Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1291

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INDEX. ]_ · Page. Pa . Articles of Domestic Growth, etc.—Cont’d. Assessment of Real Estate, D. C'., ge on free list, not applicable to exports real property to be assessed in name of from manufacturing bonded ware- owner, etc ..._..._____ 282 house- ...,.., 537 board of three assistant assessors to be reimported must pay internalrevenue 7 t appoidnted] ..._..._ 282 tax .,.,,.. 53 0 imme iate y revise present assess- Artificial Limbs, etc., ment ., - ...__, 282 appropriation for furnishing ..,_., 405, 950 revision basis of taxes 1895; payment de— Arfillmy Eqqgipmentg, _ 18.yGd hu MHY; y081"B t8·X€B HIGH appropriation for .._.. 242, 662 6116 ..-·.-.--. - ... _ ... 2 82 Artgggew TaTget8’ Army, advances from Treasury until taxes are app,-Opriahon for _____________________ 242,662 81 paid; re¤mp}prsement-.' Z -- 283 Artists, Proofs, i v uatjp; every ree years , ascertain- 283 Apgfree list, etchmgs and engravings . 542 remrugltg bcgggqc on Jilguliy lst GYM? rebate of tax on alcohol used in the . 567 et;. G y ’ Pena cs Or Img °° ’ 283 A*<*f¢”d¤· assessor and $kéééé6}é'£6`13é`¤1 °¤ free list —-—----——-—---——-----———·-——— 537 board of review ___,___._._____ ss.; A8b€8t08, _ to equalize valuations; completion .. 284 on free lm; unmenufwturvd -------.-.. 537 mm of tax uma by Commissioners ___e_, 284 ASUGSWS, additions and reductions annually ; omitduty on; manufactures of - .,... 535 tod assessments ___________________ 234 Asher Gayling Post, Grand Army of the ad1niniste1inb%>ath?; e ations; fees; 85 Re ic, punis ent or_ swearin 2 condemned cannon donated to - - . . , 971 appropriation for salaries, etc .. s 285 Ashes, assistant assessors to be excise board; on free list .. - .. 537 duties of Commissioners repealed- 285 Ashland Forrest Reservation, Oreg., Assessment of Real Property, D. Q., prgqlglngtign getting 3_p3]1;_ _____ _ _ ______ 1243 d85C1C1D0)' 3.ppl'0pf18.ii10I1 fol' 0101103.1 SCI"V- Ashland, Wis., 1*8 — — - ; — ; ·—-—--— _ ——--—--··-·-—~~-- 43 1 appropriation forimprovement of harbor- 345 A8$€8—""'w”t8, Mming Claims. Ashtabula, Ohio, péffvrmalécel of annual, for 1893 sus. 6 appropriationforixnprovementof harbor- 343 Pan ° ‘· ·····~··········»···-····· Asmmh 0,,1,,,88 H , annual? 1394. Suspended ... 114 payment of Court of Claims judgment to - 456 salary rc 282 Asmws Ch¢"'¢~°· duties onboard ¤i¥é~}1§i6{£6f §é{1£` 284 payment of Court of Claims judgment to . 465 ASSCSSOWS Qmcc D_ C ' Asphaltum, , · · ’ " · 2 A52y5g1m; ¤·¤¤·= ----»-------»—---·---· 537 “p22§°£E3£%¥{§§.321££§p1ge;;1.;.21;;;--44* $2 i _ , Assistant Assessors, D. O., 0n_ free hst ----·—·--··-·-····-····—-·--- {*42 board of three authorized ..,..,. 282 Aslnnwan. (Cd"") ¤ - i to assess real property for taxation ._ 282 appropriation for consul at ... 14a, 820 { board of revision, Gm ________ _ __________ 284 for clerk mw —·--·-··- 3 -··········—· 149· 823 i to constitute excise board ...e_.. 285 AB80!] OITi¢'€·* (-*66 GM Mints and ASSBY [ appropriation for salaries, etc ... -. , . 285 0in0f5B) · _ _ [ deficiency appropriation for expenses .,,. 850 ¤PPT0P1'¤*t*°“ f°1'¤8]8¤°S8nd°XP9nS°s- 18*% *84 Q Assistcmt Atforrwy-General, In eriur Do- A88l3'mbl(1g68, Uilldiljfltl, · _ _ · I pnrlment, proclamation commanding. XD IUIHOIS to , atqxropriation for clerks, etc., office of- W3, 704 disperse ... t ... Z . . W4?) { or clerks detailed from Pension Office 704 diSp€1'S1¤K· <>bSt!‘¤¤¢i¤S 1118*15 W10 ¤¤· n for expenses land inspector .. 103, 794 tefsmw COIIIIDBPCG .·--» - » 1250 { Assistant AHorney·Gcneral, Post-Ojflce Dc- Assessment and Pevvnil lVm·k, I). C'., { pnrhnunf, appro riation for .,... 247, 748 Q appropriation for ,_,,,___A.._...A. 20*2. 803 for glew York avenue; half of cost to ~ or clerks. etc., office of ..r.. 199. 801 be paid by abutting property __ 247 Assisiaut Custodians and Janitors. Public for widening roadway, G- street .. 748 Buildings. improvement of alleys, etc., requests. -- - 247 appropriation for pay- - - . i_.. 389, 930 payment ._,,__,__,__.____ 247 7 deficiency appropriation for- - .- 15, 426. 478. 870 advertisement of work to be done; no· Assistatigt Surgeogs, B 403 rice to owners .,.i. . .. 247 num r of gra e L` 5, half of cost to be a charge on abutting Assman. lVilliamJ.._ _ _ property _______4_,___._,____, 247 deficiency appropriation for services - - 449, 866 collection ; service of notices .,... 248 Association for lV0rks of Jfeircy. D.C'.. payment of costs, etc ..._... 248 appropriation for maintenance 260. 762 sale of property for unpaid assessments, Associations. _ _ om ___,_____________,_____________ 248 ta; on net profits of specified. engaged in depggifg by owners, requesting improve- business .. _ ...r... . 556 ments; disposal ______________ _ __ _ 248 annual returns required from: contents- 559 repayment to fund on completing work- 248 ·‘ Astoria." _ credit on account of fiscal year when American register granted to foreign— paid ________________, - ,-,-_____, _ 248 built ship .---...-..-.,...--.. 217 collecting costs of water and sewer con- Astrophysical Observatory. D. C'., neotions ______________,,-,.,_____, 248 , appropriation for maintenance -.-,.--- 384, 924