Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1083

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CONV ENTION-VENEZUELA. Dizcmmnn 5, 1885. 1059 present Commission may find due sente Comision halle deberse al to the Government of the United Gobierno de los Estados Unidos States being le s than the aggre- fuere ménos que el montante de las gate of the sums actually received sumas realmente recibidas del from the Government of Venezu- Gobierno de Venezuela, y que per- ‘ cla, and remaining undistributed manezca sin distribuirse en el Dein the Department of State, at partamento de Estado enWashing- Washington, the Government of ton, el Gobierno de los Estados the United States will refund such Unidos restituira tal exceso al excess to the Government of Vene- Gobierno de Venezuela dentro de zuela within six months from the seis meses de la conclusion de los conclusion of the labors of the trabajos de la comision. El page Commission. del dinero debido por el Gobierno Thepayment of moneys duefrom de Venezuela al Gobierno de los the Government of Venezuela to Estados Unidos bajo la anterior d,f§,§§f,h,}’,j},’g'§§§§‘? the Government of the United convention de Abril 25 de 1866, se A1>ri11.1¤3- States under the former Conven- considerara haber cesado desde el tion of April, 25, 1866, shall be primero de Abril de 1883, para redeemed to have ceased from the asumirse, si llegare el caso, segun llrst day of April 1883, to be re- lo proveido hasta aqui. sumed should occasion arise as hereinbefore provided. Anrrcmu VIII. _An:ricu1.o VHI. In the event of the annulment of En el evento de la anulacion de mevggdrdr ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ ¤r any awards made by the former cualesquiera fallos de la anterior ° ‘ Mixed Commission under the Con- comision mixta, bajo la convencion vention of April 25, 1866, the Gov- de Abril 25 de 1866, el Gobierno de ernment of theUnited States is not los Estados Unidos no se mirara to beregarded as reponsible to that como responsable al de Venezuela of Venezuela for any sums which por las sumas que los Estados may have been paid by the latter Unidos de América hayan pagado Government on account of said por cnenta de dichas adjudicaawards, so far as said sums may ciones, en tanto que dichas sumas have been distributed. In like hayan sido di tribuidas. De la manner, if the awards made by the misma manera, si los fallos dados present Commission and the cer- por la presente Comision,ylos certificates issued by it shall in any tifieados emitidos por ella, se hacasesbefoundless than the amount llaren ser ménos que el montante heretofore paid to the claimants pagado hasta ahora alos reclamanfrom the moneys received fromVen- tes, del dinero recibido de Venezuezuela, the Government of the ela, nose mirara al Gobierno de los United States shallnotberegarded Estados Unidos como responsable, as responsible by reason thereof to por tal razon, al Gobierno de Venthe Government of Venezuela. ezuela. The rehearing provided in the La revision provida en la pre- mnsmsgmssm present convention aiiects, as sente convencion afecta al Go- §ff§,,f“‘“'° "‘°”‘u` against the Government of the bierno de los Estados Unidos, tan United States, only the install- solo en las porciones de dinero ments of moneys paid to and now pagadas que éstos tengan ahora held by the United States, and en su poder y en las que en lo those hereaftertobe paid; and the adelante se pagaren; y el efecto effect of such annulment or reduc- de tal anulamiento 6 reduccion, tion in any ease shall be to dis- en cualquier caso, sera el de descharge the Government of Vene- cargar al Gobierno de Venezuela. zuela, wholly and forever, from en todo y para siempre, de cualany obligation to pay further in- quiera obligacion de pagar mas stallments in such case, except as porciones en tal caso, salvo lo provided in the present conven- proveido en la presente convention. cion.