars.
- 8** •¤v¤¤¤<>·· For the Rock Island Bridge, as follows:
For operating and care and preservation of Rock Island bridges and viaducts, eight thousand five hundred dollars. For protecting Rockisland bridge by means of sheer booms, two hundred and fifty dollars. Calfgicie A r¤·>¤¤1. BEN1o1A AEsENAL,BEN1o1A, CALIFORNIA: For repairs of wharf and (B111B. . dredging around same, two thousand dollars. coiumm, mm. Oo1.UMmA ARSENAL, Corumzu, TENNESSEE: For construction of a cistern of about one hundred and twenty thousand gallons capacity, two thousand five hundred dollars. For boiler, iron tanks, steam pump, pipes, valves, and couplings, two thousand five hundred dollars; in all, five thousand dollars. Fr¤¤l<¤>r<l Arsenal. FRANKFORD ARSENAL, PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA: For ma- P°“"“’l'°“'“‘ chines for manufacture of artillery ammunition, five thousand dollars. 1¤·¤¤¤¤r¤li¤·I¤d- INDIANAPOLIS ARSENAL, lN1>1ANAPOLrs, INDIANA: For construction of a general workshop, with boiler, engine, shafting and fittings, eleven thousand dollars. Sa1;g>Y{¤¤ s¤.<>¤¤·¤· SANDY Hoox Pnovme Gnormn, NEW JERSEY! For building and y look,N.J. . . _ . . repairing roads and walks, and for general repairs to shops and storehouses and quarters, two thousand five hundred dollars. $r¤¤a=¤¤m·M=·¤¤· Srmmerrmrn ARsENA1.. Srmuerrnrn, bussncnusnrrs: For repairs and preservation of grounds, buildings, and machinery not used l _ for manufacturing purposes, ten thousand dollars. w'f§;jf;j;{;_*§“°h*“°· TESTING MAcmNE, `VATERTOWN IXBSENALZ For labor, and material in caring for, preserving, and operating the United States testing machine at\Vatertown Arsenal, including such new tools and appliances as may be required, ten thousand dollars. Mmm- REPAIRS OF ABSENALS: To meet such unforeseen expenditures at arsenals as accidents or other contingencies during the year may render necessary, forty-five thousand dollars.