Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1155

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UNIVERSAL POSTAL GONVENTION—VIENNA. JULY 4, 1891. 1131 sieurs journaux se trouveraient entire rate of postage be charged groupés dans un meme envoi. ‘ for each co y of the newspaper, even though several newspapers be included in the same package. XXIX. XXIX. Reclamation d’0Igieta ordénaireamm Applications for Ordinary Articles parvenuc. which have failed to reach their Destination. 1.—Toutc réclamation relative a 1.—Every application respecting umm; mmm-y un objet de correspondance ordi- an article of ordinary correspond- “'f{‘$"g,;mm_ naire non parvenu a destination ence which has failed to reach its donno lieu au procédé suivant: destination gives riseto the following procedure: 1° Il est remis au réclamant une 1st. A form similar to the Form '°""·P‘“”· formule conforme au models H ci- H hereto annexed is handed to apannexé, avec priére d’en remplir, plicant with the request to iill up, aussi exactement que possible, la as exactly as possible, the portion partie qui le concerne. which concerns him. ' 2° Le bureau ou la reclamation 2nd. The office at which the s’est produite transmet la formule application originates transmits directement au bureau correspou· the Form direct to the corresponddant. La transmission s’ed'ectue ing office. It is transmitted oflid’oi1ice et sans aucun écrit. cially and without any written communication. 3** Le bureau correspondant fait 3d. The corresponding office presenter la formule au destiua- causes the Form to be handed to taire on a Pexpéditeur, selon le the addressee or to the sender, as cas, avec priere de fo1u·nir des ren- the case may be, with the request seignements a ce sujet. that particulaison the subject be furnished. 4° Munie de ces renseignements, 4th. With these particulars la formule est renvoyée d’oi’fice an added the Form is sent back ohibureau qui l’a dressée. cially to the office which prepared it. 5° Dans le cas ou la reclamation 5th. In case the application est reconnue fondée, elle est trans- proves to be well iounded, it is mise a l’Administration centrale transmitted to the Central Adminpour servir de base aux investiga- istration, to serve as a basis for tions ultérieures. further investigations. 6° A moins d’entente contraire, 6th. Unless there be an agreela formule est rédigée en franqais ment to the contrary, the Form is ou porte une traduction francaise. drawn up in French or bears a French translation. 2.-Toute Administration peut 2.-Any Administration may re- Special unc;. exiger, par une notification adres- quire, by notification addressed to sée au Bureau international, que the International Bureau, that the Péchange des réclamations, en ce exchange of applications, so fur as qui la concerne, soit elfectué par that Administration is concerned, entremise des Administrations shall be effected through the intercentrales, ou par Pintermédiaire vention of the Central Administrad’un bureau spécialemerrt désigné. tions, or the intermediary of an office specially designated. XXX. XXX. Retrait de Uorrespondances et Rec- Withdrazeal of Articles and Gorliiicatiom dbldrecses. rection of Addresses. 1.—Pour les demandes de renvoi 1.-For requests to have articles Withdrawingn =¤r¤i· ou de réexpédition de correspon- returned or reforwarded, as well §E,,‘§‘[,_°°"°"' E'"'