Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1160

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1136 UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION-VIENNA. JULY 4, 1891. tectorats allemands, Salvador, Ro- torates, Salvador, Kingdom ·of yaume de Siam, Uruguay, Vené- S1am,Uruguay,Venezuela,Danish zuéla, colonies danoises, colonic Colonies, Colony of Curacao (or de Curacao (ou Antilles néerlan- Netherlands West Indies), Colony daises), colonie de Surinam (ou of Surinam (or Netherlands Gui- Guyane néerlandaise); ana); 7° classe: Etat independant du 7th class: Independent State of Congo, Hawai, Liberia, Monténé- Congo, Hawaii, Liberia, Montenegro. gro. XXXIII. XXXIII. Communications a adresser au Bu- Communications to be addressed to reau International. the International Bureau. 9·>rr¤¤r·>¤t4¤¤¤·; 1.—Le Bureau international sert 1.—'I`he International Bureau E:,1§m,I]’°°"” l°°° d’intermédiaire aux notifications serves as the iutcrmediaryfor regurégulieres et genérales qui intéres- lar and general notifications which sent les relations internationales. concern the international relations. 2.-—Les Administrations faisant 2.-The Administrations formpartie de l’Union doivent se com- ing the Union must communicate muniquer, notamment, par Pinter- to each other, specially, through médiaire du Bureau international: the mtézrmediary of the Internationa ureau: I_¤f<>¤¤¤¢?¤¤ fer 1° Pindication des surtaxes qu’- 1st, information relative to the U'"°" °°“"°"°" elles percoivent, par application surtaxes which they levy, by vir- 4**- P- Km- de Particle 5 de la Convention, en tue of Article 5 of the Convention, plus de la taxe de 1’Union, soit in addition to the Union rate, pour port maritime, soit pour frais whether for maritime conveyance de transport; extraordinaire, ainsi or for the expenses of extraordique la nomenclature des pays par nary conveyance, as well as a list rapport auxquels ces surtaxes sont of the countries in relation to percues,et, s’il y a lieu,la désigna- which these surtaxes are levied, tion des voies qui en motivent la and, if necessary, the designation perception; ofuthe routes which cause their co ection. 2° la collection en cinq exem- 2nd. Five complete sets of their plaires de leurs timbres-poste; postage-stamps. 3** Pavis si elles entendent user 3d. Notice whether the Adminde la faculté qui est laisée aux istrations intend to use the option Administrations d’appliquer ou de allowed to them to apply or not ne pas appliquer certaines disposi- to apply certain general provisions tions générales de la Convention et of the Convention and of the presdu present Reglement. ent Regulations. usaiemaous 3.-Toute modification apportée 3.—Every modification adopted ultérieurement a Pégard de l’un ou hereafter in regard to one or other Pautre des trois points ci-dessus of the three points above-n1enmentionnés, doit etre notifiée sans tioned, must be notified without retard de la meme maniere. delay in the same manner. neeumsum 4.-Le Bureau international re- 4.-The International Bureau coit de toutes les Ad- likewise receives from all the Administrations de l’Union deux ex- ministrations of the Union two emplaires de tous les documents copies of all the documents which qwelles publient, tant surle service they publish, whether relating to intérieur que sur le service intern a- the domestic service or to the intertional. national service. 5.-Les correspondances adres- 5.-—The correspondence adsees par les Administrations de dressed by the Administrations of l’Union au Bureau international et the Union to the International Buvice versa, sont assimilées, pour la reau, and vice~versa, is assimilated franchise de port, aux correspon- as regards freedom from postavey danceséchangées entre les Admi- to the correspondence exchanged mstrations. between the Administrations. ·