Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1131

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UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION-VIENNA. JULY 4, 1891. 1].07 pays, avec Pindication des condi- those countries, indicating the contions d’envoi auxquelles les corre- ditions of transmissionto which the spondances sont soumises dans articles are subject in the relations les relations dont il s’agit. in question. VI. V; Application dw Timi>~¤· Appzmms of stamps. 1.-Les correspondances origi- 1__AItgc]8S originating in coun, mnrggnssuss ot pm 11¤i"°S‘ *166 PWS *1** 13U*}l°¤ $0**** tries of the Union are impressed ` h‘$PPé°s d’un timbm mdiquami 16 with a stamp indicating the place At place of mgm. lieu d’origine‘ et la date du depot a of grigjn and the dam of Pgs5mg_ la ste. KA. ].’8I'I'lVéB, le bIl1'O3I1 de des- 2_.An $[-]-173], the gnigg of dg;. At destination. tinetivn applique wu timbre e dew ummm impresses its um stamp au VGIS0 (108 l0iF|FI'¤¤ ét 311 TSG?) *168 on the back of letters and on the ' 031**8 P08W18S- front of postcards. 3.——L’¤1>p1ic=m<>¤ des timbres sur 3.-rnsunprsssisu of the stamps <>·· ·¤·¤¤»·- IGS 001'1'0¤P0¤d¤¤*>*>¤ déP°¤é¤¤ Sm' on articles deposited on board ves- IGS P¤¤1¤6b0ii8 *13*16 I0? Wim m0· sels in the movable boxes, or in biles ou entre les mams des 00111- the hands of the commanders, dem3¤1*i=¤¤1t¤, i11*>01¤`¤6, d¤·¤¤ NS *338 volves, in the cases contemplated prévus par le paragraphs 3 de by pai-agraph3 ofArticle 11 of the Particle 11 dc la C0l1V6¤ti011, 3 Convention, on the postal agent on Pagent des postes embarqué ou, board, or if there be none, on the s’il n’y en a pas, au bureau de poste postoffice to which the articles are auquel ces correspondances sont delivered. ` livrées. _ _ 4.-—I»(5S 001'l‘€·Sp0l1d3HG6S 0l'lg|.· 4,.-Articles originating jn ggnn- From non·Union - naires des pays étrangers a1’U¤i0p tries foreign to the Union are im- °°`"°°°°' sont frappées, par l’Oiiice de l’Um- pressed by the Odioe of the Union on qui les a recuellies, d’un timbre which iirst receives them, with a indiquant le point et la date d’cn- stamp indicating the place and _ trée dans le service de cet Office. date of entry into the service of that Oince. 5.-Les correspondences non 5.-Unpaid or insuniciently pre- L¤¤¤¤s x>·y¤·¤¤¤ ailranchies ou insuilisamment ai? paid articles are, in addition, imiranchies sont, en outre,frappéesdu pressed with the stamp T (tax to timbre T (taxe a payer), dont l’ap· be paid), the application of which plication incombe a l’Oiiice du devolves upon the oillce of the pays d’0rigine s’il s’agit de corre- country of origin in the case of spondances originaires de l’Union, articles originating in the Union, et a l’OiIice du pays d’entrée s’il and upon the Office of the country s’agit de correspondances origi- of entry in the case of articles originaires des pays étrangersal’Union. nating in countries foreign to the Union. 6.-Les envoisa remettre par ex- 6.-Articles to be delivered by Swm •*·“*¤¤’· pres sont frappés d’un timbre special carrier are impressed with portant en gros caracteres le mot a stamp showing in large letters ,,Expres“. Les Adm.inistrations the word ‘*Exprés”. The Adminissont toutefois autorisées a rempla- trations are, however, authorized cer ce timbre par une etiquette to substitute ior this stamp a imprimée ou par une inscription printed label or a written inscripmanuscrite et soulignée en crayon tion underscored with a colored de couleur. pencil. 7.-Tout objetde correspondence 7.—Every article of correspond- F=¤_·;:¤·>¤-r¤=¤¤¤> ne portant pas le timbre T est con- ence which does not bear the stamp mm ' sidéré comme afiranchi et traité en T is considered as prepaid and consequence, sauferreur évidente. treated accordingly, unless there be an obvious error.